I use GIMP. See, I can't draw and I'm mediocre when it comes to writing in my opinion. So, I make graphics. No, I don't only use chaotic looks, I use many things, but I should follow Gaia's TOS when it comes to the graphics. Many of my sigs and avatars use images that are licensed and Gaia no liekey.
Comment on it? Pwease?
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Very chaotic. Only used brushes. ^_^
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This is actually V1 of the first sig.

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...pure chaos. I love chaotic sigs though. > : D

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This is one of my favorite things that I ever made.

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Another favorite.

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First one - I fricken love chocobos, wanna bother me about it? HUH!?
Second - Read Ansem Retort if you don't get it.
Third - Simple, but I like simple at times.
Fourth - I love pie too. XD it's crappy.

Finally, my business card and my Help the Strawberries charity.
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The Strawberries thing comes from the fact that my best friend evar hates when I call him a strawberry, so I cooked up this to bother him more. I luv him though. He rocks. Oh, and the strawberry thing is a reference to Bleach.

STARE AT MY THINGSpwease? That's all though. Just whatever. I has more stuff at mah photobucket, but this is the stuff that follows the TOS. M'kay then, that's all. *flies off*