This is the second series Script from a Show that my friend and i wish to create. We Wrote the script together.

What are your thoughts of the random, wacky world, of the E.T. Show.

A Murder and Jaffa Cakes On HALE Day

Alice: oh, the world is so round

Katilyn: Planets tend to do that

Alice: oh what the world. My life is ending this is all so pointless *sob*

Jenny: where did the Doctor go anyway?

Alice: don’t mock me *points* your not a duck you don’t deserve your just…just…just…stupid and unimportant and…a waste of time

Jenny: If I ever had a diary, which I don’t, that’d be going in it *happy*

Katilyn: EW…diary, INFECTED!

Alice: like feet

Katilyn: egg-actly *wink*

Jenny: she’s going to kill us all!

E.T.: I can finally speak real English. The gift is upon me! I am special and you aren’t. Yoo-oo-oou ar-rr-en’tv

Katilyn: O_o it talks! Make it do something else! Make it do something else! Make it do something else!

Alice: SIT!

E.T.: *sits*

Katilyn: yeahhhhahahahaha hehehehehe

Jenny: she’s back!!!!! *happy* I can’t believe I’m saying that with happiness!

Alice: must be the gym socks that have been on your shoulder all of these holidays that whispers in your ear and makes you do stuffages that is weird like robbing that bank, patting you head and rubbing you stomach … oh and making George Bush wear a banana costume! RIGHT ON!

Jenny: uh?

Socks: Don’t zisten to zem. Zere ziening

Katilyn: It MOOOOvvvved!

Alice: What MOOOOvvvved?

Katilyn: the wall

Jenny: is the wall a form of food? Food. Chocolate. Yum. *drool*

Katilyn: you’re talking and all I’m hearing is blah, blah, blah, mo, blah, blah

Alice: but the world goes round

Wat: oh and that’s why I’m depressed…and the FIRE!

Alice: the world is round *sniff*

Katilyn: the bible was written by the same people who thought the world was flat…And guess what? Oh come on guess? Oh don’t be like that! Guess! Oh…okay… IT MOOOOOOVED!

Knip: was it my loveliness spirit escaping this oh so depressed world full of people like Wat and Izzy. Oh! And is it sucking away all the happiness away?

Katilyn: No

Knip: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blob: blah to you and you! And YOU! Burn you! Just…DIE…with FIRE! And the light from heaven because it BURNS. Burrrrnnnss. *whisper* burns…. Oh the world, there is no fire. It’s all your fault *points at Alice* Wahhhhhh! *cries*

Alice: Uh?

Izzy: *runs in* William dead! *Freezes*

E.T.: E.T. phone home?

Alice: yeah! Where’s the party at and I’m there! You guys are so weird! It’s Soooo obvious that you’re lying. God you think I’m going to fall for that AGAIN? *laughs*

Izzy: *in tears* no he’s really ‘dead’

Katilyn: funny one

Izzy: seriously! *sob*

Alice and Katilyn: hahahaha good one!


Alice: uh? WHAT! Williams DEAD!

Katilyn: hahaha very funny

Alice: shut up!

Knip: He’s deaded? Oh yeah! He’s finally gone and killed himself…oh wait. That means he has surrendered to the depression…NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alice: he was my b***h *sob*

Izzy: I just *sniff* found him in his room *sniff* with a knife though his back* *everyone looks at Alice*

Alice: Hey! He was my b***h! I don’t have any one who would say the same for me besides William

Katilyn: *in Sherlock out-fit smoking pipe and stroking beard* then would killed him? Being coffee boy he had a lot of enemies

Alice: William was COFFEE BOY!?

Jenny: *sigh* god you people and you non-logical logic. I shall go call the police report the murder and make you all some coffee in the memory of William. You think that’ll shut you up for five seconds

Katilyn: why are you so pushy for us you drop the subject. *sniff*… *gasp* you had drugs *point*

Jenny: What?

