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Digimon: Tamer Island Guild

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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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Clean Gaian

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:30 am
"Hey Etemon, this is your event but you didn't do anything," Tetsuya exclaimed. Everybody started staring at Etemon. " Well, this is my event, so I can do anything I want," Etemon replied. Everybody started chanted him to do something. " Okay, okay I will sing," he said. They all replied no. "Dance?" "No." They started to chant clean up, clean up, clean up, clean up. "Okay I will clean up." They all were so happy to see him do something important.  
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:07 am
Etemon was no where to be found. He had disappeared after he gave an opening speech and now everyone was looking for him. They soon found him in his trailer and tried to convince him to get back to work. He just laughed and then sent them running with his Love Serenade attack, no one could stand his singing.

So everyone decided that it was time to get some outside help. And by outside help them meant capture a random tamer and get him to get Etemon back to work.

Draco was outside of the contest hall, having nothing better to do. He had Order out, in his Agumon DS mode. They were just staring at each other, Order still had no personallity. Maybe he will pick one up soon.

"There is our first volenteer. GET HIM!!" The starmon jumped at Draco and Order, trapping them in a sack. "Got him! Not to Etemon."

Draco was struggling inside of the sack as he was pulled the sack outside of Etemon's trailer. "Ok now tamer. If you get Etemon back to work you are free to go." Draco sighed.

"Fine I will beat it into him." "Agumon digivolve to... ShineGreymon!" "Right Order, blow a hole in the trailer." ShineGreymon followed the order without thought. "Glorious Burst!" The ball of fire destroying half of the trailer. "Ok Etemon get back to work. If you don't want to... ShineGreymon here will DESTROY YOUR BEAR!"

Etemon's eyes widened. "NOT MY BEAR! I will do anything you want, just not the bear."

And that is how Draco made Etemon do his job.  



Dapper Werewolf

5,400 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Peoplewatcher 100
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:04 am
Everone was sick and tired of etemon ordering them about,all the time and not doing a single thing himself!

One of them had an idea "I have an idea!" the others replied with "we realize!The narrator just told us fool!" "Oh sorry.Anyway!We can get some random tamer to stop him!"

Bam was eating a burrito at the time so they took it away."NO!My burrito!I'll do anything!"

He was standing outside the trailer "When i said anything i didn't actually mean..."
He sighed "Oh well"He got into a bunny costume and hopped into his trailer "Hello there!"He said in a Texan voice "I think you should do some work and hop to it!"
Etemon punched him out of the trailer."Wait i know!"He asked the people for his burrito and promised he wouldn't eat it.He then gave it to etemon and just as he was about to bite he took it away."NO!My burrito!Ah'll do anything!"

He was cleaning everything "When ah said anything..."

The people came up to him "Is the morale that we should have believed in ourselves all along and you didn't want your burrito after all?" "Hell no!MY BURRITO!"and he ate it in one bite.  
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:26 pm
I missed a chance at Commandramon!?! NOOOES!! *heart explodes into a billion pieces* crying  


Im Windspirit

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:05 pm
Boy it always has to be Flame. xD  
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:32 pm
(I hope it's not too bad. I didn't have much time to think of this situation. =D Phew, and after all those distractions. x3 Now i'm go eat with my mother~)

A tamer in her early teens sat promptly on one of the benches that stood beside a red booth and between a vending machine containing a travelers needs with a mere push of a button, and a cost. The girl had her chin dug into her palms, waiting and watching others pass excitedly by her without a care. She saw many other tamers with their own companions, a few Renamon, some Agumons and even Demiveemons. Their mouths moved quickly in motion over one things in their minds, the first digital concert D-morph. Sheriti had never attended anything special, nothing especially a concert held in the digital world, the girl has never even attended a concert back in the real world.

Her expression seemed calm, but deep inside the girl was enthusiastic of attending the d-morph concert. Just the toughts of seeing the deadly seductive lead singer, Devimon made Sheritis motion her arms together, looking dazed, in a way a girly fan would do meeting her favorite rock idol in person. The other members in the band didn’t pass her mind even the slightest, she wasn’t too interested in the other vaccine, or data digimon but only on the tall slender virus. Unknowingly, Sheriti found herself exaggerating over a single Devimon, bringing little attention towards her from the awkward bydy movements.

