Alee was new to the neighboorhood. Hell she was new to the planet! She had come a very long way from her own home planet to this assignment on Planet Earth. This 'job' was her last chance to prove to 'The Powers That Be', that she was totally recuperated from her 'last assignment!' And she was not going to let anything or anyone stand in her way this time. No sir, not this time!! So far she was making good progress on this assignment, concidering the fact that she was doing all the work right out in the open, with hundreds of people all around the place. She did her BEST immatation of being a HUMAN being!! And the fact that she has BLUE HAIR, deep blue eyes, and a blue sheen to her humanized body, well Alee was just happy not to have to worry too much about the ' blending in part!"
Where she lived in GAIA town, was not cheap,but not too expensive either. She was supposed to blend in, not jump right out there, so her new home was kind of mediocur,compaired to the other houses on her block.,

*************anyone wanting to add to the" STORY OF ALEE N" freel free***************