Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:02 pm
to sleep, or not to sleep? that is the question.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:55 pm
Come on monkey, for the last time, please get off of me! I'll give you a banana if you do!
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:28 pm
wow! there really IS such a thing as Christmas magic! 4laugh
......or maybe a dust devil just happened to whip up this white stuff while i sang. sweatdrop
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:33 pm
Hmm... Now how do I get this polar bear to get off my leg and into the bag??? Some kid wanted it, but it seems to like me, maybe I should just give the kid a STUFFED bear and keep this one?
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:02 am
It's not what it looks like, I just like to hold my staff to make sure it's still there!
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:39 pm
I'm gonna be the next Steve Tyler.
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:37 pm
i hope tey like the handprint... it's my signature murder sign. 3nodding
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:41 pm
Yay! Christmas is almost here!
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:40 am
I'm not sure why I'm blind folded I know you guys are there....guys?.....GUYS!!!!!
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:36 am
As long as I live, no evil shall wash over this land for it will have to deal with me.
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:50 am
I will have to kill Nazara before he gets any stupid ideas about being heroic
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:53 pm
All I need is a gas mask and my futuristic martial arts outfit will be complete.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:36 pm
la la la la la la... murder murder... daisies... rainbows... murder... miley cyrus...
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:13 pm
how many pairs of my socks does Bobo have to eat before it realizes that not all red-and-white things are minty-yumyum?
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:25 pm
Now where did I leave that beer?