Wat: present!

Jenny: no! I didn’t you know as well as I do that I’m allergenic to crack

Katilyn: what if it was smack? *raises eyes brow*

Jenny: there the same thing!

Katilyn: or are they *blows a puff of smoke out of pipe. Ash goes all over jenny*

Jenny: *cough, cough*

Katilyn: TALK!

Jenny: why in the world would I want to kill William? Any way why would I even suggested to getting the police in. you know just as well as I do that there is no rubber gloves in this house since William

Alice: *sob*

Jenny: blew them up tied the ends off and pretended to be a chicken for the whole day

Alice: best day *sob, rubbing eyes* of my *cries* LIFE! WAHHHHHH!

Knip: well it wasn’t me I was out all morning with Wat

Izzy: *jaw drops* you two are TALKING to each other?

Knip: I am trying to get him into the happy faze of life. He agreed because he said it sounded like fun to suck all the happiness away from everyone and laugh about it behind there back when we stole there tooth brushes

Alice: oh…so that’s where it went.

Wat: quite. It was mine to start with any way to…BLAZH!

Hugh: I am here!

Alice: ah! Ghost of Christmas past is back!...and its not even Christmas!!!!! *pulls out cross and holds it out and starts to though holly water at Hugh* back! BACK I SAY YOU!

Izzy: I just clean that carpet

Hugh: ah…how refreshing, now to more pressing matter Williams dead and I-

Alice: we already know he’s dead! God I stop crying a while ago *pause, sniff* or not. WAHHHHHHHHH!

Katiyln: wait? If Williams dead and he is coffee boy then me being Tea girl. NO! I have to do work! Wah!!!!

Alice and Katiyln: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Jenny: head for high ground!
Knip: I can’t swim! Help somebody save me! Help! HELP! HEEELLLLLPPPPPPPPP! MEEEEE! PLEASE! ANNNND THANK YOUUUU!

Jenny: Knip

Knip: Ahhh! Help me! I’m drowning

Jenny: KNIP!

Knip: what!?

Jenny: the waters only yeah high you can’t drown in it

Alice and Katiyln: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Knip: oh! I wondered why I could still breathe

Jenny: you’re a vampire of course you can’t breathe. God man you are dead the un-dead for gods sake you cant breathe that sort of comes with the fangs and immortality

Knip: shut up

Alice: Tears all gone *sniff* I’m better

Katiyln: why!? *to screen* why did you do this to me?! Why?! Why?! WHYYYYY?!


Katiyln: *gasp* how could you *jaw quivers* how could you *sniff, sniff, cries*

Alice: Katiyln get over your self there’s more important things

Hugh: like I know who-

Alice: shut up. Like, the dead and blood in ‘MY’ house it is so unfair!

Hugh: but

Alice: but isn’t a sentence

Hugh: Hey

Alice: Hey! Isn’t either.

Hugh: *glare*

Katiyln: now who could the killer be *back to Sherlock styles* jenny is out of the question, so is Alice, Wat, Knip… *turns* Izzy…Where you between when and now

Izzy: Huh?

Katiyln: don’t lie to me *slaps face*

Izzy: ow! Man! I was painting in my room

Katiyln: how can you prove that?

Alice: she films her self when she paints so she’s off the list

Katiyln: then it’s just me… *takes breathe* okay. *Walks into interaction room and sits down.*

Katiyln: where you between when and how?

Katiyln (suspect): doing stuff

Katiyln: *slaps self* don’t lie to me

Katiyln: (suspect): ow that hurt.

Katiyln: serves you right! Where you!

Katiyln (suspect): I was no where!

Katiyln: is this no where Williams room?

Katiyln (suspect): EW! No!

Katiyln: and where you killing him?

Katiyln (suspect): no!

Katiyln: You where running the knife though his heart.

Katiyln (suspect): No *shaking head* no, no, no!

