All of these are pretty emo...
I usually only do the poetry thing when I'm particularly pissed about something, or have had a crappy day. I don't care much about improving, but constructive criticism is nice sometimes, just for the sake of feedback because none of my friends say much about them. They usually just go like, "They're really well written." And whatever.

I’ll sit here, lonely on my bed
And shoot the lyrics through my head
A metaphor sliver like a knife
Impacts enough to end my life

Also untitled
Chilling me
Every breath of cold air
Every glance to the frost
cast from the street lamp
Breathing out cold air
like a cancer threat

My fingers are numb
My insides are chipping
Chattering in coldness
I wonder just how long
I will have to stand here
Before I can say goodbye for real

I remember everyone
The strangers I have made
The loves and lives I’ve met
Combing their hair with their fingers
And laughing all the time
Without even hearing the joke

I wonder how long
I’ve stood in the frost
On this empty street of memories
Unhappy and distasteful
Lovers who were strangers
And friends all just the same

I hate it and I love it
There’s nothing that I want
And yet my entire life
Is floating in these breezes
Stirring leaves and jackets
And hugs to share warmth

But no one’s here to hug me
The entire world is sleeping
No one knows I’m here
I would call and say goodbye
But no one really knew me
I’d be told I dialed wrong, I guess

The pillows of breath come
They light up in soft silver
I let a tear roll down and sigh
I’ve never really been here
There’s no one here to love me
And I finally say goodbye

So now the road is mine
I own the space tonight
A freedom I was never given
A life that is my own
I may have never been there
But I’m here, and that matters.

Don't talk

Kneeling down, joints in pain
I'll let the day slip down the drain
The water is burning my body down
No smile was ever made up of a frown

Laying down to sleep, to leave
I'll wipe the moments on my sleeve
Each and every memory
will crush me under gravity

I will pray when I awake
thinking of the tears I'll make
That later will drift down the drain
or be wiped upon my sleeve in pain...

Don't say what you don't know.

"Your life isn't special,
it's always so bland."
Until you've been through it, you can't understand

You can't swim the ocean if you don't know a stroke
You can't know the riches if you are flat broke

No one believes that
I hated the band
But until they've been through it they can't understand

They can't know love if they don't know a soul
They can't know success without making a goal

They aren't so proud
once my future's not planned
But until they've been through it, they can't understand

They can't know my life if they don't know me
and they can't possibly love me if they won't let me free

Tidal Wave

I got lost, alone, today
No hand held mine to make me stay
So, naturally I went astray
Goodnight my love, goodnight

Everything for your hips,
your lips
There's water on your fingertips
The tidal wave it rips and clips
like none I've ever known

Lost inside the sea, I am
A squid, a fish, a crab, a clam
I never surfaced, though I swam
No sight, my love, no sight

I gave up on your lips,
your hips
There's blood there on your fingertips
The tidal wave it rips and clips
and I want to go home.

Goodbye, Teacher

I never thought it'd be the day
Where you would shake your head and say,
"There's nothing more that you can learn,
I've lived my life, now it's your turn."

As you went upon your way
You sent the rainfall streams astray
I stood alone on the street and sighed
And I felt the rain fall down inside.