Hi, friends! cat_biggrin
If you knew me, there's a chance you know of my deep-seated hatred for "Mr. Tweety-Wing" (but it's okay if you don't know who exactly I'm talking about here). There's a very peculiar reason for that (other than the obvious fact that he's an antagonistic villain), but more on that in a moment.

Pokemon Conquest, as you know, is a spin-off game that has you battling warlords and warriors using Pokemon in order to take control of the Ransei Region. One of the warlords in question is an Ice-type user known as Mitsuhide.
Up until the Pokemon Conquest game was announced, I've never given much thought on a trainer (or any Pokemon character) having some distinctive "look". You know... long hair, angular face, and narrow piercing eyes; Kinda like some "mysterious" type of guy.
So, when I saw the box art of the game, I went like this :

1. cat_eek
2. cat_gonk
3. *shields face while blushing*

That is not a reaction to a crush. That is a complete and utter "KEEP AWAY FROM ME!" level of shyness I tend to have around men with such features, regardless of who they are and what their motives happen to be. And thus, the other main reason why I hate "Mr. Tweety-Wing".

CURSE YOU, MITSUHIDE!!! cat_scream *shakes fist*

*ahem* Pokemon Conquest is a great game and all, but I'll think about getting it eventually. That is all! cat_3nodding
(Sorry if it's a late post for an old game. cat_sweatdrop )