
I nonchalantly tossed my small suitcase onto a faded red armchair as my mother flipped the light switch, illuminating my new room. I turned to her, flipping my hair back over my shoulder, an unimpressed look on my face.
“ Oh, come on!” She moaned, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me lightly “ I’ll admit that the place is a little outdated, but it was in our price range and it does have a certain charm.” She smiled at me, trying to make her face look as positively encouraging as possible, but her eyes told me that she knew I wasn’t really buying it. I sighed quietly and smiled softly back.
“ It’s fine, mom, really.” I lied. I hoped she couldn’t see the truth in my usually readable face “ Besides, I start school tomorrow and it’s snowing outside! This is New York, mom. I’m sure I’ll find something to distract me from thinking of home.”
“ This is home now, sweetie.” She whispered, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I lowered my eyes, brushing off that Lifetime moment feeling I got from her words. This was not my home. My home was back in Jacksonville, Florida with the sun. Not here in the knock-off town of Monroe County, New York where it was snowing in the middle of fall. My mother quickly read that thought on my face and frowned “ You’ll feel better after school tomorrow, I promise. Okay, Al?”
“ Okay, mom.” I hugged her and shut the door carefully behind her as she scampered out, giving me one last hopeful smile. I sighed again and turned to get a better look at my room. For the most part, it was a fairly simple room. The walls were painted a faded red, which I liked. The trim was white and the colors went nicely with the wooden floors. A queen-sized bed lay snugly in the far corner, against a large window with forest scenery behind it. There was a nightstand next to the bed and on top of it sat a simple lamp and an alarm clock. The dresser was on the other side of the room near a small closet. I sighed again as I grabbed my suitcase and walked over to the dresser. Any summer clothes I had decided to keep were quickly stashed away in the depths of the bottom drawer as I half-heartedly unpacked. Once that task was complete, I glanced over to the clock and groaned. It was only six forty-five. I threw myself onto the bed fully clothed, suppressing the sudden urge to scream into my pillow. I had officially left my glorious heaven behind only to find myself trapped in the cold, snowy confines of hell. Or so I thought.

yup.... I wrote this. Meira Sellick is going to be my pen name!!! Yay!!! heart