A surge of jealousy struck a very familiar digimon back at Toy Tama town, residing inside a Palmons inn. Renikos ruby eyes, masked by a dull black leather twitched. He shifted uncomfortably on the oaked chair by a book case, setting a book written in ancient inscriptions of the digital language; he was studying at that moment. A covetous urge of assaulting another passed by his senses. Noticing this, the small Candlemon that was set on the desk asked out of curiosity towards the focused digimon.

“What’s wrong?”

“I felt uncomfortable.” The digimon meekly said, not wanting to disturb the silence but the digimon continued to pester him.

“Is it the chair? I can understand how you feel-er-sort-of.”
The voice came from the small flame, using the waxed body as a puppet, mouthing his words perfectly added with body motion. “Want more light? Are you hungry? I can open the curtains a bit more, it’s way too dark in here.” The innocent digimon asked making opposite offers to the Devimon.

Reniko groaned. Out of all time of the day, why did the city have to have a power shortage, especially the designated area they chose to stay while their tamer was away. The day was hot, the air conditioner had broke as well, only relying on natural air. His temper rose as he continued to defy his race by appearing in daylight hours. Most Devimons rested in a dark cavern of some sort to consume their energy for the night but Reniko was very stubborn. Little rays of sunlight would pass through the curtains, surprising the darkness with its presence every time mild breeze passed.

The Candlemon continued with his trail of suggestions and offers to the digimon. It wasn’t too surprising why Reniko never stayed indoors with Candlemon due to his constant chatter. Reniko griped the book, restraining his temper.

“I’m fine.” He said now becoming irritated. “Just keep playing Buzzlight by standing right there.” He returned back to the last paragraph of his book.

But the Candlemon didn’t co-operate with his reply. Jumping from the desk he began, “No,no. How about let’s get some snacks. A little ice cream will do the trick.”

“I don’t want any. I want to read this. Now come back here.” The nightling creature reached out for the flame with his arms, his vision wasn’t as accurate due to constant sun exposure but the Candlemon had already began hoping over to the door.

“Study, study. It’s all you do. You need to keep your health up, get some things to cool down and sleep!” The digimon blabbered.

“I said I don’t want any!” Reniko rose his voice but the Candlemon didn’t appear to listen as it attempted reaching the handle. The Devimon rose, beginning to reach for the small digimon, only to be slammed by the doors edge.

“Oh my Zhuqiaomon, finally!” Candlemon jumped from the door handle making its way through the hall way.

Reniko held his face with his palm from the pain inflicted, gritting his teeth.

Sheriti took notice of the few glances, quickly sitting in a straight position, arms crossed, pretending to find the sign of D-morph interesting. Her cheeks were hot, after seeing the tamers turn away finding another things more interesting than her. She sighed from the embarrassment, adding a note to herself to be aware of her surrounding more. Sheriti wasn’t too comfortable in crowded places, always considering herself as a outcast due to her shyness that took over her. Her finger fiddled to take her mind away from criticizing herself, she so much wanted to invite her friend Saren to attend but lost her voice over the phone, excusing herself to attend something fake.

A continuous cheer, flowed the air as a figure hummed walking by the crowed. Appearing before the brown haired tamer, the digimon saluted a greeting towards other unknown people, leaving them in slight shock of the kindness from a stranger. The digimon showed their respects either nodding, or replying with a hello.

“Heyyyy!” Zack wrapped his arms around Sheriti, taking her by surprise. “Ya ready from the concert, huh? ‘Course you are, I invited you.” The aquatic digimon began to lift Sheriti to her feet, continuing his bear hug.

“Yes, Zack. Yes! I- p-please put me down! People- I mean your crushing me!” The tamer nervously asked him, beginning to feel the stares of other tamers.

The kappa listened, setting her free. He positioned himself in a fashioned manner of what a soldier what do, but rested one hand on his hip, loosely. He wore a oversized vanilla uniformed suit, tied with blue strings to prevent from intturpting in battle, his pants were loosened to provide excellent air ressistance. Green scaled armor was placed promptly over his shoulder, knee pads that extended towards his foot, steel braces were on his arms . His large red cape lifted a little every now and then form the breeze, along with his blue hair with two large bangs over his odd face. Shaujinmon took the appearance of a man but was pointed out many differences such as his tree does feet, yellow skin, beaked mouth and eyes that were blinded by a plated headband, such equiptment almost mistaken of a ninja.