Katiyln: Right though his back and then you watch! You watched him die didn’t you!?

Katiyln (suspect): No

Katiyln: right though his back! From behind! What a coward!

Katiyln (suspect): I didn’t do it! I swear!

Katiyln: then were where you!

Katiyln (suspect): eating Jenny’s jaffa cakes *sob*

Jenny: *gasp* how could you?

Katiyln (suspect): *crying* I’m sorry *sob*

Katiyln: you b***h! *starts to bet self up*

*One hour later*

Katiyln: if it’s not me then who is it *head to toe in case*

Alice: why didn’t you just stop at betting your self up *bruised. Badly* why did you have to punch me and then kick me when I’m down? Why!?

Katiyln: because you where there and I can

Alice: don’t do that why did the chicken cross the road crap on me!

Jenny: so its not one of us so who is it? *strokes nose hair*

Wat: *sob* here’s *sniff* coffee!

Alice: *sob*

E.T.: *worshipping picture of William in corner with black candle. Bowing in black clothes* Willimaism. Willimaism. You will live on! YOU WILL LIVE ON!

Izzy: why don’t you just leave *to Hugh*

Alice: ahhh! Gh-

Hugh: ghost of Christmas past. I know. I know.

Shiloh: hehe! I am back! And no one will stop me now! No one! NO ONE!

Alice: why *to screen* WHY?

Charlotte: idontknow

Alice: ARGH! *losing it and pulling out hair*

Knip: well I say good on him now he can go be annoying to some one else besides me.

Group: *glare*

Knip: what I was only saying what was in the back of all of your minds. Come on! You had to have been thinking that at one stage. Gone Haray in the back of your mind because he is dead and we will never see him again or have to cope with his annoying little voice. Katiyln: I have to admit that not hearing oowwppaaa! All the time is refreshing

Alice: *glare*

Almighty creator: BLAZH!

Kaitlyn: There is only one person evil enough to do anything such as this! *long pause* The Evilest person ever…. *cough*

Jenny: Whoses that?

Kaitlyn: Braces yourselves but… *runs to door and opened it pulling stranger in*

Jenny: *shocked* but…. but couldn’t be…. But… and minions….. *tears* no!

Alice: wow! *holds out paper* I am like you biggest fan sign here

Jenny: *screams at Katilyn* you brought jess here!?! *runs up to Jess and hugs her* why didn’t you tell me!

Alice: sign HERE! *angry*

Jess: minions!

*random people burst though door before tripping over there shoe laces that don’t exist*

Simonette: *pints at Knip* I love your pink neck scarf! It’s so now and prettyful

Knip: My word!

Matt: you have a nice house. *looks at them* do you guys actually get PAID!?! *gives Jenny evil eyes*

Alice: Nooooooo!!!! Wahhhh! They keep spending my money it is so periosussss *weird voice*

Matt: I think I’m in love!

Wat: *jumps in front of Alice* BACK! Back I say you! YOU!

Sid: Dude, man. Lay off him man. Matt, dude, you can’t handle it. Man, dude.

Matt: MY LOVE!

Petra: *holds matt back* No. Down boy! Down! A little help jess?

Jess: You are asking me for help, *smirks* ill never let you live it down. *yells at

matt* corner! Now!

Matt: Or what? *sobs*

Jess: * a ruler appears in her hand*

Matt: *squeals and runs for cover.* don’t hurt me!

Alice: I don’t understand

Katiyln: you never do *rips off cast which she doesn’t need and pulls Jess into integration room* where were you on the night of the fifth?

Jess: *blushes* no where?!

Katilyn: *points Jess’s face and yells* JESS GOT a Boy friend!

*minions run through door, A.m sign appears at there feet making them trip over*

Everyone from E.T. Show: oh…now we understand

Alice: I DON’T!

Jenny: *runs in* traitor *runs out*

Jimmy: Oh… is it that guy?

Jess: What is this? A murder investigation!

