Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:09 pm
Granted but you only have a cat's body with a human head, arms, and legs.
i wish that the lines were open longer so i could have interviewed motley last night
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:49 pm
Granted, but then you got nervous and stuttered throughout the whole thing.
I wish that I could never get sick again in my life.
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:16 pm
Granted but only after you find out you've been diagnosed with cancer.
I wish I could stay up all night for the rest of my life and never be tired.
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:42 pm
Granted, but you're bored out of your mind instead...
I wish I got paid more
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:06 pm
granted, but America turns into a dictator ship, and all of your precious money gets taken away from you sad
I wish I could find my first job sad
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:25 pm
Granted it's Sonic... They'll hire anyone
I wish the final book of the Twilight series was out now...
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:27 pm
granted, but they have legs, so you can never keep it still long enough to read.
I wish scrubs never ended sad
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:34 pm
Granted but how funny can a jar of dirt be? (no reference to POTC was intended... lol)
I wish my head didn't hurt...
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:14 pm
Granted, but now your stomach hurts.
I wish that I had Swedish Fish right now...
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:36 pm
Granted but they're too stale and you throw them away.
I wish my friends would keep talking to me.
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:15 pm
Granted, but they talk so much their mouths fall off, and they sue you for ruining their precious face.
I wish rain was not needed to make rainbows.
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:29 pm
.Granted but they make towering infernos instead, and the rain has already passed, so you're screwed.
I wish Aperture Science existed and i was the first test subject.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:38 am
Granted, but you are going to die in chamber 19.
I wish I was able to fly.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:45 am
Granted, but then one of your wings breaks and you have to wait a long time before you can fly again.
I wish I could go to Hot Topic.