Sheriti stared at his weapon, set on his bag diagonal, the Kouyoujou. The weapon that he carried in one hand like a plastic toy that actually weighs over a ton. The browned haired, chocolate eyes tamer dusted the imaginary dust, straightening her shirt from the wrinkles. Zack curved his beak slightly, creating dimples, as he rubbed the upper part of his beak where a nose was supposed to lie. “Sorry, I keep forgetting.” He knew how shy she was at the moment, though he couldn’t contain his excitement of her accompanying him to see the D-Morf. “Loosen up a little, Sheriti. Aren’t you happy?”

The tamer quickly looked at her digimon, spreading a wide smile on her face. “Yes! Of course I am. I’ve never been to a concert before!”


“Really!” She said.

“Really!” Zack repeated.

“Really! “

“Really, really!” Zack repeated assuming that Sheriti was only joking not knowing what she spoke was the truth. Tamers giggled seeing the two showing childish behavior.

“Yes, really! Quit it!” Sheriti scolded the kappa by smacking his steel braces. Zack laughed, flicking two tickets to the concert between his yellow fingers. The girl smiled, taking her backpack from the bench. The two revealed their tickets to the booth master, giving them an approval by snapping the tickets label off.

The two took their time passing by the other booths selling souvenirs and autographed items. A gasp of excitement passed Sheritis lips seeing a small figurine of the Devimon singer. Zack traced where her eyes were locked, sliding his hand trough one of his bangs, putting out a un-pleasant sigh. “You have Reniko to stare at all the time, why would you bother to get a tiny version of a Devimon.” He spoke, closing the space between his index finger and thumb together comparing the size to a real Devimon. It was never pointed out how the kappa managed to see perfectly with that plated headband blindfolding him.

Shifting her body the tamer shrugged, twisting her foot in a shyly manner. “I just think Devimons are cool.”

“And if you happen to see a Myotismon figurine?”
Zack asked curiously, half-expecting what he was guessing.

Sheriti grinned, “I’d buy it, run home, and show Reniko how cute it looked, smothering it with love.”

Zack laughed, soon Sheriti joined in as well. It was a wonder to him why the girl was so attracted to virus types but not Vaccines or cute digimon like most other females might consider. It didn’t fit her, how such a delegate girl with a pure aura could manage around virus in such a matter without being tainted. Zack was un-easy of this fact however. He wouldn’t promote her choose in digimon, being aware that not many were the same as Reniko The tales he told Sheriti of corrupted digimon and antagonist actually rooted from truth; he hoped that she would take it into consideration but the results came opposite.

Their laughter was passed by the sudden broadcast of an Etemon. Appearing comfortably laid back on empty equipment cases and a mic held in his palm. Sheriti asked about this digimon but Shaukinmon replied that he acted far worse than what he did. With his head hanging back, the Etemon spoke.

“Sorry ladies,” The monkey stretched his words in a vocal chime. Snapping his head up to face the camera. “We’re having minor technical difficulties here. They show has to be postpone- youch!” A sudden light passed over head, making him duck. He shook his hollered back at the mysterious digimon responsible. “Pay deduction for you! Watch how you handle those things. Can’t let a handsome smug like me get hurt.” The monkey grinned, lifting his eye brows flirtatiously towards the camera.
Sheriti shivered, seeing his lean In towards the camera, almost expecting him to slobber it with a kiss.

“The show can continue tomorrow, with these slow pokes behind my tail, it’ll be a while. No refunds!” The broadcast was cut, leaving numerous people confused, scared, and furious. Not a single tamer refused to head towards the exit of the concert, imitation a guarding pose. Some even planned to create a small alliance to bash trough the booths while the uneasy feeling had occurred.

