okay so here is a story i wrote there is an rp i created based on the characters if u want to check it out the link is http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=14401959 k this is really long and i son't hav it save to my computer so to save time im not gonna worry to much about grammar
hey my name is bobby j and i'm here to tell u a story it all started when i was a young foolish ninja i was practicing with my nunchucks when the broke "dude those belonged to my great great great great grandfather i better get em fixed or my sensei will kill me so i went to the blacksmith to get them repaired. "hey there bbby j" the black smith greeted me" what can i do for u"
"I broke my nc's dude" i replied
"ur what?'
"my nunchucks"
"oh well then let me just have a looksee" he gasped "do you know what these are?" he whispered.
"uh nunchucks" i answered
"these are the nunchucks of mount agnasanatoingna"
"u mean that valcano thing that has a long name that's really hard to pronounce?"
"umm yeah anyway these were forged by the gods in the magma of the valcanoe u broke them and now unless they r repaired in twentyfour hours a great monster will destroy the world"
i was uninterested "so can u fix them or not?"
"these nunchucks are enchanted and as such can only be repaired by dipping them in the magma of the volcano. but beware the way is treacherous and...."
"and i have to be really carefull and no one has ever come back alive and yada yada yada. whatever dude im gonna go pack." and with that i was off i brought along my katana my ninja stars and my staff.
after about three hours of walking i stareted to get bored. "dude i thought this was supposed to be perillous and stuff" just then out of the corner of my eye i saw a tiger leap at me. "of course right as i say that" i said "i freaking hate carma well whatever bring it dude" and it lept at me again again i just barely doged. i then threw one of my ninja stars at it but missed and it lept at me again this time i was ready though i took my katana and leapt over it cutting off it's ear in the process. it llay on the ground dont dead but unable to fight."dude i can't kill u that would tuin my honor and my rep." then suddenly a blue wind swirled around the creature and it turned into a woman. "okay" i asked "who r u and y am i having such a freaknig weird day."
the woman spoke softly "i am aries godess of love u have spared me i am in ur eternal debt."
"okay i saw ur lips moving but all i hear was bla bla bla bla bla"
she spok again not so softly this time."look kid my name is aries and im now ur slave got it?"
"oh sweet okay as my first demand get me a um... club soda"
"what but those haven't been invented yet"
"up up up did i ask to be questioned just get me my soda and make it snappy"
"fine here u go" and with that a club soda apperaed in my hand
"sweet." i chugged it in about five seconds flat. "so" i asked "where u from"
"do u really care?"
"uh no duh i've just been freakin walking by myself for three hours and i kinda wan't to hear another humans voice dude"
"okay two thing i am a godess not a human and i am not a 'dude' i am a woman"
"whatever it doesn't really matter cause i don't care"
"ah i haven't met anyone as arrogant as u since mars"
"oh he's the god of war and my ex boyfriend"
"oh so what now"
"well if u want we should probably get moving"
"can u fight if we come across some moron that want's to kill us"
"what u think that fatal bleeding from the head is gonna impare my ability to fight"
"um yeah"
"what am i human"
so we continued on for a while not really talking until she asked me "so what are u doing up here anyway this mountain is really dangerous and.."
"gah im so tired of everyone telling me how freaking dangerous this mountain is i've made it this far haven't i?"
" well it's just that..." suddenly there was this terrible noise singing oops i did it again (if u call that singing) "quick get down" said aries "gah what is that" I asked
"those are the midget spears cavemen of this mountain this means were close to the mouth but these little guys are deadly they will sing so much bad music it will leave u unable to concentrate and then they'll kick u in the shins"
"spears? as in britney spears? ah it's horrible it bring disgrace to all humans i gotta stop them" so i jumped up and was met with a barrage of bad music. i was distracted and unable to do anything. suddenly a bright light shone from aries finger and stunned the spears cavemen just long enough so that i could take cover. "how in the hell do we fight these things?" i asked
"well u could use an ipod"
"shut up im thinking. got it give me an ipod"
"just give it to me and make sure it plays good songs."
she did and i jumped out the spears cave men started singing "Hah can't hear u" i took out my staff and hit one. "i deserve custody" it yelled as it flew away. that was weird i though to myself. i threw a ninja star at one and it exploded. also odd then i heard aries yeling and saw she was being attacked "ow get off u little... ow" she yelled
"don't u worry bout a thing" i yelled
then suddenly the spears cavemen started singing "don't u worry bout a ting every little ting's gonna be all right "hey they're weakness is reagea." i exclained "wow that tops the list of weird things about these guys" aries just rolled her eyes snapped her fingers and headphnes appeared in all their ears and they started singing bob marley songs. we snuck past and enterd the volcano.
When we got o the bottom i was really hot and i didn't know why "is it hot in here or is it just me?" i asked
"of course it's hot u idiot were in a valcano."
"hey u better watch it if weren't for me u'd be dead"
"i'm immortal i can't die u little incompitent..."
"look all i know is that u were getting ur a..." before i could finish some guy in a weird black costume with six fake legs came swinging out of nowhere r u here or a tour?" hea skedat this point i was confused as confused can be "who the hell r u" i asked
"I'm spiderdude the tour guide"
i supressed a luagh "spiderdude?"
