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Prof. Moonie

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:15 pm

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*cracks up laughing* Oh how you amuse me Mark! I think if I was ever to follow anyone's Twitter accounts it would have to be you and Steven Moffat. The two of you always have the most interesting - and usually amusing - statuses to read. :D

And this is coming from someone who does not have a Twitter account... and is not at all interested in getting one.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:40 pm

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Well, I'm off to watch the latest episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Then going to head to bed after I'm done seeing it. :)

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Oh... and when I saw the above scene in the last episode of Torchwood, I totally thought of River Song. I was all like: "Wait... what's Jack doing at Stormcage Containment Facility?" *laughs* Obviously it's not the same place in story context, but it reminded me of it.

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Prof. Moonie

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Prof. Moonie

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:36 pm

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Good afternoon everyone.

Today I took care of getting my books and parking permit for school. Thankfully half of the books I need for the term I was able to get for free on my Kindle. :D Only spent a little over $100 for the remaining books that weren't available on the Kindle.

I still can't believe I only have a week left of my break before school starts back up. And with that being said, I probably won't be posting on Mondays and Wednesdays when Fall term starts, since I'll be in school for most of the day. All of the other days I'll be probably posting though.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:40 pm

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Today the prequel to Doctor Who's "Let's Kill Hitler" was released. It may be very short, but Moffat still manages to do a superb job. Love the whole answering machine idea... and the way emotions are portrayed through Amy's message and the Doctor's reaction as he listens.

Since the prequel came out today, I decided to change my computer's wallpaper to Doctor Who themed. :) It's now the Tardis Team ((the green colored poster version; not the one with the Silence and Astronaut Girl)).
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Prof. Moonie

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Prof. Moonie

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:42 pm

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:50 pm

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:56 pm

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*chuckles* Apparently Steven Moffat has told people to post false rumors about what's going to happen in the upcoming second half of Season 6 of Doctor Who. It seems one of the most popular one I've been seeing is that Rose Tyler is coming back. I definitely doubt that this is going to happen. Rose has had her turn in the Doctor Who franchise... plus there's no need for her to come back now really. Not to mention she has nothing to do with the storyline revolving around River Song. If there was going to be a reappearance of a past companion, it would have to be Donna Noble. But there would be issues with that since she's got the Doctor mind inside her which would kill her as soon as it came active again. *shrugs*

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:00 pm

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When I was looking at the desktop screen of the Doctor's Tardis screen, I thought about for a moment. In some ways, the moving circles look like planets going along their paths in a solar system. Then the slower moving ones could either be other celestial objects moving at a slower pace (like an asteroid belt) or it could be some sort of clock thingy.

*shrugs* I don't know. It was just what came to mind.
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Prof. Moonie

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Prof. Moonie

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:02 pm

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Haha... I definitely have the occur to me when I'm on campus walking down the sidewalk. But it's not always shadows behind me. I usually have multiple shadows in front. Shadows all around! ^.^;
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:19 pm

Pottermore Survey

What is your Pottermore username (without numbers)?

On which day did you register?

On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you about Pottermore?

What do you think will be your favorite aspect of it?

Which house do you want to be sorted into? Why?
Ravenclaw. When I first got into the Harry Potter series, I considered myself to be a Gryffindor, but as time passed and I read more of the books, I began to realize that I'm probably more of a Ravenclaw than I am any other house. I may have my moments of being brave, but I'm best known for my wits. And I may be just and loyal, but I think Ravenclaw would suit me better. I would never be a Slytherin; I may have my moments of slyness, but not to the extent that Slytherins are famous for.

Which of Harry Potter’s classmates do you best identify with?
Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood. I'm the know-it-all person who was often a "teacher's pet" (or assistant, as I prefer to be called) and generally followed the rules. However, I do have my moments of drifting off into my own world and being a bit of an outcast for my uniqueness.

Are you pureblood, half-blood or Muggle-born?
I would probably be a half-blood or something like that.

