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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:47 pm

there is no proof that either exist. what came before god? everything was created by something and it will never be solved. just like which cam first the chicken or the egg. it is impossible to figure out. there is proof that evolution happened in anthropology and other sciences and there is proof. there are many theories but nobody will ever figure it all out because by that time the sun will have exploded and we'll all be dead so it won't matter what any of us think.

personally i agree with evolution becuase it can be proven but i cant have a conversation with or meet god so why should i believe in "him"??? and why is it a him how do you know it could be a her or It. If god is such a nice and perfect being he wouldn't allow people to die and murder he would just let us live forever in perfect harmony, so he cannot possibly be perfect or real if he has such an impact on human life because its all in your minds. creationism and god was just something created by people in extreme sorrow and pain that needed hope and something to belive in.

Thats what I think.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:51 pm

And just for the record, it is not true that nobody can back their beliefs
with real evidence. The Bible is backed by hundreds of ancient documents
and accounts that retell the same stories that the Bible tells.

Can you give some examples of those documents? Just saying that there are hundreds of documents does not qualify as evidence.


evidence has been found that carbon dating does not work for
dating anything back any further than a few thousand years.

That website is clearly a religious website created for the purpose of claiming to disprove science in order to support their own claims about the bible. Do you have any sources from actual scientists?


AND it does not take millions of years for coal and oil to form naturally
because scientists have done so in a much shorter amount of time.

Again, some evidence please?


And how could the grand canyon have been made but by a sudden
movement in the earths plates and huge amounts of water?



Also, every evolutionary stage of man
that scientists think are relevent such as the pilt down man and
neanderthal man have been hoaxes fabricated by people.

Again, that is a creationist website bent on destroying any scientific evidence contrary to their own purported "evidence." Any evidence from a scientist?


Also evolution could not have been true because nothing as complicated
as human life or anything that exists right down to molecules could have
came about by accident and especialy not by a big explosion.

That's exactly how life works. Life starts out simple, then evolves to become more and more complex. I think you need to read more about evolution and the Big Bang Theory (which is completely separate and nonrelated to evolution, by the way).

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:58 pm

I believe in creation. The reason being that evolution would mean we've evolved from monkey, who evolved from..something which evolved from something else and so on. If so, why are humans the only ones with human intelligence?

Because we're the only ones that evolved into humans. We have reached a higher level of evolution than apes. And we're related to apes most closely, not monkeys, and we evolved from neither. We evolved from an ape-like ancestor that we share with modern primates.


And if the evolution theory stands true, a human should be able to be created from monkeys.

Not true for 2 reasons. 1: We did not evolve from monkeys. The animals we evolved from have been extinct for a long time, and between the ape-like ancestors and modern-day humans there were plenty of semi-human stepping stones. 2: Evolution is not the same thing as cloning or whatever it is that you're referring to. Evolution is a process that takes thousands to millions of years.


Also, if you believe in the evolution theory it means that everything are inter-related and have some resemblance. One such theory is the frog theory with the hand relativity. However, this belief is that the frog's web-like fingers lose their web-like-ness which forms into something related to human fingers. This would make sense except human fingers protrude from the skin, and not because it lost the webs between fingers.

I'm not familiar with this theory. Could you link me to where you read about it?
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:09 pm

Personally, i have and always will consider myself an agnostic, merely because it is the only way to describe how i feel. I believe that anybody who believes so strongly in one side that they attempt to disprove everything on the other is a complete fool. Life on Earth works because everything learns to coexist. One cannot survive without the other. Predator could not survive without prey, and without the predator, the prey would begin to overpopulate, the food supply would dwindle, and they would die out.

Democrats and Republicans are a perfect example. Every politician has his own views, and condemns the other party's. However, if it were not for the other party, all decisions would be based on that party's ideals, thus eliminating all forms of democracy in essence, and creating a tyrannical regime. We need one to have the other.

Honestly, my main ideal is "Live and let live." Never will i tell a heavy Christian that there is no god, and try to convince him of this, nor will i tell an atheist that there is no evolution. As long as you don't try to change my life to become more like yours, i don't care if you are an atheist scientist, a christian monk, an orthodox jew, indian, native american, egyptian, islamic fundamentalist, or Zulu, i can be your friend...

that is unless you are an a*****e and i don't like you as a person.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:13 pm

I think that we may have evolved but that the evolution was guided by some higher being.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:18 pm

whp gives a crap about that stuff nowadays anyway its not the 60's/70's and its not the olden times nowadays we have ourselves to think for and not someoneelse. and beside the bible may have been a way of life back then but now its just abook that teaches you morals and standards and even has some good historical figures and stories in there. the commandments are nothing special but moral codes that every man/woman/it of every faith can embrace.  