"yeah so u want a tour or not"
"how much"
"1 yen"
"yeah that way if u sew us thats all u get back
i turned o aries and whispered "lets humor this guy and laugh at his stupidity later" i turned back to spider dude "ok we'll do it"
"great in that case welcome to the valcano tou company side effect may include 3rd degree burns loss of hair and death"
"woah woah waoh" said aries "wait a minute death?!"
"um please hold all questions until after the tour. thank u" he said "now if u'll just step into this boat we can begin V.T.C. is not responsible for any injuries or disinegrated goods"
"this is gonna be awesome" i said and with that we left. as we rowed i asked "so spiderdude how'd u get into this buisness anyway?"
"I SAID HOLD ALL QUESTIONS UNTIL THE END OF THE TOUR!" he said angrily. aries looked at him suspiciously and said "ur hiding something what is it?"
"he he" he laughed nervously "me hiding something what r u talking about"
"fine if u won't tell me i'll force it out of u" she shocked him and he went comletely erect and stiff. "now" she asked "what r u hiding"
he spike in a complete mono tone. " I only got u to go on this tour to feed u to my master sana." Aries gasped "of ourse how could i have been so stupid." and then in one breath she said "the creature the gods created to protect this mountain but it got out of hand so we had to protect the mountain without letting the monster loose on the world so we decided to trap it in the volcano and the first person who enters the volcano has to feed the beast and if he getss tricked into being eaten the one who tricked him is the new feeder"
"wow that was a mouthful" i said
"did u hear anything i just said" she asked me
"yeah i heard the word a"
"gah u idiot this so called tour guide was going to feed us to a giant monster."
"say what?!"
"im sorry i had no choice" said spider dude" im under a curse and the only way to break the curse is to kill the monster"
I thought for a second "did u sya kill the monster?" i asked
"Yeah. why?"
" well it's just i hven't had any action in about fifteen minutes and im getteing kinda bored so i think i'll lift this curse for u."
"really even after i tried to feed u to a monster?"
"yeah sure why not let me just dip my nunchucks in this lava" i did so and all of the sudden they "whats up!" all three of us gasped. i was the first to speak "um am i crazy or did my nunchucks just talk"
Heck yeah i just talked" he replied "u got a problem with that"
"no just wanted to make sure i wasn't crazy." aries gave me the u r an idiot look again and asked "how r u talkin"
"uh with my voice duh." the nunchucks replied
"let me put this a different way why are u talking"
"uh cause i feel like it"
"ill handle this" i said "dude wut up with the talking"
"what u never seen a magial weapon before"
I felt accomplished "and there u have ur answer" there was a pause and then the nunchucks said "so wut up peeps. where r we anyway this place is hot" we were all thuroghly confused the nunchucks sighed "aries u should remember me ur ex made me"
"Oh yeah" she said "now i remember agna mars got bored one day and decided to make u however u got to annoying so we put a curse on u t make u shut up the and while we were at it we put sana's curse in you to the only way to break ur the curse is to break u lifting agnas curse and then to dipu in the lava of this valcano returning agnas curse but lifting urs which bobby j just did."
"ur welcome" i added
"so it was u thanks man" said agna
i thought 4 a moment "hey we were just about to go fight sana u wanna help"
"u better hope i wanna help cause the only way to defeat agna is with an enchanted weapon heh that's me so u should be depending on me to be there."
"Oh no here we go again" said aries
"what?" i asked
"ill warn u now this guy is extremely annoying."
"i shrugged i don't think he cann annoy me much unless he starts singing britney spears music."
so we fomulated a plan and went into our positions spider dude was seemingly nalone and called sana "oh great and powerful sana i have brough u ur next meal."
suddenly an eagle swooped down. it turned into a wierd looking beast that is indescrible suffice to say it was huge
"dude no one told me this thing was a shape shifter" i whispered
"quiet" whispered aries "unless of course u want to give our position away"
The beast spoke "where are those of which you speak" it boomed we jumped out "right here dude or dudet or whatever u r!" i yelled
"what is this?" it yelled
"um an ambush" i said the beast turned back into an eagle
" Quick" said agna "spider dude throw me at it" he did so and missed "what kinda throw was that" spiderdude started to cry lightly " bobby j show em how it's done." so i threw him and missed even worse it landed off to my side then the beast landed behind me turned into a gorilla and sent demonds after spider dude it then took a swipe at my head i ducked and counterd doing a sweep kick resulting in the beast falling on it's back aries took her chance she doged an attack from her foe and used magic to throw agna at sana it hit him he rose into the air ant yelled "Toingna as he imploded" his demons did the same
We stood around in pure shock for about a minute then i said "so thats how this valcanoe got it's name"
"whu?" said aries just coming out of shock
"agnasanatoingna. agna the magic nunchucks forged here sana the monster that protects it and toingna what the monster yells once defeated
"well duh" said agna "oh and hey aries that was a pretty good throw... for a girl"
"ok said aries thats it i vote we leave agna here all in favor"
spider dude and aries raised there hands
"yeah i would but my sensei would kill me" i said "don't worry though i have another idea"
so we put agna in a sound proof jar spider dude always tags along with me now but the only useful thing he's ever done was that he invented club soda so now i get it for free. im still a ninja in training but hopefully that will change someday soon. as for aries well some things never change ARIES WHERE R MY PANCAKES!!!