Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:44 pm
Sierra stopped shivering as he said this, now feeling guilty. "Hey..." She called out slightly, leaning slightly closer to where she could be less 'out there'. She wanted to apologize yet knew he wasn't one for those words. 'I'm sorry'...it didn't fit. Her mind didn't have to peek into him to know that. "We all have our certain gifts...that's why everyone wants us so bad." She attempts to jest, nudging him as she whispered this. Giving a slight giggle of reassurance with it as well before looking back to the fight. Hearing the boy threaten the girl, her eyes widen. "It's amazing what two pills could do to such a person.." She said aloud, only knowing it was the two pills because she peeked into him earlier to see why he was acting like this. She knew this wasn't him, just like Sebby wasn't her. And, Sebby...you need your morning coffee, you know how cranky you get. She started to nag, remembering how it use to be worse. She could hear him grumble in reply, and she only smiled more. Her body scooting to the edge of her seat as she held her legs close.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:46 pm
"Don't sweat it. You and I both know they are just trying to profit of us. And it's my plan to profit of them as well..." he replied with a slight smirk as he sat back with a chuckle. He then looked at her when she said something about pills. "Huh? Pills?"
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:17 pm
((Couple more posts apiece. I want to get in Orion's three biggest freak-outs before it wraps up.
My computer is bitching at me, Chrome and Skype are both giving me grief so I'm posting this from IE and I won't be posting IC until I get these issues cleared up. Call it... tomorrow morning, perhaps tomorrow afternoon.))
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:10 pm
Sierra caught her mistake, though made sure not to show it. She quickly replied,"Well, of course....look at his eyes, that gaze has to be from pills....plus his owner is commonly known to give them pills as well." Only whispering the last thing to empathize it more. She was glad that Sebby was with her too or else she wouldn't be so smart to add that last part. She even heard Sebby start to give one of his speeches, mently laughing at him.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:57 pm
He looked at his eyes and saw what she meant. "Huh... Cheap trick to get more money from bets, if you ask me... Is that even allowed here? Thought you were to send your monsters in a 'fair' fight." he asked, making a quote on the fair with his fingers.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:47 pm
She instantly chucked,"Yeah, sure, just like how its 'allowed' to use us in a fight in the first place." Sierra and Sebby both saying that one as one of her eyes went white. Sebby, knowing this, quickly hid now to leave Sierra back in charge. Both of them smiling at the other. Jinz She even told him, smiling more. "By the way, I'm Sierra~" She said, now introducing herself.
(There we go~ All edited and bolded, looks so nice hm? hehe show's the true harmony between two friends mrgreen )
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:56 pm
"The name's Rock, like the music" replied handing his normal hand towards her with a slight smile. Somehow, through all this, his eyes never changed expression. They remained cold, frozen, maybe even mean. Unless someone could see that they hid something else, deep inside...
((Btw, if anyone saw the human form, I modified the eyes myself from a different image. They used to be yellow and more cat-like. I'm pretty proud of my eye-modifications on images XD))
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:03 am
(Dude! I saw that, epic editing)
Sierra stared slightly at his hand, confused. It wasn't until Sebby cleared his throat did she act. Her own hand going to his now as she shook it. Her own smile to match before she gave a nod,"I'm new to this, but I am to fight today...if it were to be with you, I'm sure it would be fun." She joked, though she was still quite serious. She gave another nod before looking back to the current fight, wondering what wad going to happen next.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:09 am
"I have to disagree on that. It would suck that I'd have to fight a newly-made friend... Because whatever happens in the arena... is a whole different story when I'm involved..." he said as he raised his frost-covered hand in the air and inspecting it personally. "If you see what I mean..." then he directed his attention to the fight as well. "Got a feeling it won't be over soon..."
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:57 am
Jabir grinned at Rock, partcularly at his arm. He turned his head towards Kierra who jumped and hugged her legs tighter nervously."Why don't you go sit next to your teammate,"He said, more of a command than a suggestion. Kierra looked at the monster, then back at Jabir. She nodded slightly,fear evident in her eyes, and walked down to sit next to Rock. She didn't want to sit next to him, she was terrified of him. Thus, she didn't look at him or say anything as she sat. She just fidgetted silently and nervously, hoping not to loose control.
