Yessiree... army surplus. Basically, if you have any old military themed items lying around, you can sell them to me and I'll sell them out. It'll take a bit to get started, but the more help I get the faster it'll come.
Okay, so here's how it works...
Step 1: Stocking up. Basically, this is the first stages. Around now, I need to get all the items and gold I can get my hands on. I'll only be able to buy from the lowest end of the price range.
Step 2: Up for business. Around now, the shop will be running smoothly, plenty in stock, and plenty of customers. I can buy and sell some of the spendier stuff.
Step 3: Success! The shop's going well! I should be able to sell even the legendary Soldat gear.
I currently have: 482g
Items in stock: None ATM.
Notes: I just entered the Arena, so that's why my gold stock is so low. wink
Oh, and I'll be from Friday to a few days from then. Moving day!
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