Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:32 pm
Day 1: Favorite Season
I'm still in the middle of watching BTVS right now, so I haven't established a favorite season yet. All I can say is that when there's more Spike screen time I've been enjoying the shows more. So... that means the later seasons are most likely going to be candidates for my favorite.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:33 pm
Day 2: Favorite Episode
Again this will be determined once I've finished watching BTVS. Though I doubt I'll be able to narrow it down to just one favorite episode. I'm sure I'll have several favorites.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:35 pm
Day 3: Favorite Song Used In An Episode
Um... I have no idea. I haven't really paid much attention to most of the music in the background, since I've been focused on what's going on in the storyline.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:42 pm
Day 4: Favorite Female CharacterWillow. If I was to compare myself to any of the female characters on the show, I definitely would go with her. I love that despite being a smart cookie in both books and technology, she still has a cuteness factor to her... and she isn't afraid to be brave when she needs to be. Plus I love the interaction she has with Spike. Of everyone, she seems to be the most willing to put aside their differences and hear what's its like from Spike's side of things. I think she helps Spike transform into a better man through her listening, understanding and sympathizing.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:45 pm
Day 5: Least Favorite Female CharacterI may have just recently met her and not gotten to know her very much, but right now I would have to go with Tara Maclay. I just don't trust her for some reason. It might all change once I get to know about her story and who she is.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:45 pm
Day 6: Favorite Male CharacterSpike and Giles. Enough said.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:53 pm
Day 7: Least Favorite Male CharacterRiley. Ugh... I just don't see what Buffy sees in him.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:55 pm
Day 8: Favorite FriendshipIf you even consider it a friendship (I do), I would go with Spike and Willow.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:58 pm
Day 9: Favorite RomanceAlthough I haven't seen much of the romantic aspect of their relationship quite yet, other than the random effects of Willow's spell gone wrong in "Something Blue", I think I actually like this pairing. Probably much better than Buffy and Angel being together... but that might be just because I've started realizing I have more personal connections to the Buffy/Angel pairing than I originally realized.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:00 am
Doing three at a time now since I want to finish this up, so I can watch an episode or two of BTVS.Day 10: Least Favorite SeasonTBD. Day 11: Least Favorite RomanceBuffy and Riley. xp Day 12: Least Favorite EpisodeTBD.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:05 am
Day 13: Favorite Potential SlayerYou mean like the various gals that kept coming in saying they were Slayers due to Buffy's death and what not? The first gal is my favorite ((sorry, can't remember her name)). I loved her attitude and the way she went about taking care of business. Faith annoys me. Day 14: Favorite Female VillainDrusilla, when she's her "weak" self. I didn't like her once she got her strength back... especially when she turned her attentions completely away from Spike and towards Angel. Way to pay Spike back for taking care of you this whole time, Dru! Day 15: Favorite Male VillainSpike's considered a villain when we first meet him. So, there you go!
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:08 am
Day 16: Episode You Like That Everyone Else HatesTBD. Day 17: Character You Relate To The MostUm... it's a tie between Buffy, Willow and Spike. Strange combination I know, but... I'm a strange person. Day 18: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen TimeUntil the recent season I've been watching I felt that Spike wasn't getting enough screen time. That's changed since... but I still love seeing Spike. Can't say no to more Spike. razz
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:10 am
Day 19: Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates
I think there's a lot of people that love Spike and Giles. So... no problems there.
Day 20: Best Spike-centric Episode
I haven't seen all of BTVS yet, so I'm sure there's some great episodes awaiting me to see.
Day 21: Best Willow-centric Episode
Again I haven't seen all of BTVS yet.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:12 am
Day 22: Best Xander-centric Episode
TBD. Though right now I think I liked the Halloween episode where he was changed into an army soldier because that's what he was dressed up as. I think that's when you finally discover what his role is in the "Scooby Gang."
Day 23: Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
Um... I guess I wished there have been more interaction between Giles and Jenny. I felt bad that just as he was finally started to get familiar with the dating life again, it was all ripped away from him.
Day 24: Favorite Example of 90s Special Effects
Whenever Willow is casting a spell. It's pretty impressive for the time the show was created.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:17 am
Day 25: Favorite Buffyverse Saying
"...out of the evilness of my heart." ~ Spike
Day 26: Favorite Scooby Moment
Halloween episode where everyone was transformed into their costumes
Day 27: Cutest Moment
Spike telling Willow the outfit he liked her most in, when he wanted to bite her.