Username: molly the crazy angel
Name: Hedy
Age: 19
Gender: female
Race: hedgehog
Ability: Her quills are pointy instead soft like normal hedgehog girls and they p***k up when she gets nervous. When she curls up in a ball, her quills are strong enough to negate even lasers.
Weapon: none right now
Personality: shy, scares easily (except with thunder), sweet when she gets to know someone, helpful but has a low self-esteem.
Bio: Hedy is quite different than most female hedgehogs. Her quills are stiff and pointy instead of soft and hair-like. Because of this, she accidentally pokes others and in result she has a hard time making friends. She had always hidden away from Eggman, but one day she heard her family was killed and she knew she had to stop him somehow.
Other: When she sneezes, loose quills will shoot out from her.