Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:24 am
Yo! I'm Mayze and I'm 21 (Which isn't what's cracked up to be, someone lied to me). I'm a... videogame/anime/book/manga/writing type of nerd/person/ addict. Who likes to use slashes and save up her typing time.
In my spare time of doing all of the above (I'm an awesome multi-tasker!) I attend college for Web Site Design.
Oh, and I've been on Gaia since early '04.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:29 am
Nice to meet you all, even though I haven't even posted yet. My name's Takai_Mashin, but I prefer being called Mashin or Mini-Mash, for those who want to call me that. Joined though a random invite, and just wanted to say Hello.
What else is there to say? Err, I like anime, RPing, music, FFR, and all that shazam...and I'm apparently younger than people think I am(Don't ask, heard it from some friends). Heh. I have accounts up all over the net, just PM me if you want to know what sites I'm a part of. I tend to take a while replying to things, seeing as how I like reading over my posts and editing it alot.
I guess that's all there is to say?
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:34 am
Hello^^ My name is oxSpiritxo but i like to be called spirit im female and 14 years old i joined in February of this year^^ lets see what else o i like to read and watch anime^^
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:49 am
Hey y'all, I'm Mew Mew Kenshin (aka Kenshin, Big D, David)
I'm currently located in NC
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:56 am
I am the DEATH SHARPIE!!! aka God Empress of Muffins. I am female age 17 Lives in California( Not emo and I do not live in freaking rich hollywood neighborhoods.)
Loves: Warhammer 40,0000, cookies, Dr. Who, playing video games, thrift store shopping, and whatever else I like.
LFG for Durnholde. I am a lvl 67 protection paladin.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:12 am
I everyone! I'm new. My name is Rachel.
This seems like a really cool guild. I'll try to remember to be active.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:13 am
Hey, all.^^ My name is Heather, but I'msure you'll all know me better as Sasoris_Puppet, Saso, Sasori, Puppet... Whatever you wanna call me. Idon't mind any nickname so long as it's not somethingtotally rude(Duh, right?)
Anyway, I'm a big fan of Music, anime, manga, and I do like to read. Anime and Manga I like are Death Note, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Godchild, Ragnarok.... I think I've gotten a lot of them mentioned.^^ As for music, I love anything rock/heavy Metal... Thoguh I also like other Genres. I really am not a fan of country or Rap, thoguh... Well, I do like Will Smith, butmost rapping gets on my nerves.^^; My favorite movie is... Ohman... I saw so many good ones, I love the Brothers Grimm, Any of the Pirates of the Caribbian series, Johny Depp(I know I know, actor, but still) and Moulin Rouge amoung several others. As for Reading, I'm a big fan of Lord of the Flies and the Harry Potter series, thoguh I haven't read the last book yet. I also draw and write from time to time.
Let's see.. A bit about mylife. I'm Eighteen(Will be 19 on Augest 27th), live with my mom, dad, brother, and Dog, Kylie whom I love dearly. I work at a grocery store. A lot of times, if I'm not at work I'll be here.
Well, I guess that's it about me.^^ This does seem like a nice guild.. And big! Wow. o.o
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:19 am
Hello thar, I'm known as Kaky-Lee.
It's nice to meet you all here! I'm also new to this guild too.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:49 am
Hey ya'll! I'm a new recruit. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Anyway, I logged on to Gaia and checked my messages, and I was invited here! I was invited by the mule for this guild, but I still got a very nice personalized message about how they were looking for kind people for their guild and had seen me in the Gaia Yearbook. (FM forever!)
So here I am! Hi. You can call me anything you want, but preferably something related to my username...like Felix! I am a girl, as you can tell by the avi, and despite my name. I used to call myself Luckyfelix everywhere I went, but I like Double Helix Felix better. ^^
And as for the rest...well, you'll just have to learn about me as I go along.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:52 pm
Well, hey, I'm new. Obviously. ^^"
I'm 19, live in Germany and I have a cat. x3 I like music, manga, books, drawing and my computer. biggrin I guess that's all you need to know for now. ^_^ If you think you need to know more.... just PM me, I might even answer. :3
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:00 pm
Hello I just joined today. Thank you for the invitation to whomever pm it. Um I hope to get along with everyone here. Nice to meet you all.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:25 pm
Hey thanks for inviting me... This place seems to have a whole lot of things going on biggrin yay that way i wont be bored...
I'm Catherine, you can call me Cat 17 and living in texas... In about a month i'll be going of to college WOHOO! I have two dogs and they is da most adorable things eva! I likey lots of things: Music, Manga, Anime, Asian dramas OMG! my profile is full of sexy asian men ^_^ uh yeah thats it... hope i can meet lots of people here biggrin mrgreen
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:26 pm
Hello, everyone. My name is Jess and I'm an alcohol----just kidding. XD
My name really is Jess, but I'm not an alcoholic. I'm 18 and I start college on August 18th. I'm majoring in Psychology for now, but that could change.
I just had all four wisdom teeth out nine days ago, so I'm sort of still recovering from that. I'm pretty much healed, except that I'm a major worrier.
Um, I've got my own car. It's a 95 Nissan Altima, maroon in color. I love that car. She's named Delilah.
I just about choked to death on lemonade a moment ago. evil Evil lemonade.
I act pretty immature, because I am. I love anime and reading fantasy novels, fanfiction, and poetry. I look pretty immature as well. I'm 5 ft 2 and I only weigh 95 lbs. Don't worry, I'm not anorexic, it's just hard for me to gain weight.
I guess that's it. ^^
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:35 pm
Hi! I'm Seremela_Tiwele, but you guys can call me Trinity, if you want to.
It's good to be here. <3
Anyway, I just turned sixteen this last Wednesday. I live in Colorado and am going to be a Junior in highschool coming August Nineteenth. I'm five feet and ten inches and weigh in at 108 pounds. I have a high metabolism, so no eating disorders here!
Other than that, I love cats. I have two cats of my own and they're my babies.
When I graduate highschool, I'm going to move to Denver to pursue my dream on the art career path. Yay art! My family wants me to get into modeling, though. And I'm thinking about trying out for America's Next Top Model in two years when I'm finally elgible.
Um...yeah, that's about all I can think about telling you guys about me. xP
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:20 pm
Halloo! I ish Mimzy. ^^ Uhm. I think I joined Gaia about 2 1/2 years ago.. maybe? I'm really random, 16, female, confusing, confused, and easily amuzed. Currently I live in Iowa, but you never know how long that'll last. e_e I'm going into my Junior year of high school, even though I would b either graduated or going into Senior year as I was suppose to skip a grade or two in a couple of schools... But we moved, and it wasn't a go-to-higher-grade-in-different-school sort of deal. Anywho. I like to write [I do a fair job of fantasy], draw [only sketch, and.. I'm ok.. i guess..], and take pictures [still life and my camera just broke.. T-T]. Although I use to model for JCPenny's at a small age, I don't like to be in front of a camera.. Even though I'm really good at modeling. The only times you'll see pictures of me is when my sister [wanting to be a photographer] want me to do a photoshoot, I get uber uber bored, or someone takes a pic when I'm not paying attention [or being forced to take one.. O-o] I'm a total dork and a geek. But it's totally funn! >w< See ya around! <3