Alice: Quiet

Jenny: Dooomedd!

Jess: Who died?

Everyone”: William. *flood of tears*

E.T: *sobbing over picture* he will rise again and live on fer ever!

Jess: But. But, but…. He was so evil. And my favourite person.

Kaitlyn: If it was not you… then who was it?

Sock: *snickers*

Hamster: *runs in and jumps on Jess’s shoulder.* die, die, die,

Jess: Who said that? On no… the voice is back. *looks at smiling hamster* Oh hello hammy!

Alice: the wall is melting. I’m melting!

Sid: Dude, man... I think, ma, we can be very good, dudes, friends, man.

Jenny: Dam!

Briteny: Well due to the A.M mansion contract. *pulls out contract*

Izzy: It’s so big. *jumps and takes it!* mine!

Briteny: that’s my only copy.

Everyone: *yells and cheers*

Hugh: I know who-

Alice: we don’t care go talk to someone who cares

Shiloh: don’t look at me!

Hugh: how can someone look at you? It’s a sight in its own! *prods Katiyln’s head* I know who did it

Katiyln: What? *looks around confused*

Wat: present!*playing checkers with Charlie (who is cheating*

Katiyln: who said that?

Hugh: it was me

Katiyln: some one call ghost busters!

Alice: who we gonna call? *singing*

Jenny: the police to let them figure out who the murderer is by themselves *singing*

Alice: *glare*

Katiyln: no you can’t kick me off this case man I need it!

Alice: we anent in no weird cop drama so shut up!

Katilyn: you would like that wouldn’t you. It being a cop drama because it might be killer instinct drama and you’ll be like HALE!


Hugh: that’d your own Fault no remember what I said before. That I know who KILLED William

Katilyn: who said that? *sing-song tone*

Alice: now who could it be? There are only two people I can think of…


Alice: Huh? Oh! You want me to tell you?

Group: yes!

Alice: oh! Ahhh….ummm… ooonnnee… um… oh yeah! George bush seeking revenge on Jenny

Jenny: but I don’t even like William so it’s pointless.

Alice: you obviously don’t realise its Thursday and William dresses up like you on that say

Jenny: WHAT!?!

Alice: and… then there’s that weird dude who plays that dude in the princess bride movie. Who goes mawage

Katilyn: *glances over* any one else really confused

*weird nose blue police box appears and some weird dude jumps out*

Weird dude: have no fear the doctor is here! IS HERE!

Alice: what? No that’s stupid you chanced into that *he looks like David tenant* no. no. no. *shaking head*

Wat: *smirking rocking back and forth on heels* hehehe

Doctor: hey. Rose is like all dead so I decided to like join you for a while and drown out all my sorrows by annoying William

Alice: about that, *looks at him* un-cute Doctor, *pauses* William kind out was killed

Doctor: uh? No! I need him *angry*

Katilyn: back away slowly

Alice: *glares* its all about you! I’m more sad that you about this. He was my b***h and you know my friend and…

Katilyn: you like him

Alice: *starts to puke* don’t say that it makes me puke at the sound or even the thought….. *puke*

Katilyn: okay….

Jenny: what about me! I’ve like been made all un-important or something along those lines or anger and hatred and glare and angry looks and a line that actually makes some word like sense.

Katilyn: again. Okay…..

Jess: Bow down to me!

Knip: oh! *arms folded* Now you let me randomly bow down in worship to someone I don’t even know. Shesh! Anyway *bows down*

E.T.: Traitor! You have converted from Williamisnm to whateverthehellthatis-ism. TARITOR!

Jenny: I wasn’t even enlisted in the whole Williamism trend thing

Alice: I know what we can do!

*everyone looks again

Alice: oh… you want me to say!


Alice: oh okay…

*weird silence*

Alice: we can look at the body and gather info on what’s going on because my brain hurts and I am bored and ow the computer pain!

