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Reply "COS" ^Can O Spam^
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:07 pm

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Such a great episode. And I loved all of the Doctor Who references in it, lol.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:13 pm

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That girl kept reminding me of Olivia from Fringe though with her suit outfit and the blond hair with bangs.

Sorry, it's my first time watching the show, so I don't remember the names of most of the characters.

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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:20 pm

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The actress, who can also be seen in upcoming episodes of NBC’s Grimm and TNT’s Leverage...

*gasps* Wait! Jennifer's going to be starring in Grimm too! Oh, this is going to be so exciting! Yay for Jennifer!

Actress Jannifer Lanier Is Standing on Ceremony
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:35 pm

[True | False] I have seen the Statue Of Liberty in person.
[True | False] I have been taking surveys for at least 4 years.
[True | False] I actually like the taste of beer.
[True | False] I change my layout alot.
[True | False] I love Adult Swim. I don't even watch it, so I don't have an opinion on whether I like it or not.
[True | False] I usually just wait to rent a movie, instead of going to see it in theaters.
[True | False] I have had the opposite sex stay over while my parents were gone.
[True | False] I have taken a pregnancy test.
[True | False] I usually listen to music when I take surveys. And basically anytime I'm doing something on the computer...
[True | False] I eat some sort of candy every day.
[True | False] My favorite actress isn’t very famous.
[True | False] I am dressing up for Halloween this year.
[True | False] I have a pretty common last name.
[True | False] I have never been to a Drive In.
[True | False] I want to live in another country. For a short period of time, in the U.K. (unless I like it so much I want to live there for longer, lol)
[True | False] I love reality shows.
[True | False] My best friend is younger than me.
[True | False] I eat pizza at least once a week.
[True | False] I have at least one tattoo.
[True | False] I love dry eraseboards.
[True | False] I wear dresses a lot.
[True | False] I have cut my own hair.
[True | False] I call carbonated beverages ‘pop’.
[True | False] I’m trying to grow my hair out. It's already long as it is, but I always try to see if I can have my hair grow longer... lol
[True | False] I’m using a laptop to take this survey.
[True | False] I have stolen a lot of things.
[True | False] I have been arrested.
[True | False] I subscribe to at least one magazine.
[True | False] My phone has a touchscreen.
[True | False] I love clean shaven men.
[True | False] I want to lose weight, I just have trouble getting motivated.
[True | False] I would rather take short surveys over long ones. Depends on my mood.
[True | False] I change the channel when commercials come on so I don’t have to watch them. With recording our shows and having a program to cut out the commercials I don't have to worry about them, heh.
[True | False] I’m very bad at public speaking.
[True | False] I rarely get on Facebook anymore.
[True | False] I straighten my hair a lot. More like never.
[True | False] I really need a job. I have a job... but I will be needing one when I'm graduated and no longer the Copy Editor for my university's newspaper.
[True | False] I know someone who drinks everyday.
[True | False] I’ve had something very valuable stolen from me.
[True | False] I have been depressed a lot lately.
[True | False] I want to have at least two kids. 1 or 2 kids is all I want. No more than that.
[True | False] I have had surgery.
[True | False] I’m on birth control.
[True | False] I love cooking for people.
[True | False] I wrote on my walls when I was little.
[True | False] I have dyed my hair an unnatural color. I'll never dye my hair.
[True | False] I have had food poisoning.
[True | False] I am going shopping soon.
[True | False] I have unlimited texting.
[True | False] I still play on kid websites.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
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  • Magical Girl 50
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:38 pm

Things You Have Done (c)

Been to a live concert.

Seen a play.

Had braces.

Been out of the country.

Gotten surgery.

Been to Disneyland/Disney World.

Had children.

Gotten a job.

Had your own garden.

Been to church regularly.

Had your own car. I still have my own car.

Been bungee jumping.

Been shopping in New York.

Built a snowman. And a snowcat and a snow hunk...

Been skiing.

Gotten a college degree.

Had a serious boyfriend.

Had sex.

Gotten a good tan.

Exercised regularly.

Had a good book collection.

Gotten married.

Had an exotic pet.

Been rock climbing.

Rode in a plane.

Been to Las Vegas.

Been on a cruise ship.

Gotten a manicure/pedicure.

Smoked weed.

Gotten drunk.

Dyed your hair.

Won an award.

Make a survey about yourself.

Cooked a big meal for someone.

Learn to sew.

Given/received oral.

Changed something about yourself.

Met someone famous.

Gotten arrested.

Not eaten for a whole day.

Lost weight.

Made a scrapbook.

Donated to charity.

Worn colored contacts.

Cleaned my entire room.

Graduated high school/G.E.D.

Finished a game of Monopoly.

Joined Tumblr.

Gone camping.

Seen my favorite band live.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:54 pm

Doctor Who Survey

When did you begin watching Doctor Who? (how long ago? what season?)
A year ago when I watched "A Christmas Carol."

Who was your first Doctor?
The Eleventh Doctor played by Matt Smith.

Is he your favorite Doctor? If not, who is?
Of course! He's *my* Doctor.

Who is your favorite companion?
The Tardis Team - Amy, Rory and River.

Did you cry about any episodes? If so, which ones?
Oh, I'm sure there's a few that I've cried to. The one I know of is "The Doctor's Wife."

Were you sad to see Ten regenerate into Eleven? Why or why not?
I think I was more sad for Ten not wanting to regenerate than it being the end of Tennant's time. Not that I have anything against Tennant. It's just I understand that actors and actresses have other things they want to do in their life besides Doctor Who.