Do you aspire to be more like one of the Prefects or the Marauders?
Who says I can't be both? Because I'm pretty sure with who I am and my group of friends, we would definitely be both, lol.

What would you do with the Marauder’s Map?
Go on adventures in the castle.

Where in Hogsmeade would you visit most often?
The Shrieking Shack, most likely.

Would you enter your name into the Goblet of Fire?

Which Quidditch position would you most likely play?
Considering I never played sports in real life, I'm sure I would have never played any sports in the wizarding world either. Though I probably would play Quidditch for fun with friends. In that case, I would be a Seeker.

Would you join Dumbledore’s Army or the Inquisitorial Squad?
Dumbledore's Army.

Can you see the Thestrals?
No, I can't.

Who would be your favorite Hogwarts professor (to actually learn from)?
Snape.... or Hagrid.

Would you get invited to the Slug Club? Would you like to be?
Haha... most likely. *shrugs* I probably wouldn't mind.

What does Amortentia smell like to you?
Um... I don't know...

What would be your favorite Hogwarts class?
Defense Against Dark Arts... and Care for Magical Creatures... and maybe Divination too.

Do you anticipate taking your N.E.W.T.s?
If I need them for my career, then I'll take them.

What career path(s) might you consider after leaving Hogwarts?
Professor. Preferrably one that works at Hogwarts.

Would you support S.P.E.W.?
Sure. Though I probably wouldn't be as much of an activist as Hermione Granger was.

Should non-humans and half-breeds be allowed to carry wands?
As long as they use them responsibly, I have no problem with them having wands.

Would you go home for the break between terms, or stay at Hogwarts?
Probably go home, depending on what my parents are doing.

What does your vault at Gringotts contain, if anything?

What do you think your wand type will be?
Cedar... dragon heartstring or something unique...

What will your Patronus be?
Maybe a cat... or some mythological feline creature...

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:28 pm

Sailor Moon.
[ ] You cry constantly.
[ ] You don’t get very good grades in school.
[ ] You’re very wimpy, but you’re brave when you need to be.
[ ] You wear your hair in pigtails a lot.
[ ] You have a black cat.
[ ] You’ve been dating your boyfriend/girlfriend for a long time.
[ ] You can be very immature.
[ ] You LOVE to eat.
[ ] You’re constantly drooling over attractive people, whether you’re taken or not.
[ ] You have/had a crush on an employee at a place you frequently visit.
Total: 0

Sailor Mercury.
[x] You’re extremely smart.
[ ] A B on your report card would make you so angry!
[ ] You have shortish hair.
[ ] Your hair is an unnatural color.
[ ] People sometimes pick on you for being “nerdy”.
[ ] You always study before a big test.
[x] Your grades are very important to you.
[ ] You attend/used to attend a cram school.
[x] You’ve never skipped or been late to class.
[ ] You’ve never had a boyfriend, nor are you interested in getting one.
Total: 3

Sailor Mars.
[ ] You have a flaming temper.
[x] You can do just about anything in high heels.
[ ] You’re very religious.
[ ] You’re very close with your pet(s).
[ ] You work/have worked at a religious place.
[x] You’re close to your grandparents.
[ ] You have long, black hair.
[ ] Your favorite color is red.
[ ] You believe in demons and fortune telling.
[ ] Some people think you’re “creepy” and “weird”.
Total: 2

Sailor Jupiter.
[x] You love to cook.
[ ] Everything reminds you of an ex.
[x] You’re taller than most of your friends.
[ ] Your hair is wavy and brown.
[ ] You have a reputation for being tough
[x] Your favorite flower is roses.
[ ] Your hair is always in a ponytail.
[ ] You like thunderstorms.
[ ] Your favorite color is green.
[ ] You live alone.
Total: 3

