yes. made the black cat version.
cause i'm awsome. if you havent heard the cloud song, look it up on youtube (technically it's the omega kawaii chibi cloud song)

my name is train. i have a gun.
i hunt bad guys. because it's fun.
i like to ride. on sven's last nerve.
he's so serious, that it's ubsurd.
and when i lose, my arm to creed.
15 seconds. it's on again.
and i will use, an ice bullet.
on the guy, with big strong fists.
becaaaause i am train. rin's charm just doesnt affect me.
and i cant eat too many fish or we will his bankcrupcy!
*doo doo ch doodoodoo ch doodoodoo ch doodoodoo*
if i cant shoot you, then that's ok!
eve will come bop you, anyway.
and i will defeat, that mean old creed. because he made,
poor saya bleed!