In five words, how would you describe Doctor Who?
Anywhere in time and space. razz

What is your favorite episode?
"The Doctor's Wife"

Do you “ship” any characters with each other?
Eleventh Doctor and River Song. smile

In regard to shipping, how do you feel about the following [common] pairings: Ten/Rose, Nine/Rose, Eleven/Amy, Eleven/River, Ten/Master, Rose/10.5?
Ten/Rose = Meh... they're alright.

Nine/Rose = No. I just never saw the romantic connection between them then.

Eleven/Amy = No.

Eleven/River = Yes, yes, yes!

Ten/Master = Hell no.

Rose/10.5 = She got what she want, I guess.

How often do you think of Doctor Who? (Does toast occupy more of your thoughts, or does traveling in the TARDIS define your entire existence?)
Quite often. ((Traveling in the TARDIS does not define my entire existence. Not that obsessed.))

If the Doctor were to show up next to you right now, what would you do?
Poke him to make sure he's real and then say "Where to, my friend?"

Would you be willing to be a companion?
Of course.

Do you like Ten?
He's my second favorite Doctor.

You are currently trapped in a room in the TARDIS for bad behavior. WHAT DID YOU DO?
Honestly? A room on the TARDIS as punishment? Haha! What was the Doctor thinking? Anyway... what did I do? Hmm... most likely help fly the TARDIS and the team out of harm's way... but the Doctor didn't like someone else touching his "sexy" without permission. He'll get over it and realize that I just saved their lives sooner or later.

What are your theories about Series Six, if any?
Series Six is over... *laughs*

Do you like the Master? If so, do you like him more than the Doctor?
He's alright. No.

Are you afraid of the Sil— wait, what was I asking again?
Nope, I'm not afraid of them. *blinks* Hey, what are these tally marks on my arms for?

What actor would be your choice for the Twelfth Doctor?
James Marsters.

I mean... come on! He was called "The Doctor" for one episode in BTVS! And the first main villain that Buffy had to face - "The Master." Seriously am I the only one who picked up on this? It's not like Doctor Who was that foreign during that time. They mention Doctor Who when Spike visits the Trio of guys. I think it would be funny to have them appear in Doctor Who as those titles again, lol.

Do you prefer the Classic series or the revived series?
Revived series - Moffat era.

Do you watch the related series of DW, such as Torchwood, the Sarah Jane Adventures, or Doctor Who Confidential?
Torchwood and Doctor Who Confidential, yes.

Do you have episodes of DW or its related series on DVD or on your computer?
I own "A Christmas Carol" on DVD. I can access episodes through Netflix... and other websites.

How often do you watch DW?
When it's airing, every week.

What are your opinions of River Song?
I love her! She's such a great character to watch.

Do you listen to DW-related music (Murray Gold’s compositions, Chameleon Circuit, etc.)?
Murray Gold's compositions, yes.

Do you, or would you, wear DW-related jewelry, clothing, and/or accessories?
If I owned any, I definitely would be wearing them. smile

Do you think it would change the show too much if the Doctor regenerated as a woman? If so, how and why?
It would add new ideas on how the Doctor would act with his companions... and probably who the Doctor takes on as companions. I mean, if the Doctor was female, would the companions still be female? Or would the male count start going up? But overall, I don't think it would be that big of a change...

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:13 pm

Answer the questions with a picture.

1. What is your favorite color?
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2. How old are you?
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3. How tall are you?
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4. What is your current relationship status?
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5. What is your natural hair color?
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6. Do you have any tattoos?
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7. What is your most prized possession?
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8. Who is your closest friend?
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9. What kind of phone do you have?
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10. What is the closest food/drink item to you right now?
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11. Will you draw me a picture of ____________? (fill in the blank)

12. What is something you are afraid of?
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13. Is there any alcohol in your house?
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14. What is the thing you are most insecure about?
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15. What emotion are you feeling right now?
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16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
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17. Pick up a random object near you.
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18. What color underwear are you wearing right now?
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19. What does your signature look like?

20. What is the last picture you took with your phone?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:17 pm

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Only a couple hours left until I have to figure out what I'm eating for dinner and then head off for my first class of the term.
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:20 pm

What is your most marked characteristic?
That I'm quiet and reserved.

What is your principle defect (i.e., your most recognized flaw)?
I'm emotional...?

The quality you most desire in a man?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:21 pm

The quality you most desire in a woman?
Confidence. Genuine confidence, not cocky confidence.

What do you most value in your friends?

What is your favorite occupation?
I have loved being the Copy Editor for my university's newspaper.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:22 pm

What is your dream of happiness?
Fulfilling my current dreams and goals.

Who is your favorite prose writers?
Um... I don't have any favorites.

Who is your favorite poet?
I'll have to go with Edgar Allan Poe.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:23 pm

Who is your favorite hero or heroine in fiction?
If you're talking about like superhero, then I would go with Iron Man. Just in general... then I'll go with Sherlock Holmes. He may not consider himself a hero, but for me he is.

Who is your favorite hero or heroine of history?
Um... I don't know... Princess Diana?

Who is your favorite hero or heroine in contemporary times?
My parents.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:25 pm

Who is your favorite musician or band?
Celine Dion, Celtic Woman, Maroon 5... just so we've covered the different types of musical artists. sweatdrop

What is your favorite color?
Pink and purple.

What is your favorite flower?
Pink roses.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:26 pm

What is your favorite dessert?
Cherry Cheesecake.

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What is your favorite pastime?
Reading. Watching my favorite TV shows. Spending time in nature.

What natural gift would you like to possess?
The ability to swim... or ice skate.

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
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  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie


Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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  • Magical Girl 50
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:27 pm

What do you fear?
Losing my friends and family. Not necessarily through death... but just losing the relationships I have with them and what not.

Where would you like to live?
Somewhere around here... or briefly in the U.K.

Who do you most like to spend your company with?
My friends... and my parents.
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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