Sailor Venus.
[x] You’re a hopeless romantic.
[x] You’ve been told you’re good looking on many occasions
[x] You have long, blond hair.
[ ] Your birthday is in October.
[ ] Your favorite sport is volleyball.
[x] You like to sing.
[ ] You’ve gone on a date with one person while you were seeing someone else.
[x] Your favorite animal is cats.
[ ] You’re short.
[ ] You wear a bow/bows in your hair.
Total: 5

Sailor Uranus.
[x] You’re somewhat of a tomboy.
[ ] You have boy short hair.
[ ] You’re homosexual.
[ ] You’re an Aquarius.
[ ] You like racing cars, or watching car races.
[ ] Your favorite color is gold.
[ ] Your favorite class is gym.
[ ] You have a girlfriend.
[ ] Your favorite food is salads.
[x] You’re very mature for your age.
Total: 2

Sailor Neptune.
[ ] You play/used to play the violin.
[x] You have wavy hair.
[ ] Your favorite color is marine blue.
[x] You like the ocean.
[ ] Your birthday is in March.
[ ] You’re a Pisces.
[x] You’re good at giving advice.
[ ] You’re not the stereotypical lesbian; you’re very feminine.
[ ] You want to be a musician when you’re older.
[ ] You attend a private school.
Total: 3

Sailor Pluto.
[ ] You love clocks.
[ ] You have green hair.
[ ] You have tan skin.
[ ] You’re older than most of your friends.
[x] People come to you for advice.
[ ] Your dream is to be a designer.
[x] Little kids seem to take a liking to you.
[ ] You enjoy cemeteries.
[ ] You like shopping.
[ ] Your blood type is A.
Total: 2

Sailor Saturn.
[ ] You like to collect lamps.
[ ] You have short black hair and bangs.
[ ] You don’t have a lot of friends.
[ ] You believe you have special “powers” to heal others.
[x] Your favorite color is purple.
[x] You’re a very quiet person.
[x] You love to read.
[ ] You want to be a doctor one day.
[ ] Your birthday is in January.
[ ] You hate milk.
Total: 3

Looks like I'm Sailor Venus. :D
PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:41 pm

Have you had sex in the past three weeks?

Are you afraid of falling in love?

Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
*smirks* Perhaps.

Have you ever taken anyone/anything for granted?

Who did you last hold hands with?
Some of my newspaper teammates when we were playing a game. Does that count? *laughs*

Do you remember who you liked in grade seven?
Yes, that was the year when I decided to move on from that crush.

Did you get kissed last night?

Have you ever liked someone older than you?

What color are your eyes?
Forest Green.

How did you get most of your scars?
What scars? I have none.

Is there someone you wish you were still close with?

Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do?

Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger?

You wake up, all your hair is gone, your first reaction?
WHAT THE HELL?! scream

Where did you sleep the night before last?
My bed.

Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you?

Are you one of those people who constantly checks the time?
Not usually.

Would you rather have a smoothie or milkshake?
I've been having smoothies more than milkshakes lately.

Is there someone who continuously lets you down?

Are you in a relationship?

Who is the first person you would call if you needed help?
Depends on what I needed help with.

Are you happier now or four months ago?
Hmm... yeah, I guess so.

What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
The classes I'll be taking for Fall term. Seeing some of my college friends/classmates again. Doctor Who. *shrugs*

Are you open with your feelings to people?
Not always.

When you’re bored in class, what do you usually do?

Is it okay to like someone else when you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

What is your mom saved as in your phone?

What are you doing this weekend?
Saturday is a family reunion.

Anything happen to you within the past month that has made you really angry?
Hmm... nope.

What was last thing you drank?
V8 Fusion Tea juice.

Was the last persons you were in a car with under the age of 21?

Will you be single over winter?
Most likely.

Did you date anyone over the summer?

What were you doing before you got on the computer?
Buying my books for the term and getting my parking permit.

What’s the biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Nothing's annoying me right now.

Are you on your period?

Have you made out with anyone in the last 2 weeks?

Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?

Has a boy ever called you babe/baby?

Are your toe nails painted pink?
No. My toe nails will never be painted.

