Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:12 pm
Asriel minded herself, serving her customers. Many asked for Havok, the much younger looking one around here. Asriel's brow twitched. Was Asriel looking too old? She found it irking since Asriel was much younger than Havok was by several centuries yet seh only offered a fake, wide smile and apologized, not knowing where the crazy fairy was. She turned on her heel, thinking it was about time Havok help her with the drinks. She glanced at the stairs and then up into the dark hallways of the inn. Asriel decided to look up their last and went in search of Havok in the inn. Seh went to the arena first, it hoarding with men and whatnot before it was open for tonight before she sighted down Argrydal and near her the bouncing cat kid that's been around for awhile. Nyan, she believed her naem was. She scanned the crowd once more before finding the dark haired beauty, calling her name. "Havok. Come help me serve customers. Some have been asking for you," she murmured, a hand on her dainty hip.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:30 pm
Win couldn't help but notice the one moving around, looking for someone. "Hn? You look like you're having problems with customers, young witchling" Win said in a redundant way. Well, to her, the age of maturity of any witch, human or not, would be at around five hundred years old or when they learned to use magic to help themselves, which involves studying various fields of witchcraft. Then, she smiled at the other witch and suggested, "Why don't you use your magic to help yourself?"
((OOC: ))
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:53 pm
Havok blinked guiltily, having been in the process of using her hand-mouths to help a female patron of questionable age please herself. She sent the probably eighteen-year-old girl on her way, coughed quietly, and straightened up. "Yes. Of course." Then she moved closer to Asriel and purred, "You know... I could help you relieve some stress. Drakon knows you could use it," she added, pursing her lips as she named the dragon goddess. "Come on, what do you say? Quickie before we get back to work?"
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:07 pm
"Hey, no taking Dragon Deities' names in vain, or at least when I can't hear you, or if I don't care at that moment, but I'm not drunk enough for that." Reeve called over to Havok and then downed another drink. "Getting there." He mumbled to himself.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:26 pm
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:31 pm
((I think you messed that up))
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:21 pm
Asriel's brow twitched at Havok and the innkeeper Win. She turned to the inn keeper first, running a hand through her hair. "Ah, I dislike magic. It was magic that sent me to my exile from the gypsy lands and from my loved ones. I won't use magic for such...easy things I could do on my own," she finally added quietly and looked away, at the fairy who flirted with her with her hungry lips. Asriel took a step back and sighed. "I would if doing that kind of thing weren't my job. Besides, I'm not stressed nor am I having problems." She disliked people worrying for her and turned her head the other way. "Now I'm getting back to work," she muttered and stomped away, obviously stressed and in a bad mood. She turned back to Argrydal and asked to play another song, Asriel resuming on waiting on people.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:34 pm
"Worth a shot," Havok called after Asriel. "If you change your mind, tell me." Then she returned to her work, sneaking Nyan cookies when she could.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:59 pm
Argrydal Livianni of ArbenburdyArgrydal nodded slightly, and as was requested of her, she began to play yet another song. That warm, welcoming smile was still locked onto her lips even as she played, despite the dissappointment she felt at how few adventurers had any new tales to share with her for the moment being. Still, at least people were paying some form of attention to her for the moment being. The elf absolutely despised those few days in which nobody would talk to her, or even acknowledge her presence.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:47 am
"Ah, but magic can be your bestest friend" Win said, clenching her fist and opening it gently to reveal a brightly glowing golden butterfly, flapping its wings at a slow interval. "And magic fades..." She blew softly at the butterfly and it dispersed into a thousand golden petals around the inn, "...When you don't use it often enough" A smile then sprawled across her face and she shouted childishly, "I'm bored!", pursing her lips and crossing her arms.
Just then, Isa was hugging Argydral and was getting sleepy, having settled into the elf's lap. "Isa... sleepy... Tell story?" She asked, with a smile at the elf.
"Story?" The young witch heard, having an uncanny ability to hear any and every conversation when she was extremely bored. "Yeah, Argy! Tell us a story~ An epic! About a knight! ... Or a witch! ... Or a pirate!" She raised a hand and settled back onto her usual position, with her chin supported by interlaced fingers and elbows rested on the counter.
((OOC: ))
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:36 am
Nyan's eyes widened to about the size of OMFG ADORABLE. "Pi-wate! Pi-wate! Pi-wate!" She started bouncing on Argy to show how much she wanted pirate, and then she cuddled back up to Isa and nuzzled her cheek. "Mwah," she declared softly as she kissed Isa's cheek. "You are very nice, Isa."
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:17 am
"Oh, everyone knows witch's tales are more exciting" Win pouted, staring off into the distance.
Isa's face lit up, quite amused by the compliment. "Chu too!" she said and hugged the changeling and purred.
((OOC: I still haven't lost the mood for nekos. -.-" I remember accidentally meowing when my mom was scolding me yesterday XD ))
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:33 am
((Really, meow? /supertroopers))
"Nya~" Nyan happily cuddled Isa. "Argy's pretty, too~ Mya~" She leaned up to kiss Argy's cheek with a 'mwah'.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:55 am
Isa nodded and silently pawed the elf's clothes to catch her attention. "Tell story" She repeated again with adorable blinking eyes, "Tell story!"
((OOC: True story~ XP ))
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:14 am
Val picked up the little fuzzball and pet it. Taking the Talisman, he gave a defensive look at Win. "You know I could have smelled it easy. It's just....It has none anymore." He shrugged. Could be the material of the talisman it now possessed that counteracted the familiar scent. He shook his head and continued to play with the furry Chuki. He loved animals.