So once again I ruin a laptop by spilling something onto it. So instead of getting yet another laptop I just went and got a PC/tower. That way if I were to spill onto a keyboard I won't have to replace the whole computer.

The laptop in question does still work. But I feel that with how bad the spill has been it was only a matter on time before I stopped working completely. I did want to eventually get a PC anyway. It just happened a little sooner than I was expecting.

The main reason I'm feeling dumb is because out of the 10+ years of owning a laptop I didn't really think to just go get a PC and would just replace the laptop with another laptop even if I didn't really treat it like a laptop. [As if I usually just kept it in one spot and rarely ever moved it.]

Though one funny thing is that when I got it first hooked up I couldn't find the power switch. I did manage to find it by poking at random spots.