"Little Lamb and Honey Bee, You've gone back to the Earth, and have Become Dirt."

Once, I woke up, and didn't know who I was.

The saddest part of that morning was when I rememberd.

But later, I realized,

Just how good I was at forgetting.

Who I was, Who I loved, How I lived.

Little Honey Bee,

They say, in life, that you are born twice.

What the don't say, Is how first,

You have to Hurt.

It is funny, what brings you back,

To all the Strife,

I who had surrounded myself with life,

And couldn't figure out, why I didn't fit.

It wasn't life that brought me back,

But death.

He talked to me, and asked me If I wanted to come with Him,

All of me,

Is wasn't a Sin.

I said yes, so many times,

But I was dead, and still alive.

One last thing I had to go back for.

My Life.

When I made it back, I hated it,

Like I thought I would.

And truthfully, like I should

"I've been to hell, can not you see?,

I'm scarred In life, so now I'll leave"

You didn't believe me, And didn't care,

So I tryed to go back,

but never made it there.

He had tricked me, He had lied,

He never meant,

For me to die.

Crying, screaming, falling, it's Black.

He never wanted, for me,

to go back.

Not here,

Not there,

Not anywhere.

I didn't fit.

And I didn't want to.

Petty, Mean, Ugly,

And so very pathetic.

It almost makes me, Empathetic.

I'm Not.

It wasn't you who brought me home,

I would have rather, been left alone.

It wasn't Life that brought me back,

It was Death, that made me crack.

In the end, how I found myself,

Was Anger.

Bettrayed and Hurt,

Vengful, and Mean,

They didn't want me,

And neither did He.

It was God who found me, in the end,

It was God, who had made me bend.

He didn't pull me out, but dropped a roap.

And I think that he, had called It Hope

I grabbed onto it, and pulled MYSELF out,

And when I made it, There was some doubt.

But I couldn't lie, I couldn't pretend,

My suffering had finally,

Come to an end.

I cried, and screamed,

Happily this time,

And I was now, Free of crime.

But all of a sudden, You wanted my Help.

You cannot Imagine, How that felt

I only said yes, because he was there.

I only said yes, because HE did care.

You hated me still,

And life too, It seemed.

And I hated your Anger, The way you were mean.

So Keep it for yourself.

I never needed your help.

I was fragil, and I still am.

But I choose not to be, your feeble little lamb.

Little Honey Bee.

You have to be knocked down, before you can get back up.

We repeated this 1000 Times,

And still managed not, to commit your crimes

Eventually, I learned how to Rhyme.

I learned how to make life mine.

Without you help.

So remind me why,

I ought to cry?

Please tell me Why,

For you, I ought to die?

You gave me Life, then left me to drown.

Now you want to know why,

I don't stick around.

I can't understand it, the way you don't see your own faults.

And you keep your love, locked up in a vault.

It's amazing to me,

How little you see.

Your truth is something I cannot find,

And so, it seems, I must be blind,

I want to laugh, It's bitter and funny,

You spend all your life, dripping in Honey.

So pretty!, So Nice!,

Go on fate, quickly, roll the dice.

I always did prefer the Dirt.

I always did prefer the earth.

She's cool, and resiliant,

And frankly, quite Brilliant.

She beautiful, and Strong,

And never afraid,

to admit when she's wrong.

She dosen't need to be sweet,

To live her life through,

And it is she,

That allowes the hunny on you.

Your not blind,

You just don't see,

His beautiful world, with hunny bees,

And hunny, for bees.

Little bee, What a shame!,

Comforting you

Isn't my Game.

Conforming to you,

Isn't my shame,

And who I am,

Isn't just my Name:

I died,

And came back to life,

Born again, into hate and strife,

I fell once again, Then found my own hope,

God helped me out, And called it a roap,

I helped you up,

When you were down,

And you didn't even take the time,

to look around.

I don't need your eyes,

I have my own.

I don't need your lies,

I just need a Home.

I found my home, I MADE my home,

But just couldn't stand,

To leave you alone.

So I lent you a hand,

And I Always will

So you too, can stand.

Even Alone,

With your own will.

My Safe hatred, your only safe, so long as it hurts.

I don't need your pain,

To wallow in dirt.

I don't need Pain,

To know my own Name.

Yuuki Aoyagi:

Who is that?

My name is Hope.

You know, That thing, That looks like a Roap.

And somehow I'll coap,

With my beautiful world,

Covered in dirt.

Sometimes it hurts,

But it sure is worth,

My life.

Little Honey Bee.,

Live your life In Honey.

Once, I woke up, and didn't know who I was.

The Best part of that morning was when I remembered.

My Name if Hope.

I Lived, and Live life, In the dirt.

Not like a Honey Bee,

Or a Lamb,

Like me,

Just like me,

Like Hope.