Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:35 pm
Adrian grimaced at the mention of Amaya, though he knew they'd ask at some point. "She is, but..." he bit his lip. "...she's not in good shape and...Well that's putting it lightly..." he said grimly. And that was when he was still locked up. There was no telling what had happened to her since he got out of there.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:39 pm
"She'll be okay for a least a bit longer. He still needs her." Falon muttered, walking over as she nodded to Adrian. "We should head back, the mutates went into the streets to cause more trouble, so the cops will be showing up soon." She told them, helping Cali support Adrian.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:14 pm
"I'm fine, I'm fine..." Adrian said swatting the girls away from helping him. "Battered, bruised, and in sore need of a twelve hour nap, but a little walking sure as hell isn't going to kill me. Hell, if I managed to fly this far, then I think I can walk to whatever hideout I assume you've found."
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:17 pm
"It's Falon's apartment. They don't know where she is, she's the voice I heard." Cali muttered as she walked with Adrian, following Falon back to the apartment.
After being swatted away from helping Adrian, Falon merely shrugged and started on her way back to the apartment, keeping her mind open to make sure no mutates were nearby or following them.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:26 pm
"Believe me when I say it's about damn time I saw a friendly face." Adrian muttered before holding Riley close and covering his ears. "Which reminds me, I need to talk to you later about Amaya. Preferably after Riley's asleep." he murmured to Cali before letting a confused Riley go. After what shape Amaya was in when he left her, there was no guarantee she'd be all there when they saw her again, or if she'd even be on their side. It was only fair to at least warn Calista now.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:30 pm
Nodding quietly to her father, Cali sighed. She hadn't been expecting good news at this point, she knew her mom was in bad shape before she got caught, and with her fragile mental state, there was no way she could be fully trusted while Seth was alive.
Once they got back, Falon began digging in the fridge for food. Luckily she seemed to have enough food for them, and they could plot on their next moves later, but for the moment it was probably wise to lay low, at least until Adrian had time to recover.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:53 pm
"Seeing as how we'd probably both prefer I not bleed everywhere, do you have a first aid kit anywhere I can use?" Adrian asked, too exhausted at the moment to willingly keep his blood from leaking out of him.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:57 pm
"Mmhm. Here ya go." Falon muttered, not turning away from the food she was making as she used her powers to pull a large plastic bin from somewhere in the apartment, dropping it at Adrian's feet. It was full of different sized bandages and gauze, as well as hospital sutures and just about anything else that could be needed. "I trust you know how to dress a wound by now." She murmured, knowing he most likely did from his time in the ring.
"Do you want help, daddy?" Cali asked, looking at the large bin nervously.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:03 pm
"Yeah, don't remind me..." Adrian muttered as he dug through the bin for everything he thought he'd need. "Yeah, think you could take care of my wings for me? I think they got a little bruised earlier, so just an ice pack or something should do the trick." he told her while he tenderly sat down on the couch with his pile of assorted bandages and gauze to take care of what he could on his own.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:06 pm
Grabbing a bag, Cali went over to the freezer and filled it with ice before walking over to Adrian, resting the bag on his wings. "That any better?" She asked, happy that her dad was at least able to get away from Seth. That was a little less stress on her now.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:12 pm
"Considering the pit I got out of, I'm already sunshine and rainbows..." Adrian muttered as he wrapped up one of his arms before sighing. "How's Riley been holding up?" he asked as he looked over at his son who had found some paper and other supplies to draw with and sat himself down in a corner to keep himself occupied.
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:57 am
Cali sighed, seeming to droop a little as she took a seat on the couch next to her father. "Well he got his powers...so not fantastic. He's been worried about you and mom. Though hopefully since you're here he'll be a bit better." She said, just staring down at her hands. Riley hadn't seen anything too bad yet, which kind of depressed Cali, who knew this was only the tip of the iceberg.
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:11 pm
"Of course his powers develop while an a*****e mutate is hunting for recruits." Adrian sighed. "Oh well. At least he shouldn't have to worry about being the odd one out anymore. Lord knows this family's dealt with enough drama as is."
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:16 pm
((I'm NAKED! WEEEEEE! xd blaugh ))
"Mom's...not gonna be okay...is she?..." Cali whispered, looking down at her hands as she squeezed them tight. It had been fourteen years since her mother had been off her meds, and she knew it would be difficult for her to cope with it, but with this mutate taking her captive, it seemed like Amaya's chances of survival were dwindling.
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:43 pm
Adrian shook his head grimly. "Between her lack of meds and Amun's mind tricks....it's not pretty." he told her quietly as he gently pulled her into a hug. "I think she used what sanity she had left just getting me out of there. If she's still in there at all, she's not going to be on our side anymore."