--Hehe. I was bored and had nothing to do and the tone of 'Lips of an Angel' got me into it. So here ya go! ^^

As the sunset passed by, its golden light fading away into the horizon of the ocean, there was one standing on the hill-top. The gentle breeze lifted the strands of hair from her face, but she barely noticed as the winds grew stronger, making the ruffles on her dress flutter by her legs. Her gaze was upon the setting sun, as its rays settled upon her tearstained face, there was a slight step forward. The crashing off the waves seemed to grow louder, the mist spraying her face. She noticed nothing, it was as though her entire being was focused on the last rays of the setting sun. In between her hands was a bouquet of flowers, as she tightened her hold, her long hair beginning to lift as the wind grew stronger. It seemed as though the forces of nature were trying to oppose the deed she was bringing upon herself.

Yet as the winds grew stronger, so did the girl’s will power, as the final step was taken. The rush of wind, the spray of mist as it wafted upon her face for the last time. The sickening crash was unheard, as a wave crashed against the shore, its sound causing dozens to look up, watching the last of the strange girl, in who no one ever knew…and never will.

Comments welcome! ^^ It's not that good, but still!