Hi! I'm Jii-ya. You can call me Jia or Allie or whatever. I started this guild, the Candy Clan, for devoted candy lovers! And even if you're not a devoted candy lover, everyone still likes candy, you know, because it's tasty and all, and feel free to join anyway. I even have a special subforum just for chocolate xD

This guild is dedicated to candy. Of course, healthy food is important too, but candy isn't just tasty and unhealthy. It's FUN!! You can be as reserved or random as you want, as long as you're active. I also plan on making a subforum for people with special food allergies and/or diabetes. It's a lot more fun when no one is left out.

We also need an artist to make banners and signatures, as I myself am photoshop impaired xp So if someone would make us art, I would gladly pay a reasonable price.

Early members have the highest chance of becoming crew members. Even if you are the first person to join, though, I would really enjoy the company of some active members. But there's no shortage of that. So join and we'll have a lot of fun!!

Link? Right here: The Candy Clan