Jabir grinned at her, she was acting exactly as he had predicted she would. He knew that she had a weaker hold on her powers when she was nervous, and at this point, she was so on edge that if someone were to merely speak to her, she'd probably loose it. His grin widened at the thought of putting a fire user next to an ice user. fun
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:11 am
Sierra only giggled, poking at his frozen hand. "And do you think I'm not the same?" She almost challenged, pulling out three small metal balls from her pocket. Her hand giving a slight turn before the balls slowly rose from her hand defying gravity now. The balls even moving in a circle formation when she twirled her fingers from under them. One of the balls starting to activate as it attempted to open, but Sierra closed her palm before Rock would see what else it could do. "Ive always wanted to fight...but...I never really had any parents to pay for lessons....." She adds, revealing a part of her past with the part of her power. Her eyes drifting to the girl of the fight, curious if she wanted to fight too. She could look into her to see, yet then again the girl's mind would most likely show her tactics and she would hate to ruin the fight for herself. Movement made her turn her head now as she saw the girl from earlier. "Oh hello again, nervous as always I see. If you focus on something that's bad you'll always be like that." She said, almost if the two of them were the best of friends. Almost even that they were life long dreams of that. Though, secretly, Sierra whispered into her mind. Her voice echoing her thoughts as she said,'After all, a new individual always means a new friend...look at him, he is kind. Perhaps powerful as you but kind still...calm yourself and at least attempt a 'Hello' after all' Her eyes giving a faint glow as she spoke to her, the glow gone as she cut off the connection as well.
(Oh and kity, next time she fights we can do that water vs fire battle we spoke of awhile back. You know, the one with a monster elemental,aka water, arm)
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:33 am
(yaaay! Writing a fight by myself is hard. sweatdrop )
Kierra jumped when she heard Sierra talking to her. She slowly turned her head to the other girl and gulped as she had to look in the direction of Rock to look at Sierra. Kierra wrapped her right arm around her, hooking her hand on her left elbow; she faintly noticed that there were flames lapping at her calves and that they were growing up her legs. She tried to put them out inconspicuosly, but t wasn't working. As soon as she heard the voice in her head, she lost it all together, and with a squeak of surprise, ignited her entire body.
Jabir grinned, enjoying both shows. His plan had gone exceptionally well, and that talkative girl made it even better than he had hoped for.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:39 am
Shiva mirrored Adrian's actions and extended her claws as she went, four inches apiece for tearing without piercing. Permanent damage was absolutely an option now, but it wasn't a deathmatch.
She met Adrian about halfway and grabbed hold of his gauntlets before he could react to their proximity, using their combined momentum to flip herself over his head for the third time in a row. This time, however, she grabbed hold of his wings where they joined with his back and raked her claws along the length of the bony 'spine' portions as she sailed over Adrian's head and landed behind him once again. The damage was purely superficial, no tendons or ligaments had been severed and the arteries were left alone, but it would be incredibly painful for him to use his wings with the way Shiva's claws had twisted when they reached his primary joints. Unless he was more doped up than she currently suspected, Adrian was effectively grounded. "Smith I trained with, for four years. No challenge is posed here. Expert attacks will be faced before dodging is an option no longer, and they cannot be given by you. Exhibition, remember. Not deathmatch."
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:42 am
(Lol no prob)
Sierra was quick to act as the girl ignited herself, her telepathic abilities kicking in as she had a force field around her before she would accidentally hurt herself. "Hey..hey..its okay...shhh...."She said, slowly having the shield go down to where it covered her body lowering the fire. "Shhh...everythings going to be just fine..." She adds, attempting to help her calm down as well. Wanting to glare at her owner, for she could hear his mind laugh. In the back of her head whining as she was missing out on the fight. Sebby, focus on the match while I attempt to do....this...Sebby? HDr mind empty of the guy as she could not hear him complain. He was probably getting his coffee, she concluded not worried. Really only worrying for the girl as she was the one who frightened her.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:15 am
"Then maybe you should hold still for once and LET ME HIT YOU!!" Adrian cackled, completely ignoring the pain as he whirled around, some blood spikes splintering off from his gauntlets and shooting themselves at Shiva like a series of small bullets.