I think that "Time" is a realitive word to the human race because we are "time" oriented creatures. I also think it's something that passes differently for all species. For example, you can leave a dog in it's kennel for five minutes and when you let that dog out agian it will act as though it's been hours since it's seen you. Time for us is really just what we percieve it to be, a quantitative measure for our own understanding. I think it passes differently depending upon what view point you're looking at it from. Time passes diffrently to every being(the same way and hour passes slowly for your friend but fast for you), In reality time is just something we use to keep ourselves organized and together (ike a pack mentality) If we all know what time it is then we all have some level of control over things (like when you're supposed to show up for a doctors appointment) So, were we to free ourselves from our current society's view of time who's to say we couldn't go back and forth between now and later? On the color thing... I think that colors are also objective. It's all in how you see things. We may think the grass is green, but who knows weather it's really red or purple or who knows what color. "Color Blind" is really such a ridiculous word. Maybe people who are sonsidered "colorblind" are seeing the world in it's true colors? How would we even know? All experiences we percieve through our senses are confined to what we percieve them as. What is somber for one person may be humorous to another. What is green to one person may be brown to another.