Are you in love with a boy?
Does having a major celebrity crush count?

Has someone ever called you beautiful?

Will you be in a relationship in 4 months?
Not likely.

Is your bra pink?

Do you wear a lot of makeup?
I don't wear makeup at all. The only time I do is during special occasions and even then I don't wear very much.

Do you enjoy wearing dresses?

Do you straighten your hair often?
I never straighten it.

Do you want a boyfriend?
I am ready to have another chance at a relationship, a long-term relationship at that.

Have you ever kissed the same sex?

Are you waiting for someone?
My one true love? *laughs*

Who did you spend most of your time with last night?
My parents.

Do you like to make the first move?
Not really. I think I've made the first move so many times with no good results that I've gotten tired of doing it.

Kiss with eyes open or closed?

Last nonrelative you hugged?
Melissa - sort of. Technically she hugged me, but whatever.

Are your nails long or short?

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:58 pm

Fandom questionairre

Doctor Who

List twelve of your favorite characters from your fandom, in no particular order. Then answer the questions about them.

1. The Doctor
2. Amy Pond
3. Rory Williams
4. River Song
5. Captain Jack Harkness
6. Donna Noble
7. Martha Jones
8. Idris/Tardis
9. Ood
10. Dalek
11. Weeping Angel
12. Silence

Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
I've never read any Doctor Who fanfics to be honest.

Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
She's a very attractive lady.

Can you recall any fics about Nine?
See the first question.

Would Two and Six make a good couple?
Not romantically, but would make a great duo team. Both are headstrong and know when to keep the Doctor in order.

Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?
Haha... neither. Jack may be flirtatious, but I don't think he would consider be romantic with either alien race.

Do you recall any fics about One?
See the first question.

Two/Seven or Two/Four? Why?
Two/Four - Amy Pond and River Song. Obviously not in a romantic sense, but in the mother-daughter sense.

Would Five and Three make a good couple?
Haha... that would be funny to see. But no, Rory's already married to Amy Pond. Plus I can't see Rory falling for Jack's charm.

Who would win in a fight between Twelve and Ten?
That's an interesting question. If the Silence has the same effect on the Daleks as they do on humans, then the Daleks would keep forgetting that they're in battle with the Silence. As a result, after all the Daleks may put their forcefields down and become an easy target for the Silence to attack and kill the Dalek.

One/Five or Two/Eleven? Why?
Haha... if there was going to be any romantic thing going on, I could see it with the Eleventh Doctor and Jack. But I doubt that would even happen since the Doctor doesn't seem to like Jack all that much as it is. And there would never be any romantic connection between Amy Pond and the Weeping Angel.

Who would win in a fight between Nine and Six?
Donna Noble. I'm sure she would come up with some clever way of deating an Ood (if the Ood had gone evil that is).

Two and Seven are making out. Ten walks in…Their reaction?
You shall obey Dalek orders or perish. If you resist, you will be exterminated!

Three has to marry either Eight, Four or Nine. Who do they chose?
Rory is not going to marry his own daughter and would never marry an Ood. So, he's going to go with #8 - Idris/Tardis.

What would happen if Seven discovered Three and Ten in a secret relationship?
Just what sort of relationship would that be? Because I doubt Rory would ever consider getting together with a Dalek. Not unless Amy for some reason was converted into a Dalek.

Is there such a thing as a Four/Ten fluff story?
Fluff story? What do you mean by that?

"I'm River Song, check your records again."
"Say that again."
"One more time."

Suggest a title for a One/Five Hurt/Comfort fic.
Time and Space Travelers

What would be a good pick up line for Eleven to use on Six?
Weeping Angels don't speak.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:06 pm

1. Do you ever wish you could experience life [temporarily] as something other than a human?
Sometimes. I think it would be cool to experience life as a cat.

2. Are there any bottles of hand sanitizer in your house?

3. Is there anyone you know [personally] that has a talent you are jealous of?
Hmm... no.

4. Have you ever used Wii Fit? If so, what is your favorite activity on there?
I don't think I've done Wii Fit. I've done Wii Sports though. I like playing bowling.

5. Do you use a wired or wireless mouse?

6. Would you rather be given the opportunity to see how the pyramids were built, or experience the construction of Stonehenge?

7. Is there a specific pattern to how you get dressed? [aka, do you always put your shirt on first, or left sock before right sock, etc.]
Underwear, socks, pants, belt, bra, shirt

8. Do you like the appearance of bare, dead trees?
Only time I do is during Halloween time or when the trees have that scary Halloween/Tim Burton appearance to them.

9. Is there a tube of chap stick on your desk?

10. Do you have any sentimental chocolates that you have never opened?

11. What kind of landscape do you prefer: lush & green, desert, or tundra?
Lush & green.

12. Are you at all interested in astronomy?
Yes. I took an Astronomy class at community college. I've always been fascinated with the stars and the universe... but it's more of the love of a stargazer, than a scientific standpoint.

13. When was the last time you had an ice cream cone?
It's been awhile.

14. If you could live the life of any fairy tale princess, who’s would you choose?
Princess Aurora a.k.a. Briar Rose a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty.

15. Are you worried about anyone / anything right now?

16. Have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal?

17. Have you ever drank carbonated Hawaiian Punch?

18. Would you ride on the back of a shark for $10,000?
Sure, as long as I know I'm not going to get hurt in the process.

19. If you were offered to experience one week of life amongst the Amish, & had to live like they do, would you do it? Would you have to be paid, or would you willingly do it for free?
I would love to have the experience. It doesn't matter to me whether I'm being paid to do it or not.

20. How often do you see your parents? Would you rather it was more or less?
Everyday. I'm content with it for now.

21. What is the most common item found in your refrigerator?
Milk, Juice, Coca Cola

22. Are you fond of post-it notes?
Meh. *shrugs* I don't really care.

23. What sort of cooling does your house have?
Living up in a forest on a mountain... and a fan.

24. Have you ever considered a career as a zookeeper?

25. Are you waiting for something to arrive in the mail?

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:24 pm

Are you in a hurry to grow up?
_ No.

Do you sleep with the door open?
_ No.

How are you feeling right now?
_ Content.

What scares you the most in life?
_ Losing my friends and family.

Do you like the way you act?
_ Yes.

Would you say you’re responsible?
_ Yes.

Whose room were you in last?
_ Mine.

Prefer to get a new puppy or a car?
_ How about a cat? I'm a cat person.

Is anything going very wrong?
_ No.

Do people think your boobs are fake?
_ No.

Are you all about your business?
_ What exactly do you mean by that?

Poking your nose in someone elses?
_ No.

Do you like Vidblogs on Youtube?
_ YouTube

Are you on the phone with someone?
_ No.

Have people called you rude?
_ No.

The last time you bought a watch?
_ It's been awhile.

Have you had unprotected sex?
_ I'm still a virgin. So obviously no.

Do you like Professor Greens hairdo?
_ No.

Are you nice to almost everyone?
_ Yes.

Even people you don’t like?
_ Yeah.

Were you a very obedient child?
_ Yeah.

Ever woke up naked next to someone?
_ No.

Is your grandmother still alive?
_ Yes, both of them are.

Do you agree that drugs are for mugs?
_ What?

Should you feel guilty just now?
_ Guilty about what?

The last time you cried hysterically?
_ I have no idea.

Does love really last forever?
_ If it's true, then sure.

Do you have a bad feeling in your gut?
_ No.

Is your gut usually always right?
_ Yeah.

What were you doing at 1pm today?
_ Driving to my school's campus.

Do you tend to sleep a lot?
_ Depends on the day.

I really love ‘Bingo Players’ don’t you?
_ Never heard of it.

Have you ever seen Jeremy Kyle?
_ Who?

Can you imagine folk you know on that?
_ What?

