Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:26 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. Ashriel glanced to Raevyn softly. "Oh, nothing." She responded, knowing full well he wouldn't believe her. Sitting on her bed, she continued to brush her hair. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:34 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... "You know, for some reason, I don't believe you." Raevyn drawled, his voice dry. He rolled his eyes at her. "Maybe cause you're always thinking about something. Usually about stuff you don't need to worry about." He watched her with amber eyes, tracking the brush as it slid through her hair. "Are you actually going to tell me what you were thinking or are you just going to be stubborn and not say?" The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:47 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. Ashriel almost replied that it was nothing, but she remembered the conversation they'd had on the stairs coming up from doing the laundry. Responsibilities - shared. "I suppose you should know. I ran out of money...and the rent is coming up soon." Her voice was hushed as she spoke, her eyes reflecting the truth of it. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:04 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn frowned slightly at that. "I thought rents were once a month. And you paid it the day I arrived, didn't you? So that would give you another two weeks. Or do they do it differently here?" He looked confused. "I don't know. Mama didn't really have a set rent thing if you worked at the bar. And other than that, I've lived on the streets so I could be wrong here." The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:13 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. Ash looked at him timidly. "Well...that rent was a couple weeks late. And the owner is getting frustrated with me - said I couldn't pay late again." Her voice was quiet as she looked down. Eh, she'd figure it out. If he wanted to know, he wanted to know. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:25 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... "Alright then. Tomorrow we talk to Mama. If she takes you on, which I doubt she'll refuse as she's been asking me about you, then we'll say. She's a kind bear. She'll probably give you an advance if you prove to work hard and well." Raevyn didn't seem unduly concerned. If all else failed, he'd pay this months rent. He had quite a bit saved up. While he hadn't earned much, his room and food being most of his pay, he had still earned enough. And he hadn't bought much but the odd toy, so he had a fair bit saved up. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:30 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. Ashriel smiled at Raevyn as he spoke. Her voice was still quiet as she said one last thing. "Thank you." She laid down, pretty much falling asleep with her pillow in her arms, on top of the covers, with the lights on. Her crying and upset had worn her out, really worn her out. As she lay there, fast asleep, she held the pillow tightly to her. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:38 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn seemed to smile, a small cat smile. Shifting human for a moment, he got up to turn the lights out. He waited until Ashriel was completely asleep then crossed the bed to her side. He tugged the pillow from her arms, settling himself in it's place. He'd become accustomed to sleeping curled against her and found he'd missed it while on the roof. Comfortable and satisfied that all was right once more, he fell asleep.
((To morning?)) The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:42 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. --mhm-- Ashriel woke up the next morning, feeling Raevyn's soft fur. She smiled. Apparently she'd missed the accidental grabbing of him in the middle the night. At least it was Saturday, no where she had to be right away. She was just barely awake, mainly dozing back off as she continued to hold onto Raevyn. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:54 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn had been awake for sometime now but had been feeling too lazy to move. Too warm and too content. He heard the change in Ashriel's breathing as she woke, though just barely. "Are you planning to let go of me sometime soon?" He asked, a hint of playfulness in his dry voice. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:57 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. "Ohsorry." Ashriel mumbled, letting go of Raevyn and turning over. She was back asleep in seconds. It seemed she actually needed the sleep. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:14 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn, in an odd way, was sad to lose the warmth of her arms around him. He shrugged the feeling off though, giving his fur a shake and stretching. He yawned and trotted to the foot of the bed, leaping off. He left Ashriel to sleep, suspecting she needed it. Himself though, he was done. He was wide awake now. So he turned human began making breakfast, just a simple bacon and eggs., humming as he worked. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:16 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. Ashriel curled up to herself as she slept. However, as soon as the scent of bacon hit the bed room, she was wobbling out of the bed, clumsily walking into the kitchen. [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:30 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn glanced up at the sound of Ashriel entering the kitchen. "Go back to sleep Ash." He told her kindly. "I'll make more for you when you get up, if that's what you want. You need to be well rested to see Mama today." He hadn't meant to wake her. He was just making breakfast for himself. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:35 pm
[ I ] { A } msick of people pointing me out as 'that genius I told you about.' [ I ] { A } mdesiring to stay under the radar for once. [ I ] { A } mnot that person who can just instantly trust people. [ I ] { A } mthat person with the guilty heart. "Okay." Ashriel murmured, walking back out of the kitchen. It just went to show how tired she was that she wasn't fighting. However, she didn't managed to make it down the hall back to her bedroom. Somehow she misdirected herself in a way that resulted in her plopping down to sleep on the couch.
--going to bed-- [ I ] { A } m that shy person that is forced to speak. [ I ] { A } m that quietly loud person that seems to be able to be both at the same time. [ I ] { A } m not ready for this