I'm gonna change my name a lot >w<
Well, right now I'm Nina (or Rika or Rina >w<)
I'm a girl (the last time I checked XD)
Let's see...
RL Bio: I'm in honors honors and I like pasta (who doesn't?) I enjoy patriotic songs an love singing "Star Spangled Banner" Also I like singing the llama song *ahem*
happy llama, sad llama, mentally confused llama, super llama, drama llama, big llama, dead llama, bye llama! Let's stop it there before I start looking stupid =w=
RP Bio: Ultra energetic and awesome (in my opinion) loves adventure and digimon. Can wrestle really good and ice skate. Truthfully not physically fit, but still helpful.
All for now!
Digimon: Tamer Island Guild
#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon.