@notmatt18: Just a couple of thoughts. 3 of your 4 reasons are all coincidence. So you have "1. It was a coincidence" or "2. You prayed for it and got what you wanted from God." Also, no one has lived past 120 yet. As for now, science has not disproved God. Science actually cannot disprove God; not for me at least. I believe God guides evolution and that God orchestrates all of the "coincidences" in our lives. Where science fails, and where it cannot explain what has happened, I see my God.
I heard a quote once that I like a lot. "Scientists spend their whole lives climbing this mountain, only to find that the Theologians have been there the whole time."

As for the topic on hand..1. It was very hard to read that, I'm not sure there was a period at all in that paragraph and my brain broke @__@

Srsly, though. I believe the truth lies in God the Father, His Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ. I also believe that Muslims worship the same God I do. I believe Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses believe in the same God I do. I know Jews believe in the same God I do. I actually believe that all religions with one major God believe in the same God I do. I know none of them believe in the same Christ I do. I also know that God is in His works, so it is natural for people to believe in a god for animals, and a god for the night sky, and a god for the daytime, and a god for plants, and a god for health, etc. They are all parts of the One God.

I am torn apart, though, that my church (the Christian church) is made of many selfish, narrow-minded people. They are divided into so many denominations, and it has become more important to many Christians to serve their denomination rather than their God. Religion is often based on truth, but has been distorted by the faulty hearts of mankind.

Reincarnation vs. eternal life..I believe in Heaven and Hell. If I'm proved wrong in the end, I'm all right with that. But I know I won't be. Each soul is unique, even if we as humans can't see that. I may be a lot like my mom, but I am not her. We are different and there are many things we do on our own, different from one another.

I do not mean to put anyone down, and I do not mean to limit anyone, I only want to spread the truth, and that is that there is a God, He is not out to kill us or hurt us, and all He wants is for people to freely choose to follow Him and turn from hatred and sin and death. He did send His only Son to die for our sins, our mistakes, because something must die to cleanse someone of sin, and blood must be shed to make a covenant. God's covenant with us is stronger than a covenant of marriage, and it is that He wants us to seek Him with all of our hearts, and in return He will give us purpose and joy and peace. Being "saved" does not mean that life becomes perfect or easy, and it does not mean that we don't mess up anymore; I do all the time. It means that we have accepted God's Spirit and His offer to guide us through our lives until we see Him at the end.
I say this in love, I am not trying to attack anyone, and I pray someone at least gets a positive message from it.