[Creator of Thread]
1. Label the title of the thread: "SBT [Username] vs [Opponent]"
2. Creator of thread should include in their first post how many tokens will both of you bet for this match.
3. Both you and your opponent should Post your digimon statistics ,cards, current number of tokens in possession and roll 10 sided dice 10 times to reveal who will make the first turn.


ALL participants are given 1 week [June 19-26] to collect 10 tokens.
You may battle as many times as you like in a day as long as you have the appropriate tokens to bet.

-Faking of tokens will automatically count as cheating and will be disqualified from the tournament.
-If in a battle a tamer deletes their post(s) and somehow is proved to be cheating, he/she will be disqualified and all their tokens will be transferred to their opponent.