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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:14 pm

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Last week during my breaks I would hang out in the office. Today I tried to get into the office - no one was in the office, so I had to use the code I was given... but the code wasn't working for me. So I don't whether I'm getting the code wrong (since it's the first time I've had to use since getting it) or if the code's been changed. So, as a result, I wasn't able to get the picture of the Doctor Who-themed drawing I did on the whiteboard in our office. It's still up though; I could see it through the window... and it's probably going to be up for awhile. For those of you who were wanting to see my drawing, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit before you'll be able to see it. I'll see if I'll be able to get into the office soon... if I'm not able to get into the office for one reason or another, I may just end up making another version of it here at home. It won't be as impressive as the one of the board, since we had various different colors, but at least you'll get an idea of what we drew.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:20 pm

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I'm doing alright emotionally. Well... I say alright... I could be better. I think all of this chaotic uncertainty is having a slight affect on me. And I think if there isn't so uplook on things regarding the newspaper, things might slowly continue going downhill. I really don't want that to happen. Not right now. Not when it's just the beginning of the term. And especially when I can tell that my emotions aren't being very balanced right now. I think at any random moment I could break down again if things pushed me enough. *sighs**smiles - though it doesn't seem like a true happy smile* I'm going to try to not let this get to me too much.
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Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:27 pm

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When I was sitting around on the bench just down one flight of stairs from the office, I noticed there was a girl hanging out by the office. After awhile, I ended up going up and asking if she needed assistance. The poor girl! She apparently had an interview arranged for today... but there was no one there to do it - because our [former] editor-in-chief and managing editor would have done that job. I let her know that there had been resignations lately and that the newspaper was being put on hold until new leadership was found. She asked who she could contact and... well... I wasn't sure who she should contact, so I just told her to contact our advisor, since she's the highest person right now.

Hopefully this whole thing hasn't put off her interest in working for the newspaper, because she seemed like a really nice gal... and I think she would be a great addition to the team. Or at least what's left of it.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:45 pm

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My eyes are being weird colored right now. Normally they're all forest green. But right now there's a black ring around the outside edge of the iris. It's weird... but sort of cool looking at the same time.
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Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:57 pm

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I loved Doctor Who's "Let's Kill Hitler" episode. It was a superb episode for the return of the series. :D And ooooooohhhhhh... how I want to ramble on about the episode... But I'll put all of it in white for those of you who do not want to read spoilers.

When I first saw the trailer for the episode and saw the character called "Mels," I was trying to figure out who she was. I thought she would be some random person that the Doctor happened to pick up that the team gets involved with, like how Canton got involved in "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon" arc. Then I saw someone on Tumblr come up with the theory that Mels was really Melody. At first I was like "Oooohhh..." but I started dismissing that theory because I was like - why would Melody go from a little white girl to a black teenage girl to the white River Song? *shrugs* But obviously that person's theory was correct.

And oh! Gotta love bad girl Melody Pond - because she doesn't take on the name River Song quite yet. Alex Kingston has done a really great job doing all of these various personality changes as her character keeps getting younger and younger... and well, yeah... all the timey wimey spacey wacey stuff that goes on with her life.

Loved how there was the brief image appearances of past companions and the Doctor continually saying "Regret, regret."

I love the Doctor in a tuxedo. Though I'm intrigued why he's wearing it. It isn't the same one he wore to Amy's wedding... so it makes me wonder if it's the tuxedo he'll wear for "The Wedding of River Song" episode.

And we finally find out how the whole blue diary starts on Melody's end. And cat nurse! biggrin And archaeology to find the "good man."

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:09 pm

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More spoilers...

I loved the kiss scenes between Melody and the Doctor. Oh! I should tell you that I'm going to call her "Melody" for her younger self, since she's not calling herself "River" at this point yet. So, "Melody" = younger version, "River" = older version. Anyway! Back to the point... kiss kiss! And that last kissing scene where Melody brings the Doctor back... all I can say is I had a slight deja vu moment there, because it reflected a story plot idea for my own OC... though some things would've been different. But the whole kiss, regeneration and what not business... it was just... weird. *points at Moffat and herself* We're on the same wave length. ((I wonder how many people will catch on to the DW reference in that sentence... *laughs*))

Oh and when there was the discussion of Melody being a "psychopath," in my mind, I instantly kicked into Sherlock mode - "I'm not a psychopath. I'm a highly-functioning sociopath." *laughs*

