Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:41 pm
{Sorry, I was going to post for this but then I...got distracted. Especially by Persona 3 Portable. sweatdrop I'll keep following along and enter at first opprotunity, okay?}
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:55 pm
((*gasp* You got P3P? You lucky child, welcome to the awesome world of Persona. I hope you enjoy your stay. biggrin ))
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:58 pm
{Believe me, I am. XD This might be odd, but my favorite character thus far is Pharos. Who's yours?}
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:04 pm
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:01 pm
"Hmm really now" he muttered through sips of mead. "I can only imagine what you were doing surrounded by brutes usually there more inclined to keep to themselves then get themselves noticed." Laughing a bit he finished the rest of his mead. Not one for stiff liquors he went with the honey mead due to the lower alcohol content and it took more to get him drunk which was still very few. "Hmm charming you say. I remember last that you said I was simply a guard or something of that sorts now I am charming" he chuckled watching her as she flicked the hair from her face. "Tell me tho. Why was it that the brutes near the market were chasing you? Are you perhaps a thief in disguise seeking to cause mayhem?" Laughing at the idea he shook his head ordering another honey mead.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:10 pm
"I can't help it! I'm a beautiful young lady with a love of exploration. I just happened to wander into a bad part of town and my looks just attracted the wrong sort of attention is all." Lyria said simply as she placed a few coins on the counter to pay the bartender before taking a drink from the bottle that had been placed before her. "And I am shocked that you would even joke about something like that!" she said in mock horror. "Surely you aren't insinuating that a sweet young girl like myself would ever take part in a life of crime!"
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:14 pm
Chuckling Andis brought another mug to his lips sipping from it slowly before setting it down. "I didn't say I really thought you were a thief relax some. I just don't judge people by appearance alone. If I did something like that I would be like some of those less guards in other cites" he commented looking around the bar for a moment. "Think about it tho each person has something they hide whether they mean to or not from others. You are probably no different tho I doubt it would be anything as drastic as that but I am sure you get my drift." Looking over at her he swirled the mead around in his mug a bit. The lesser effects of the alcohol starting to show as his face became a tad flushed.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:20 pm
Lyria smirked, though worry began to bubble up in the back of her mind. Andis was starting to get a little too close to hitting the nail on the head for her comfort. She might have to skip town sooner than she thought. "Hm, I wonder what sort of dark secrets a guard like you would have? If anything, it's probaly less exciting than mine own." she said swirling her drink around in its bottle for a bit before taking another drink.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:27 pm
Feeling somewhat bored, the Lady wandered to the bar with her new companion, sitting and pulling the woman who is later going to be her lover onto her lap. "Hello," she said cheerily to Lydia, obviously a little drunk. "Lydia, I'd like you to meet my new... er... girlfriend." She giggled. "I think you should introduce me to your man!"
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:29 pm
"Not so much dark as per say one I let slip from time to time depending on my mood" he said reaching up and revealing his ears. "I am an elf if you didn't notice before" he laughed. "Not something I show off really but being raised in a mostly human area it shreds off a lot of the physical traits of the elves but the ears still stay" he chuckled a bit hiding his ears again under his hair. "Not as dark I am sure as you expected but a secret no less" he smirked finishing off the last of his mead. Looking to the woman that had walked up pulling another Andis couldn't help shake the feeling he had seen her before. "You seem familiar enough tho" he said tho unsure if the alcohol was altering his vision some tho.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:38 pm
((It's 'Lyria', with an 'R' not a 'D'. XD ))
"Somehow that's even less exciting than I expected." Lyria said with a small chuckle. "Oh, but don't get me wrong. I assure you I have nothing against elves, or any other people that walk this earth of ours." she said quickly so as not to offend him somehow. "And sorry, but don't think I'll be sharing mine own secrets for the sake of comparison." she said with a small smile and a wink as she placed a finger to her lips. That was when Lady showed up. "Not....now, Lady..." she said through gritted teeth, turning a little red at the prospect of Andis being 'her man'. "This is Andis, a guard that simply showed me around town and an...acquaintace. Nothing more. Though you seem quite happy with your new, erm, 'girlfriend', so if you would....?" This could potentially be another steal for her, and she didn't need a drunken lesbian mucking things up.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:49 pm
((BUTTMONKIES. I'm trying to RP and watch my brother play Skyrim at the same time, which is a terrible idea.))
The Lady giggled. "He showed you 'round town? Hope he did a good job of it, honey. I like women 'cause they're great at... showing me around town." Another drunken giggle, and then she got up. "Talk to you later, Lyria. Have some fun with your... acquaintance." She led her girlfriend away, towards the rooms, giggling the whole way.
((Also, drunk lesbians are a good thing. -nodnod-))
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:55 pm
Sitting there as the Lady walked off Andis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He wasn't to sure what to think about what had just happened. "Uhm..." he started looking over to Lyria. "Well then your "friend" was...well different" he started unsure of just how much the alcohol he had ingested effected that meeting. Shaking it from his mind as best he could he sighed a bit. "Anyways it's not like I asked to show me your secrets. You know pushing that aside that was really a strange way to talk to someone. I wonder if all of the friends you have made since you got here are quite that...Unique" he muttered thinking about he had apparently been mistaken for Lyria's man. (lol that's one way to say hello I guess.)
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:01 pm
((Lol. Yeah, I named my Skyrim char Lyria and when I met Lydia I was like 'O hai there lol'))
"Please pay her no mind. I just met her today, and that was only because I think she was trying to come on to me." Lyria said simply as she took another drink. "But I assure you, I don't swing that way in the slightest. As for the way I spoke to her, I try to avoid dealing with drunks. Especially when there's a chance they'll try to pull me into bed with them."
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:06 pm
Laughing he shook his head. "I am sure looking as good as you do you must get that offer often" he said the words seeping in slowly as he sat there. Slapping himself and covering his eyes as he realized what he said Andis shook his head. "That wasn't supposed to come out like that. I didn't mean anything by it the mead is slightly clouding my judgment a bit for the worse it seems" he chuckled half heartily mentally yelling for letting his tongue slip so.