Do you only care about yourself?
_ No.

The colour of the shirt you have on?
_ Red

Given up on anyone recently?
_ No.

Someone in your life who’s bad for you?
_ If there was such person, they aren't part of my life anymore.

Do you love a guy or a girl?
_ I'm openly straight - meaning I like guys.

Ever fell out with a pal for no reason?
_ Hmm... no.

Do you believe in bros over hoes?
_ I'm female, so that doesn't apply.

Is your generation so messed up?
_ Eh... parts of it probably is.

Are you a cry baby in your opinion?
_ Not as much as I was when I was younger.

Do you always take jokes too far?
_ No.

Why are you sad at the moment?
_ Who said I was sad?

Is it usually you who dumps people?
_ No.

Do you make others happy often?
_ Yeah.

What was the last nice thing you done?
_ Um... *shrugs* When am I not doing nice things?

A word beginning with the letter B?
_ Barbossa.

The word you just picked, is it dirty?
_ No.

Do you think you have a dirty mind?
_ It may be tainted, but it's not really dirty.

Are you always the first to fall asleep?
_ No.

Do you ever do your own laundry?
_ If Mom asks me to help with laundry, I'll do it. Otherwise, Mom does it.

What do people really think about you?
_ I'm kind, a sweet heart, smart, helpful, quiet...

Is what they think about you true?
_ Yeah.

How many months til it’s your birthday?
_ Just under a half of a year.

What are you getting for it then?
_ How am I supposed to know?

What’s better Christmas or Birthdays?
_ I like both.

Are you like everyone you know?
_ No.

If you aren’t, what makes you original?
_ A lot of things.

Do you ever ask people for money?
_ My parents to help pay for school stuff. But they've offered to help pay for college, so... *shrugs*

Have you felt not good enough before?
_ Hmm... no.

What makes you hate your last name?
_ There's nothing I hate about my last name. I love it.

Do you look older than your real age?
_ No, I look younger. Several years younger.

Will life get anymore easier for you?
_ Not at this point, no

Do you always tell people how you feel?
_ No.

Ever got kicked out of the house you’re in?
_ No.

Have you been called a problem child?
_ No.

Do you get possessive when you like a guy?
_ No... not really.

Are you a bit of an anti social person?
_ No. I may be quiet, but I can be quite the sociable person.

Is it ok to kiss strangers you don’t know?
_ Hmm... depends on the circumstances.

Do your parents really care about you?
_ Yes.

Are you in love with someone you shouldn’t?
_ No.

Do you have any regrets about your life?
_ No.

Would you say you’re a quiet or loud person?
_ Quiet.

Are you usually tight with your money?
_ I use my money wisely.

Should you apologize for partying too much?
_ I don't really party.

Do you ever have serious conversations?
_ Sometimes.

Is there a friend you cannot be serious with?
_ Hmm... no.

Are you someone who admires themselves?
_ Not in a narcissistic way.

Have you messed your life up in a big way?
_ No.

A year ago, would you recognize you today?
_ Yes.

Does your happiness ever last long?
_ Depends on what created the happiness.

Would you ever fight for someone you love?
_ Maybe.

Something that gets on your nerves?
_ People driving too close to the back end of my car.

Has who hurt you most apologized to you?
_ Yeah.

Who is it that makes you feel good?
_ My family and friends.

What’s worse, physical or emotional pain?
_ Emotional.

Are you someone who hates Cher Lloyd?
_ As in the singer Cher? Or is this a different Cher?

Would you rather be brave or smart?
_ Smart.

Do boys or girls have a easier life? Why?
_ Neither one has an easier life really. Each has their own issues to deal with.

Could you be an athlete at the Olympics?
_ No.

If you could, would you ever go to that?
_ I don't know. Maybe.

Say something nice about the girl you hate?
_ I don't hate anyone right now.

Have people seen the best of you yet?
_ Hmm... maybe? Maybe not? *shrugs* Guess we'll see.
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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