Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:13 pm
{So...yes to kidnappy? No to kidnappy? *is confused* Also, who should post what up? Who posts up the story, rules, skelly, ect ect?}
"I can't really fault him for that. We all have our proud points."
{**has block for Mala obviously**}
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:18 pm
((Maybe kidnappy....And idk, I feel like I still need to come up with specifics (important locations and names, things like that) and I'm kind of unsure because my rps aren't known for lasting very long. sweatdrop ))
((And same. What shall we timeskip to?))
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:28 pm
{That's because we need to focus more on enforcing the activity rule. Literally pester people if they do not post within the time limit given (perhaps every three to four days, unless they have specified that they cannot get on that often), assuming they don't have a proper excuse for their inactivity. As for the specifics, do you have any ideas for country names? As for the characters, one doesn't really have to plan out the full name of each and every main character. If anything, you could give important roles perhaps a surname and let the players decide the personal name? Or perhaps just give a title that explains what that role basically is? (Princess, Prince, Hero 1, Hero 2, ect. ect.)}
{Hm...either to Kai's arrival, some hijinks with one of the other couples, or another arguement between Anise and Senel.}
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:32 pm
((I guess Kai's arrival. And for the sake of variety I'm thinking of making the primary heroes a human general or similar high ranking soldier, and I'm thinking something like a non-human priestess, someone magically inclined.))
((And I guess Kai's arrival, but at the same time I'm just not feelin' it. Like I'm out of steam atm or something. <= ))
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:29 pm
{You said 'I guess Kai's arrival' twise. Sounds good. :3 For the heroes, I mean. So...anything else that you need help deciding?
As for this 1x2 RP itself, what should we do then?}
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:35 pm
((Derp. XP Title would probably be good. sweatdrop And you said 1x2 rp. XD))
"You just had to pull 'family responsibility' card, didn't you?" Kai with a flat expression a few weeks later after showing up on their doorstep, holding the letter up to whichever parent greeted him with a smile.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:41 pm
{We both just had a total derp moment. XD As for the title, what do you want the biggest focus to be on? The war or the heroes?}
"Yes, I did." Mala grinned from ear to ear, not caring for the moment being that Kai would be displeased by being greeted with a tight bear hug. "I'm so happy to see you again, Kai~ I missed you sososososverymuch!"
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:50 pm
((I'm not sure really; it could go either way, if you have any suggestions. And our of curiosity, any idea if you're going to join 'nator's steampunk rp?))
"Augh, mom!" Kai cried in protest as he tried to escape his mothers clutches. "It's great seeing you too, but do you gotta crush my spine every single time?!"
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:58 pm
{I'm reserving the 2nd fighter, but I'm having trouble deciding what I want to make my character. I don't know where I should have her hail from, what her past should be, or much of anything. All I know is that she is going to look like this and possibly come from a family of preforming acrobats.}
"Yes! Because you never hug me ever, you never reply to my letters, you never visit unless you have to, and it's been way too long since I got to see you!" Mala replied easilly, taking a long time before she actually let him go. She moved aside, opening the door for him as she said, "Please come in~"
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:03 pm
((I didn't mention where my char hailed from and it was fine, and maybe she wants to find a way to make her skills useful and runs off the join the army to help the greater good?)) ((And I'm imaging Mala tightening her grip with every bullet on that list, which just makes it funnier. XD ))
"Good gods, how does someone like you hug that hard?!" Kai whined, holding his back in pain as he hobbled inside.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:45 pm
{I don't know. If I can't come up with something, I'll give up the role. I'm still trying to think for it, though. Lol. XD
As for the RP's titles, here are some suggestions: * Pandemonium * Hatred is a Double-Edged Blade * Fed by Lies
If you want anything better, I'd need a little more than what we've currently got.}
"That's easy. I practice with boulders until they break." Mala replied in a nonchalant manner, leaving it vague as to whether she was joking or not.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:51 pm
Kai just gave her a look, a mixture of horror, confusion, and suspicion before smacking a hand away just behind his shoulder. Senel was trying to pull a Mission Impossible and was hanging from the second floor by his legs to screw with his older brother, but was sadly busted. "Don't even try it. Dad warned me about your antics, and I'm ready to foil each and every scheme you might have." he said glaring suspiciously up at his younger brother.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:17 pm
"That's exactly why you're here, Kai." Mala grinned broadly as she turned to face her two sons. "Van and I have...some important business we need to handle, which of course, requires leaving home for a little while. Kai is the best suited to handling your...antics while we're away, Senel. After all, who better to catch an impish thief than another?"
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:46 pm
"What, you're worried about me causing trouble, but not Anise and her guy friends?" Senel said folding his arms, still hanging there. "Hey, at least my antics are left inside the house."
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:49 pm
"Anise doesn't destroy anything, wake us up so early in the morning, leave shedded skin on her siblings' bedsheets, or even..." Mala listed almost every infraction of Senel's thus far - proving that even if she behaved leniently or never spoke of them - she hadn't forgotten a single thing. Yes, Mala's motherhood was a frightening thing to behold at times. "Unless I see for myself that she is causing trouble, I don't want you shifting any blaim to her."