Sheriti looked around seeing people gather together to exchange words. Even she had become furious. To let a creepy monkey suddenly cancel a perfectly planned weekend that she waited anxiously for? She tugged forward, towards the stage until a pull stopped her from continuing. Zack hadn’t move from his spot, still facing the blank screen. “That’s not the right way.” He lifted her in his arms with a grin. Sheriti only blinked before knowing she was already jumping across the booths.

Laying flat on his stomach, Etemons was stripping away grapes, swallowing them without any effort to chew. He could hear the other digimon working for him, shifting in the background. The conductor of music had been awoken from its nap, problems with Commandramons pursued, and the lucky Superstarmon was busy examining if all the equipment was where it was so post to be. A Devimon passed by the Etemon, with a water at hand, only shaking his head.

“Someone aughta give him a talk. How the heck are we gonna pass the crowd with their sad faces without having a back-up plan.” The Superstarmon began, placing parts of the speakers into place. The Devimon scowled at the Etemons lack of participation.

“It’s pointless. His head is as thick as a banana, there’s no point in wasting our breath when he will not listen. Just lays there gloating, mumbling to himself as he eats, while we do the things he had planned long ago. I hope he chokes.” The Devimon cursed. He caught the glimpse of the two approaching pair, jumping over the gates that were protecting them from the fans.

“You are not permitted to be here.”

“We only want to have a word with Etemon, is all.” Zack landed perfectly on his feet without struggle. Setting Sheriti down he looked around the area, passing by equipment still stored. Spoting the only area with a load of staked music scripts and locked equiptment, he saw the Etemon comfortably resting. Zack folded his arms across his chest talking in a stern tone that only he used whenever he came across situation in lectures or correcting younger digimons misbehavior. “Canceling the show? Postponing is one thing but with no refunds this is outrageous.”

“Without orders from the manager, we can’t continue. What he says is what we must follow, even if he is a lazy one….why didn’t I read that contract more seriously.” The Superstarmon dug its glove over his sunglasses, disappointed.

“Then tell him something. Form together and remind him about his responsibilities.”

“Don’t you think we tried that plan already!”
Both digimon began to involve themselves in an light argument.

“Then how about beating him up?”

Both digimons sharply turned to Sheriti, surprised by the sudden idea. Especially Zack who’s known Sheriti who never hears her own ideas. They usually appear light hearted and normal. The Tamer nervously darted her eyes back at the two digimon that shielded their eyes with an object, shrugging. “Not mean-I mean something to wake up his senses but with a little…force?” Her voice shrank, becoming awkward from the silence.

”We can make due wit- out violence young lad.” The Superstarmon shook his glove, disagreeing.

“I can go for that idea.” The Devimons extended his claws, fancying the idea but the Starmon smacked his arm.

“No! No violence!” The golden figure huffed.

The Shaujinmon was examining the Etemon from a distance, suspecting that the movement was due to the toy bear he kept hung around his waist. Clasping his hands together for everyone’s attention he suggested that he would convince the digital primate.

“Since I know Sheriti is horrible at it.” He added with a smiled.

“That’s not nice…” Sheriti looked down, frowning from Zack joke.

“Do you want to go near him?”

She shuddered.

With a nod Zack began to march on over to where the Etemon rested. Sheriti watched her digimon go with a soft smile remembering the last time his next step was in something unpredictable. A feeling came over her once Zack had reached earshot distance, the feeling of a stare boring into he back of her head. Turning to see that only the Superstarmon had left, the Devimon was still beside her. A moment after blinking, she suddenly remembered who he really was.

“Hiii-“ A tiny smile was on her face. Her hands made their way into her pockets, fumbling for any piece of item that there was available.

The approaching Shaujinmon casted a shadow over the Etemon. Still not acquiring his attention, he taped the promates shoulder, The Etemon groaned setting his stuffed doll, imitating a Monzeamon down, looking over his shoulder.

“I told you guys that I’m-“
He paused, taken back by the Shaujinmon. Quickly fixing his sunglasses, the Etemon jumped on his feet taking his microphone close to his hairy lips. “Sorry, un-registered customers without granted access aren’t allowed. I don’t come cheap in autographs, so if you don’t have it then you won’t get it.” The Etemon blabbered assuming he was only another person pestering him.

“Will you regain yourself and stop acting like this? A lot of people out there are really disappointed because the show is being canceled. Even I am too since today was soupost to be where I treat my Tamer.” The Etemon found no interest by picking his ear with his pinky. “Hey! Listen!”

