Hi Everyone! I'm currently filling in for Dr. Awkward as a mod around these parts.

For those of you that haven't seen me, or have no clue who I am, I'm most active in the Japanese Conversation and the threads about learning other languages, since that's my area of semi-expertise. (I'm learning, and making plenty of mistakes). I'm a high-school student with a crazy life like many of you are, were, or are going to be. I get cranky. I get crazy. I make rash decisions. If you think something I did was unfair or uncool, just send me a polite PM about it, and we'll talk. Just don't flame me. I don't like flames.

Honestly, I'm going to try to keep things nearly the same, but I have a few ground rules and pet peeves, that periodically aply here.

Grammar and Spelling

I ain't no grammar nazi(I made a funny! See?), nor am I attempting to win a spelling bee any time soon. But please try to be somewhat intelligent when it comes to using ch4t speec, 1337, and txt tlk.(In other words, don't use it) I can read it, and you can too if you type in it, but others can't. I know this is a forum for foreign language and culture, but let's respect our own first.

Lord knows that I'm the Typo Queen(Cause I said so). This post is full of mistakes. I know because I ran it through spell check before posting. It was horrible. There was at least 3 or 4 mistakes in every paragraph, and everytime I read it again I see another mistake I made. You'll probably find quite a few that I missed. I'm just that bad at English. (I often wonder why I'm trying to learn another language, then I remember that it's fun).

Just try. You don't have to spell check every post you make and read through it a bajillion times. Just try to be somewhat litterate.

Of course, if you are typing in a language that I don't understand, I won't be able to tell if you're speaking/typing correctly or not...Other people in the thread probably will though, so be careful and respectful.

Summery- Just make an attempt to type full words or sentences. That's all I'm asking.

Thread Necroing

I was going to do a little thing on how you shouldn't revive a thread from pages and pages back, but there's only 2 pages of post archive! So go ahead and revive older threads, as long as they are relevant and thoughtful. Just don't go and revive threads that are similar to longer and more lively threads on the first page.

Summery- Okay within reason. Use your brain on this one.

Repeat Threads

We've all been there, we see or learn something new, and rush to whatever forum it applies to, and make a topic about it. A few minutes later, there's about 5 other topics with the same subject, and most of them with more replies than your own thread does. It's not fun.

Okay, this scenario doesn't really apply to this sub-forum, but repeat topics are still annoying. Sometimes someone new will stumble in and assume the other thread is dead, or just decide to make one of their own. It's annoying. It bumps another thoughtful thread off into obscurity.

Summery- Don't make repeats. Post in the old thread. Someone will see it.

Misplaced Threads

Another been-there-seen-that idea. Even though Anime and manga are a part of Japanese culture, just as Batman and The Simpsons are a part of American culture, or Harry Potter is British, there's another sub forum for that stuff! Same goes for any bands, comics, foods, video games or whatever from another country. Unless it's directly related to the culture and/or language, and you make it obvious, it's gotta go somewhere else.

Summery- Don't do it. Duh. Missplaced threads will probably be moved.

Other than that, simple forum-ettiquite(though, argueably, many of these do fall under forum-ettiquite). I don't want to see any spam, trolls or flames. They're sometimes funny, but they have their place. That's not here. These are rules that are enforced in every guild I'm in. Hell, they're enforced on most of the main forums to some extent. They make sense.

See, I'm not horrible. I'm just someone who comes in, posts, and discusses just like you. I originally came here to learn, make friends and have fun. I did, so I'm helping out with modding now.