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4ever_lost in_ ur eyes

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:24 am

first of all i agree with ink_weaver all the way. Another thing is how i feel about the bible. The bible was created by man, not by god so how can all these quotes and sayings from what "gold said" be true unless the man who wrote it was with god at all times. Its like hearing gossip, the info changes from ear to ear. The bible has exagerrated what "suposedly" happend. Its written by MAN...not GOD...And its written from exagertations and THEORIES. Evolution is not a theory, its been proven and will continue to be proven. Can you prove that gold created this lovely world? Can you prove he created us? Oh and with the whole flood thing, which has been proven not to have happend, i think i have a theory for this. The contintial drift is the cause. When all the continents were pieced together and slowly grew apart. If all the continents were together then that would mean the other part of the world was water right? So if there was a flood covering the coninent part then there goes the theory of the whole world flooding! that might not make much sense but its my theory. anyway..i guess we all believe what we want. I believe in both evolution and creation.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:07 am

If V would have to say for certain what he believes in it would most certainly not be creationism simply because V disagrees with the religion behind it so much that even throwing Chuck Norris at it would not satisfy V's irritation. The Bible is the holy book layed down by God written by men...in a language different from other languages...and oh there's a term V's thinking of oh it's on the tip of his tongue...LOST IN TRANSLATION! This has been V's largest sticking point (Aside from a eternity aged voyeur up in the skies spying on us in showers and bathrooms making sure we aren't bad kids day in and day out) the translations and being written by humans nowadays people can't even read books in our own language properly back then they had the added difficulty of needing to translate it as best they could so V thinks some things may have gotten lost or added in as time went on, why else would they have so many different versions of the Bible V doesn't know or really care. Not to mention the fact the initial priests could have been the greatest bullshit artists of their time and convinced people that whatever they scribbled onto whatever was handy was passed down to them by a strange guy floating in the sky and they should believe it and follow it or they will go to Hell. Which brings V to another point that makes him think of the word "Irony" God has only unconditional love for all of us for we are his children and et cetera et cetera but he has this nice little place set aside for you where you will eternally suffer forever and ever just because you did something that may have been bad...But he still loves you! I find this kind of hard to swallow, kind of like a shieve of crackers in a few seconds except V would be more willing to try the crackers than try and believe that.

V also refuses to accept God's intelligent design thanks to Fenrir's post, V for one kind of like to know the why's and have other ideas and debates are nice and it's good to learn but oh no we just need morals! Don't get me wrong I agree it has some great stories (I decided to indulge a close friend and go to church with him one day and promised to read the Bible, I still don't regret reading it but I admit it's not for me) and nice morals but if I needed morals or stories I'd march on Kids WB to bring back Animaniacs and let them use the Moral of the Story Wheel, at least they ADMIT to being fake... Also the chicken and the egg thing can be proven because following evolutions path of slowly advancing organisms as generations went on the 'chicken' would lay slowly slowly slowly SLOWLY more varying eggs as time went on until we come to the accepted view of a chicken so infact the egg came first or so many people have debated as the answer and V agrees.

That's just V's opinion so take it as you wish since he stopped himself on a couple things since other people did a fairly good job of explaining it and doesn't want to ruin it, IE Ink_Weaver_Heart's rebuttal to FREAKAman01 and Question The Answer's rebuttal to WaterEvidence

V thinks that's it he really doesn't feel like insulting some of the people of Why Not? that he likes and likes to think he can call friends who happen to believe in God please don't stone V he has very soft and bruisable skin like a plum almost but not as purple or delicious, maybe a rotten plum.


EDIT: Oops nevermind found something to add onto

AND it does not take millions of years for coal and oil to form naturally
because scientists have done so in a much shorter amount of time.

There's something about the statement it can't possibly be done naturally because scientists have done it that I find kind of laughable it may not take millions of years for scientists to create oil and coal but I have a feeling that's not considered 'natural' just saying.

