Sailor Moon character don't belong to me, but to Naoko Takeuchi.I use them because they are funny and I really like that show, besides I'm to lazy to think about names wink

Do you Serene....
take this.....
Ohh come on hurry, hurry.
Are you wondering why I'm staying in front of the priest in the white wedding dress and why am I counting down from 10 I can explain it. Really! just listen. It was a very good plan right? Just stay for a couple of days in the city and make a quick holiday. No pirate job for week! Right? Okey, so I was walking around the market and was wondering what should I buy for a dinner, when suddendly I saw him. His face was the best recognised thing at the whole Centrals World. So I though: Hey, he is rich I'm a pirate, it could be fun. He was well know womanizer and I just wanted to try. How could I know that he will fall in love and in a week time wanted to marry me! Uhhh I hope that he will get here on time, if not...I'm busted for life.
I do
Crash! I turned around just to see my hero.
-Hold the ceremony, she is mine!
I will be rescue, no stupid Daimond lalalalala
-I don't think so! - she heard the sound of taking out sword and looked at Daimondo, who Oh for havens sake was trying to protect her. -My darling run as fast as you can I will take care of this peast!
She blinked two times before realising how stupid he was.
-Oh thank you my love - she said with the most scared voice she could manage to speak without bursting into laugh and quickly run to the back door of the chapel. She run, as fast as she could, to pirates ship and didn't even turn her back too see if anybody is following her. She got on to deck and heard the man whisle at her. She cursed under her breath and turned run under the deck. She had a good timeing, when her head disappear there were heard sound of fighting. When the people run at the ship they quickly started to sail as far as they could from the island. Serenity peered from her hideout and breath with relife when she saw all the man an board.
-Everybody okey?
-Yes - the man with sandy-blond hair looked at her with a grin - it was quite a fun and I don't see you everyday in wedding dress
-Oh stop this already! Besides, you have a bad timing you know. You had 7 seconds left to be te "in the last second" rescuer.
-Next time I will remeber that, I thinked that it is better to be early, then too late, but as you wish - he smirked.
-Oh stop it already - she rolled her eyes and smiled - Thank you.
-Don't mencion it - he gave her a hat - so where are we going now captain.
-Loking for adventure Motoki, as always - she said, putting the captaind hat on her head and smiled.