Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:05 am
Do you listen? Do you care about how they feel? Do you accept their flaws as part of who they are? That is all I can think of...
Maybe you are not the problem, but maybe it is they? But take this final suggestion with a grain of salt, for it may be wishful thinking on your part. From what I can tell, you care a lot about being a good friend (or at least looking like a good friend) and that is always a good first step.
Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:50 am
Wow, you're alot like me. Just be yourself, if people don't like you then who cares? people have different opinions anyways. I think you are a good friend, even if i don't know you. Don't change just because somebody don't like you, just be content with who you are.