Nerevar Fatehand

White Tiger Akutare

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:13 am

I used to consider myself an on-off christian, but after a while, i was just agnostic.
I could just see the seam in so many of the theories, mainly creation.
He is everywhere, correct?
But there was nowhere.
And as we all know, there is a word for something that is nowhere.
I mean, being really open-minded, who says we're here?
Who says that we exist?
Yes, us.
But that's possibly our nonexistent denial.
But really, it's just too deep for any of us to comprehend, if we think of it in all detail.
But still, that's the basis of philosophy, not full understanding, but gaining as much as we physically, mentally, and spiritually can.

Just a thought.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:33 pm

Also evolution could not have been true because nothing as complicated
as human life or anything that exists right down to molecules could have
came about by accident and especialy not by a big explosion.

Proof. Give me proof that it could not have.

Until someone gives me solid, unbreakable evidence, I will not change my views. I have yet to find any of this, and i believe it will be a long time coming until i do.


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:40 pm

I believe in evolution as there is much evidence to back it up such as adaptation to environment, and the physical similarities that exist between species. Also the ever changing environment around us.

That being said, I also believe that something created us in the beginning. The universe had to come from somewhere. I also can't believe that our complicated molecular systems and that all the planets and the solar systems and such just happened by accident. Also, there must be a reason we are living. Otherwise, why are we here?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:47 pm

i was raised as a christian so creation. but i don't critisize others beliefs.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:29 pm

Also evolution could not have been true because nothing as complicated
as human life or anything that exists right down to molecules could have
came about by accident and especialy not by a big explosion.

Proof. Give me proof that it could not have.

Until someone gives me solid, unbreakable evidence, I will not change my views. I have yet to find any of this, and i believe it will be a long time coming until i do.

i have no proof but i do have disproof

1. Have you ever looked into the sky and seen Jupiter or Saturn? well you know they have great magnetic fields they would have decayed over millions of years so there goes your first universe age myth

2. Have you ever looked at the moon and seen what a wonder of Creation it is? well if you have and if you passed basic astronomy you know that the moon is getting farther away from us every year, if the millions of years where true the moon would have been touching the earth and because of their to great magnetic fields life would be impossible

3. ah comets..comets the sky would not be beautiful without them but alas since the world is millions of years old they are gone oh wait...their not man another one busted

((dont even get me started on the undiscovered "Oort cloud" it doesnt exist comets dont magically appear you know))

4. Stars as you know if you passed basic Astronomy stars cannot form it is simply impossible the get very close but at the last second their gas spreads out among the sky still there but its no star.

Forget who said this but here i go

"A fanatic is someone who does not change his mind or the subject."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:49 am

Evolution has been proven and I'm the type of person where I need facts. When the day comes where someone comes up to me with a signed picture of god i might believe. or when there's ACTUAL proof. sorry this is just my views. not meant to offend someone. I dont have anything against people who believe.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:19 pm

Also evolution could not have been true because nothing as complicated
as human life or anything that exists right down to molecules could have
came about by accident and especialy not by a big explosion.

Proof. Give me proof that it could not have.

Until someone gives me solid, unbreakable evidence, I will not change my views. I have yet to find any of this, and i believe it will be a long time coming until i do.

i have no proof but i do have disproof

1. Have you ever looked into the sky and seen Jupiter or Saturn? well you know they have great magnetic fields they would have decayed over millions of years so there goes your first universe age myth

2. Have you ever looked at the moon and seen what a wonder of Creation it is? well if you have and if you passed basic astronomy you know that the moon is getting farther away from us every year, if the millions of years where true the moon would have been touching the earth and because of their to great magnetic fields life would be impossible

3. ah comets..comets the sky would not be beautiful without them but alas since the world is millions of years old they are gone oh wait...their not man another one busted

((dont even get me started on the undiscovered "Oort cloud" it doesnt exist comets dont magically appear you know))

4. Stars as you know if you passed basic Astronomy stars cannot form it is simply impossible the get very close but at the last second their gas spreads out among the sky still there but its no star.

Forget who said this but here i go

"A fanatic is someone who does not change his mind or the subject."

So, just because something astronomical is really really old, that makes it impossible, because it would have broken apart by now? We don't know how long the universe is going to last.

Also, do you realize just how HUGE everything is in space? Tons of movement to us is minescule to the size of the universe.
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