Almighty creator: DON’T BLAME ALL DIS s**t ON ME. GOD!

God: yes?

Alice: hey! All you are is Seth Green with a name tag ‘GOD’ on you!

God (Seth Green Dude): egg-acty

Jenny: my line!

Alice: hold on *gets it* SETH GREEN! *screams like freaky stalker fan girl*

Seth Green: um... *points to door while Alice is trying to find a pen and paper for autograph* I’m gonna go *runs quickly from room*

Alice: nooooo! Come BAAAAAOCKKK! *sniff* ew call the ambulance

Jenny: now you listen to me!

Katiyln: Why?

Alice: because William is decomposing and is stinking my house out

Katiyln: okay *at phone* what is the number for 911?

*Three hours latter *sponge bob fashion*

Alice: *little green palm tree air fresheners everywhere one tied to her nose*sniff* ahhh *sigh* that’s better

Detective: how long ago did you discover the body?

Alice: who?

Detective: the body

Alice: I had nothing to do with it I just walked in with the axe in her head. I SWEAR!

Detective: uh? *confused* you where involved in another murder?

Katiyln: a few actually. Not really her fault it was all her twin sisters fault

Alice: who? Twin? It wasn’t ME!

Jenny: well Izzy found the body but I suppose you can keep on flirting with Alice just watch you back

*In back ground Wat it raising axe to kill Detective*

Detective: *Turns around* oh hello

Wat: *hides axe* ah…*nervous laugh* hello

Detective: who are you? I’ve seen you before…

Wat: it wasn’t me! REALLY! I just there! I didn’t steal the shoes!

Detective: do you ever get used to this

Alice: no. never. We are just like this. Pause looking at Detective* Stop STARING! *pause* its bad manners. God all you out side people so… um…so….there’s a word….it’s on the tip of my tongue

Jenny: turnips

Katiyln: crumpets

Hugh: ghosts?

Alice: no not it….oh yes! So mean! That’s it! Mean!

Katiyln: dat it nothing else besides that s**t you just did not insult man not cool

Doctor: you do realise your not meant to have fear because me, the Doctor, its here! IS HERE!

Alice: if you want jaffa cakes Katiyln go get ‘em I just don’t care no more because my brain hurt and MY b***h *sob*

Detective: *goes to comfort*

Wat: *steps in smirk* its okay

Detective: *glare*

Katiyln: hey! *to computer screen* why do you always have everyone drooling over Alice? What about me?!

Almighty creator: YOU’RE CALL

*weird dude appears holding Jaffa cakes*

Weird Dude (Tre Cool): *growl* not again

Katiyln: my hero *thinks she’s going to hug him but steels all this jaffa cakes*

Tre Cool: Hey

*but it was to late because the plate was already clean and all the jaffa cakes in Katiyln’s mouth

Katiyln: *though food* what?

Tre Cool: *Sob*

Alice: its okay *pats Tre Shoulder*

Katiyln: *to computer screen* Hey!


Alice: Mmmm….pizza

Almighty creator: *NOD*

Katiyln: wait *turns* that doesn’t even make sense

Alice: Mmmm…sense

Katilyn: what the hell is wrong with you?! *to computer*

Almighty creator: Mmmm…what

Katilyn: Argh! What has happened to the world?

Alice: besides you? Well there’s global warming, deforestation, crime, death, diseases, younger and older siblings, George bush… I could go on all day man but I have a campaign to begin if I wanted to kick George Bush out of D.C. and that takes time. I have to help both candidates for the set and also, by the way, make sure they don’t know I am helping them. I paid the media but you can never be to sure… any how, there is more problems in the world that you but I think you rank about number 10…um…maybe 20 but I think that’s letting it slip a bit far. A little bit too far.

Jess: oh yes. You go and make her special?

Matt: What? Money? Mine?