“Look buddy, I don’t give refunds. You paid, and you lost. There are papers’ that still need to be handled, lights misplaced and everything is looking rotten. It’ll take about three day to get this set, maybe a week.” The Etemon mumbled his toughts loudly.

“A week! If you wouldn’t lay here and actually help plan and be a part of this then there wouldn’t be any problems. Lay there and get fat for all I care.”

“Kay.” He quickly replied.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Well I would assume-“

“You were soupost to do the opposite.” Zack interrupted, remaining aloof. “Look-“

Zack tried to converse with the Etemon, explaining the duties and responsibilities one should do when assigned. The Etemon clamped his hand re-peatedly, imitating Zack’s voice. He looked past the kappa digimon to see his lead singer was writing in an envelope, handing it to Sheriti. Tying his toy around his waist, the Etemon steeped on one of the speakers cases, shouting. “Hey! Stop asking for my main money making guy for his number! He can’t get distracted or things will go down the drain for all of us!”

From a distance Sheriti turned, thrusting her hands down in an embarrassed manner. The words she pronounced didn’t reach the Etemons ears because the lack of voice. Returning to the Devimon, Etemon pulled out binoculars with the price tag still attached to it. Zack stepped in front of the Etemons view.


“You’re not listening.”

“Are you still hanging around me? I can’t share my love t everyone, not unless you’re out for my looks. That I can’t share.”He flexed the tiny muscles he had, kissing both his arms. “Besides you’re beginning to smell. How about stepping out of here.”

Zack sniffed his arm, and under his shoulders for the slightest scent. “I don’t smell anything.”

“You smell like fish. Phew, man I’d offer you some of my spray but I seemed to lost it. The stench of fish is growing!”

Zack realized that he was mocking his race. “Well what do you expect!” Zack exclaimed, placing a hand on his waist while waving his free hand widely into the air.

“I expect you to take a shower, seriously B.O.” The Etemon darted his finger towards the Shaujinmon, covering his small wet nose. The primate, sneered taking interest.

“Turtles are reptiles, not fish!”

A sudden flash burned into the night sky. Not only did they notice this but also how late the day had become. Etemon hesitated wondering what was the cause of that flare fired. Zacks mind suddenly popped up an idea.

“You know…” He placed his yellow skinned hand on Etemons shoulder, bringing him closer. “That cancelation you busted created a mighty stir for the tamers and digimon. Especially the women because they won’t get to see your boys.” His made his voice grew darker and darken as if he was telling another of his a hunting stories “And they’re coming for you….imagine. Bursting doors and mega skilled digimon frying up your business and when they finally reach you…”

He paused. Taking one finger and slitting it over the throat of the Etemon.

A loud lump was heard swallowed by the Etemon.

“Fine! I’ll re-shoot the announcement and move the concert to midnight. That should buy us plenty of time to save my hiney-I mean ours.”

A grin was plastered over Zacks face, restraining the giggle that wanted to escape his lips. Returning back to Sheriti, the two parted away, shortly before Etemons announcement broadcasted.

“-Especially for the ladies who want to see the lovely muah~ Don’t forget to drink a late and keep in touch.” Etemon smooched the camera this time.

All girls shivered.

Taking a final stroll down the booths Zack remembered the envelope Devimon had written to her. His curiosity lengthen into thinking it was either, a love letter or maybe even his phone number. Pressured, he asked his tamer in which returned by turning beat red. Sheriti furiously shook his head, swearing that he hadn’t really absorbed what Etemon said. Sheriti pulled out the envelope containing a autograph of the Devimon written over a group picture of the band.

“Wait ‘till Reniko sees what I got for him!” She smiled. Zacks smiled faded as she pulled out an miniature figure of a Devimon, secretly bought.  

Im Windspirit


PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:13 pm
Kay bonus is over.. time for judging!

Windy wins.. I'll have the art up in a minute..  
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:06 pm

*Dragging monkey away*

Another monkey!

Thank you for the art. =) That was a fun contest, it's been long since i've been in one. xD  

Im Windspirit

Walter Island (Official Contest Forum)

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