These are meeh pets and one more pic of me... sweatdrop Right below is my BABY!!! Her name is
Raine, she's a lap dog...though she's too big for it (
Get off! I'm losing circulation to my legs!) and she's a
demon twisted , but I love her to pieces
whee . She's almost a year. She's a red-nose pitbull and something else...
This is my brother's dog,
Lunair. She has big doe eyes and gets basically
everything she begs for
sweatdrop she's only 2 but has a lot of elderly dog problems
crying She's a small pitbull/lab.
This is meeh...on a cruise in
Hawaii (I live was a treat) It looks like meeh hair is on fire...(The sun hit it in a weird angle) and I didn't smile much cause some peeps were staring @me when i took the pic and i
hate that...
gonk btw i'll post something i found recently of meeh and I'm uploading (good ol'slow photobucket.) so it should be ready soon...maybe i'll edited it onto this post...hmmmm...