Alice: no Matt *sigh*

Matt: *drool* she knows my name…and has money my dream is complete. Starts to twitch uncontrollable*

Jenny: damn! I think he’s short circuited

Simonette: *punches air* It is a sign!

Knip: oh, what the world, the world is ending-

Simonette: and my loveliness spirit-

Knip: is escaping-

Simonette: quickly-

Knip: but not after a taste of-


Simonette and Knip: *blink* End *blink* Of *blink* World *blink* Pie? *blink*

Katilyn: oh don’t be like that! It is muchly interesting and yum. Sadly I have not yet had one.

Jenny: what is it eggs-actly?

Katilyn: only the best pie in the WORLD!

Jess: answer properly minion!

Katilyn: why? *smirk* Jess

Jess: I have told you before! Only refer to me as your divine master!

Katilyn: shut up *slaps Jess in a bugs bunny like fashion*

Knip: this is the Je- Divine master affected which causes a Donald duck mix up and eventually leads to bugs bunny which in the end makes bunny slapper (the victim) a Tasmanian devil which will kill everything around it in a chain saw mascara sort of way.

Detective: stay back! *aims gun*

Katilyn: killer instinct bad. *cavemanwomanmanlikeness like* Hale must die! *smashes window and walks out door*

Detective: *points* I’m sure this was in a episode of Buffy once

Alice: I think you find it happens in most fantasy shows

William: hey? What up man!

*duh! Duh! Duh! Duhhhhhhhhhhhh!*

Alice: not again!

Jenny: *points at Alice* I knew it! I knew you killed him it was so obvious!

Alice: no it wasn’t

Jenny: ha! Proof

Matt: Money? Murder? *throws arms around Alice* could you be any more perfect!

Alice: help! HELP!

Wat: you’re on your own. You were all mean and evil. *pause. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting* oh okay! I’m coming! *runs and saves her form the Matt dude man*

William: *starts laughing*

*group pauses in mess*

Group: what?

William: *still laughing* I can’t believe you believe that man! It was al pig blood. For gods sake it didn’t even look like me. It looked like a weasel

Katilyn: *comes back with axes breathing hard* Mongolian sun weasel? Kill!?!?!?! *blink and runs from room* KILL! HALE!

William: what happened to her?

Alice: finally snapped nothing very different just got to tackle her down and take her to the brain surgeon again…to pay with MY money!

Matt: *glares at William* her money dude! Don’t mess with the money of the cool lady. You don’t even deserve to look at her *quickly builds wall between William and Alice*

Alice: *shouting though wall* so…it was all staged?!

William: yeah! I think that covers it! I never called you my b***h by the way! *shouting though wall*

Alice: hey! I needed me to feel special *shouting though wall*

William: *shouting though wall*what ever man *turns and see Doctor* How are you *pauses* you look very familiar *pauses to think* have we met before…? *CLICK!* ow *rubs head* that hurt *SNAP! CLICK!* you! No not you! *pause in terror* I’ll pay you back for the E-bay time machine! I promise!

Doctor: No. it’s me… *pause* the Doctor.

William: oh that’s good you already got the doctor for Katilyn. How sweet.

Doctor: no I’m the doctor. You know I’m special because I have the THE

William: I’m not getting it

Doctor: dude man change dude man new dude man look

William: can you connect the dots

Doctor: *connects Dotson a white board that makes a bunny rabbit*

William: *gasp* no! Not you AGAIN!

Doctor: *puts top on the white board marker* I think that task is complete

Alice: some one please! She, evil weird one who had snapped and is called the happy one is going to kill HALE! People please! He doesn’t deserve it!

Jenny: or does he? *painting nails black, well actually painting her hand black because some one had stolen her black gloves* it’s not like you know him or anything

Alice: *shifty eyes*

Hugh and House: traitor!

Alice: no it’s not what you think. We bummed into to each other nothing strange or planned about it.

House: I was wondering why you took that plane to America

Wat: even I have to agree with House and Hugh…TRATIOR! You have ripped my heart from my chest!

