Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:04 am
aedltgkhyzxdkdgy ekjhs tlb
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:08 pm
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:42 pm
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:11 pm
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:19 pm
7M070M436N9MT3CN9CTM702X-8[KMX234[8-K356N366N93N7P23CXM[743]M7[357N[02636N3V6N83Y8ERGYNOGEMNVC NMVNM0V6 NV63879x7892780941x89018j stressed confused talk2hand twisted ninja rofl mrgreen smile smile cry stressed whee confused burning_eyes cheese_whine emo cry stressed domokun scream biggrin
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:17 pm
lh dfsgkl asdt aelkrmhhhhhhhhhh esli orhszihs lk dgzhs klzzjl rdhkbf jks g jgd bjkgzdx kjb egh sj
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:40 pm
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:19 pm
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:36 am
srg hiouasegrknmeasgr
heehee sweatdrop
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:09 pm
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:33 pm
ytujh4x5ze7l.e3z4rd78450-rc d84390-e4w[=]rtc iul.ds[" fd[pl;yt6904es8940--= }3z39')6c 5x1. [ ] I have walked into a glass/screen door. 2. [ ] I have tripped on my shoelace and fallen. 3. [ ] I have choked on my own spit 4. [ ] I've seen the Matrix a bunch of times and still don't get it. well, i saw it once 5. [ ] I type only with my pointer fingers. 6. [ ] I have caught something on fire..... 7. [ ] I've told a cop to f**k off. 8. [ ] I have attempted to sip out of a straw but it accidentally went into my nose, rather than my mouth. 9. [ ] I have thought of something funny, and laughed out loud and people looked at me weird. 10. [ ] I've caught myself drooling... 11. [ ] I've "accidentally" caused an explosion 12. [ ] If someone says the word "toot", I can't help but laugh. > 13. [ ]I've been into a "Do Not Enter" one way road plenty of times. 14. [ ] Sometimes I just...stop thinking & zone out. > 15. [ ] It is POSSIBLE to lick your elbow. 16. [ ] I just tried to lick my elbow. 17. [ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from me. 18. [ ] People often tell me to use my "inside voice" 19. [ ] Gum has fallen out of my mouth while talking. 20. [ ] I use my fingers to do simple math sometimes 21. [ ] I've jumped off a moving vehicle. 22. [ ] I've eaten a bug for $5 or less 23. [ ] I'm taking this test when I should be doing something more important. 24. [ ] I repost chain letters because I'm scared that what they threaten will happen if I don't. 25. [ ] I've removed my pants when I was with friends. 26. [ ] I've ran around naked when I was with friends 27. [ ] I've searched all over the place for something, and then realized it was in my hand the whole time. Many times 28. [ ] I "accidentally break" a lot of things. 29. [ ] My friends know not to use big words on me. 30. [ ] I put my head to the side when I'm confused. 31. [ ] Sometimes I start telling a story and suddenly forget what I'm talking about. 32. [ ] I've fallen off of my chair before. 33. [ ] When I'm laying in bed, I sometimes stare at the ceiling and try to find pictures and words in the texture.
Repost this as "I am __% stupid"
Dont worry il do it too...
(Somehow I made it paste this by hitting the keyboard....I don't even know how I did it. lol)
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:11 am
'[l poiu8ygtfcb nm,lm;,kjp[9yt807fy6dtuxgj'u ]=
u 8 t7r 8p iy t8upo7otib]0n 8y80879 y[ i p
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:13 am
hgzds u aejjaywgzisu egzt
GO RANDOMNESS!!! 3nodding
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:25 am
uiyo0o[-5e4ty93es-04ed8rxchcx'p;L fvouixdf85rt-0[458i23hujed0oe78wqe8iux0yuhy5ru9-wi0uhn078tfvbcsxe5erotehbvhpjiopbh;
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:23 pm