What else to say... oh, oh! I just ran across this little connection that someone else made. When Melody poison-kissed the Doctor and he's in the Tardis, Interface!Amelia keeps saying that he's got 32 minutes to live. Apparently the time between the Doctor's death in "The Impossible Astronaut" and the time he wanted the team to meet him (shown in "Let's Kill Hitler") is 32 minutes. I wonder if there's any relevance at all...
And Doctor... where the hell did you go? Interface!Amelia mentions "Fish fingers and custard" and you suddenly get the energy to go off somewhere. But where? And how did you suddenly get better again? But didn't Melody say something about you resisting a regeneration or something like that? If that's the case, what did you do with the energy? Because the last time you resisted a change, you put the energy into your hand which later became Human!Tenth Doctor.

And what happens to Hitler? You left him in the closet. *laughs* And Robot!Amy? What did you do with it?

So many mysteries... so many questions...

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Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:11 pm

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Trying to find pictures from "Let's Kill Hitler" that aren't spoiler-ish. :)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:21 pm

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Alright. I'm off to watch... I don't know what I feel like watching. Most likely going to do some classic Doctor Who. *shrugs* Nighty night.


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Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:25 pm

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Good evening everyone.

I have a few things I would like to take care of before I focus on the rambling and what not stuff I want to do.

Shouldn't take me too long to do.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:44 pm

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Alright... so it took me a bit longer than expected. It was mostly having to catch up on my journal entries. At least I wasn't too far behind on those... but there was a lot of pages here that I had to go through to figure out what all happened between my last entry and now.
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Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:50 pm

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I'm looking at a blog of a friend's of mine. So I might randomly post questionnaires or whatever he's got up so far that I want to do here.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:05 am

For this blog post I am going to send a question out for those who have chosen to read my, often times random, blog. The question is: What is the most important thing in your life?

Now, before you give your answer let me add one guide line. If you are a religious person (Christian, Pagan, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, etc.) then please do not give me a religious answer. Do not answer with things like "My relationship with God/Jesus." I only say this because this is too obvious of an answer (no matter how true this may be). The purpose of this question is to get you to take a good look at your social/secular life and figure out what is the driving force in your life. The one factor that has the most influence upon the decisions and actions that you make every day. My hope is that you will learn more about yourself and why you do the things you do.

The most important thing in my life is love and friendship. While I may not be exactly a social butterfly compared to others, the relationships I make with others, whether in my family, with friends or new people, effect me quite a bit. It is through these connections that I learn new things about myself, the people I interact with and the world around me. I can easily state that it is through these connections that I have taken the opportunities that are available to me - continuing my education, volunteering at events, joining clubs and applying for positions in student leadership roles.

How do I know that love and friendship is the most important thing in my life? I know because when I lose it, it often devastates me. It can affect me emotionally and sometimes the recovery time depends on how strong my connection with said person was.

Prof. Moonie


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Prof. Moonie


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:43 am

1. How do you define honesty?
Being true to yourself and others. By not keeping things from other people that could potentially cause harm to the relationship you have with said person.

2. What is your biggest fear or worry?
Losing my friends and family. They mean a lot to me and losing the ones I'm really close to could really affect me. It scares me a bit to think about who I would be like if I didn't have the people I have in my life.

3. What is the main thing that makes you unique?
My imagination. I think I use my imagination more often than any other person... and in multiple forms.

4. What is the oldest item you own?
Um... probably some of the Legos and marbles I have, since some of them belonged to my Dad when he was a kid.

5. If someone was to give you one gift, money is no object, what would you want to receive?
A trip to the U.K.

6. What does it mean to have courage?
Be able to do something despite the uncertainty on what the outcome will be, especially if its something you don't normally do.

7. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
Kissa-Hime is the full nickname, but "Kissa" is used more often now than the "Hime" part.

8. If you could have any special magic, what would it be?
The ability to fly.

9. If you had three wishes, what would you wish?
Oh geez... um... I'll have to think more about that.

10. What is your greatest strength?
Love and friendship. I'm the greatest person you could ever meet - I refrain from judging people until I get to know them and I always try to be nice to everyone, even if I don't get the same treatment in return.

11. What is your worst weakness?
I would have to say being emotional. While there are times where showing my emotional side is a sign of strength, there are other times where I feel it is seen as a weakness. I think I get this feeling when its over things that shouldn't be affecting me so much.

12. If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge?
I would provide advice to those who needed it without specifically stating what the person's future is to be. Foreknowledge can be a dangerous thing.

13. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I would be 42 years old. Hopefully I've gotten married and possibly started a family by then. I hope to have a satisfactory job that I enjoy doing in a field of work that I've wanted for some time. Maybe have published a book or story or whatever... maybe two or more. *shrugs*

14. What do you do when you first wake up in the morning?
On school days, its turning off the alarm, because I hate the sound it makes. On non-school days, I usually look at what time it is and decide whether I want to get up or sleep some more.

15. What would your tombstone say?

An angel who spread love
Among all who she met
A dreamer who never let
Reality bring her down

16. How would you describe standing on a beach looking at the ocean?
Which beach? Which ocean? Because you can have totally different experiences at different locations.

17. What is your favorite outfit to wear?
Lately I've been in love with my various plaid shirts. I also love my black knee-high boots. *shrugs* I don't really have a complete favorite outfit. There's just random pieces of clothing here and there that I like.

18. What do you do when you are driving alone in a car?
Listen to music, sometimes sing along with it... and usually let my imagination run its course. Don't worry, I have an excellent ability of balancing my imagination and focusing on whats going on around me in real life.

19. If a friend is being bullied or harassed by someone, what do you do?
I stand up for the person usually and/or tell the bully/harasser that they shouldn't do such things.

20. If you could become anyone's friend that you want, whom would you choose?
Benedict Cumberbatch is the first person that came to mind. But honestly any of the main people of the Doctor Who and Sherlock teams would be a honor to be friends with (i.e. Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, Martin Freeman, etc., etc.)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:59 am

1.) When around other people, I am
a. expressive
b. quiet

2.) I tend to
a. dislike new problems
b. like new problems

3.) I make decisions based on my
a. logic
b. value

4.) I prefer to work in a
a. structured environment
b. nonstructured environment

5.) I feel more energetic after being
a. around people
b. away from people

6.) I work best with
a. facts
b. ideas

7.) People say I am
a. impersonal
b. a people-pleaser

8.) My friends at work say I am very
a. organized
b. flexible

9.) I get more work accomplished when I am
a. with people
b. by myself

10.) I like to think about
a. what is
b. what could be

11.) I admire
a. strength
b. comprehensive

12.) I make decisions
a. quickly
b. slowly

13.) I prefer
a. variety and action
b. focus and quiet

14.) I like
a. established ways to do things
b. new ways to do things

15.) I tend to be rather
a. unemotional
b. emotional

16.) Most often I dislike
a. carelessness with details
b. complicated procedures

17.) In my relationships I find that over time it is easy to
a. keep up with people
b. lose track of people

18.) I enjoy skills that
a. I have already learned and used
b. are newly learned but unused

19.) Sometimes I make decisions that
a. hurt other people's feelings
b. are too influenced by other people

20.) When my circumstances change, I prefer to
a. follow a good plan
b. adapt to each new situation

21.) In conversations I communicate
a. freely and openly
b. quietly and cautiously

22.) In my work I tend to
a. take time to be precise
b. dislike taking time to be precise

23.) I relate will to
a. people like me
b. most people

24.) When working on a project, I do not
a. like interruptions
b. mind interruptions

25.) Sometimes I find that I
a. act first and ask questions later
b. ask questions first and act later

26.) I would describe my work style as
a. steady with realistic expectations
b. periodic with bursts of enthusiasm

27.) At work I need
a. fair treatment
b. occasional praise

28.) In a new job I prefer to know
a. only what it takes to get it done
b. all about it

29.) In any job I am interested in
a. getting it done and the results
b. the ideas behind the job

30.) I have found that I am
a. patient with routine details
b. impatient with routine details

31.) When working with other people, I find it
a. easy to correct them
b. difficult to correct them

32.) Once I have made a decision, I consider the case
a. closed
b. still open

33.) I prefer
a. lots of acquaintances
b. a few good friends

34.) I am more likely to trust my
a. experiences
b. Inspirations

35.) I consistently decide matters based on
a. the facts in my head
b. the feelings in my heart

36.) I prefer work
a. in an establishment
b. as an entrepreneur

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:22 am

The questions above are relating to a Temperament Indicator test I'm taking...

E ***
I ******

S ******
N ***

T *****
F ****

J *****
P ****

ISTJ ~ Introversion Sensing Thinking Judging

This isn't usually the type I get. I'm usually an INFJ. I think the questions for this test was weird or something... or made it hard to accurately respond with.
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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