Alice: god. Don’t have to be all emotional over it. We needed a fridge so I got the best…*mutters* with my money

Matt: Money? Murder? Independent? *in black with black candle bowing down * could you be any more perfect! *smiling like crazy*

Alice: okay I usually don’t complain but *turns to screen* why the hell are you making everyone like me!

*no reply*

Alice: hello? LISTEN TO ME!



Alice: god I hate these answer machines

*everyone giving her this are-you-thick look*

Alice: you wanna be like that!? HUH?!!?!! Well go a head. I can just do I spell

William: *gasp* no

Alice: Huh?

William: *begging* please don’t do a spell

Alice: you a CHRISTAIN?!

Wat: really-

Knip: Truly-

Izzy: A hundred-

Jenny: percent-

Matt: money-

Jess: CHRISTAIN?!?!?

William: no! *glare* I just don’t like being a frog thank you very much for a fish or half fly or a BUCKET! You heard what my mental doctor says ‘Only eat chocolate if there are no buttons’ oh! And also ‘chicken is bad it’s all fat!’

Alice: that has something to do with magic?

William: no... *trails off* but *normal* it’s all the same any way all boiled down to brush you teeth and no magic.

Alice: I never thought that no random spell would back fire…

William: huh?

Alice: nothing!

Izzy: so are we going to go get Katilyn?

Detective: can some body explain why the hell is going ON?!!??!!? Why the hell anent you dead

William: faked my death not really that hard al you need is a sofa

Detective: I wondered why the body was so chair like….

William: and of cause blue berries!

Detective: and why the blood was blue! I have to hand it to you. you really out did your self.

William: that’s insulting

Alice: Peoples! Come on! To the saving of the Katilyn from her self and the saving of the HALE! and stuff *punches air*

Group: *CLICK* not aga-

*spins and they are in secret lair under house*

Group: *green with sickness*

William: you said *almost puke* said that you’ll *almost puke* you’ll never do that *almost puke* again *almost puke- nope! PUKE! Lots and lots of puke. William do you have to eat so much carrots!? God!*

Alice: EW!

Katilyn: *runs in and points* ew! *runs out*

Alice: in the invisible mobile!

*Group jumps in air and lands in invisible car. Besides Jess…who jumps to far*sob**

Jess: ow *in pain*

Alice: come on! *tries to pull Jess in car* ow! My arm!

Jess: Shut up! *gets in car. Does no miss this time…this time *smirk**

Alice: away! *not moving* uh…up! Up! And away…? Hold on *Turns to group* what’s the password again?

William: not again?

Jenny: Grr! He’s so cute?

Knip: Pink! Pink! PINK!?

Alice: no *stroking ear hair* that’s not it. God what is it? *angry* your all turnips

*car starts*

Alice: that it! Its turnips!

*car turns off*

Group: *glare*

Alice: *nervous laugh* uh…turnips

*car starts*

Alice: go after Katilyn

*car speeds after Katilyn*

*in Tokyo*

Alice: ohhhhh

Jenny: ahhhh

William: it’s every where

Knip: it’s like not right

Izzy: it’s like…I think I’m goanna be sick

*Tokyo has been painted purple with little white daisies*

Alice: ohhhhh

Katilyn: *eating jaffa cakes *that are all purple with white daisies* oh. Hi guys! *waves*

Alice: what? Why are you here!?

Katilyn: I needed to get some candy floss for there new HALE! day here.

Alice: but what was up with the kill HALE! thing?

Katilyn: it’s about daisies. There’s so much here. So they called it HALE! day so that they can kill all the daisies.

Jenny: why?

Katilyn: *pats Jenny’s back making Jenny twitch strangely* come my friend. Let’s go home and I will explain

Jenny: AGH! *runs screaming from car*


Almighty creator: *WINK*

*dingdingdingding dinnnnnnngggggg*