ever since I saw Toy Story three, my love of the series came back, which inspired me to come up with this slight crossover. this is set after TS2, but before TS3. I made this in pure humor, so I don't want any hardcore TS fans to bust my a** if it's bad. well, here we go!

It was another calm, peaceful morning at the home of Andy (insert last name here) and his mother and sister. However, up in Andy's room, everyone from the toy box was in a complete uproar over recent news delivered by their resident scouts, the plastic army men. Apparently, a friend of Andy's had gotten him hooked on a role-playing video game called Final Fantasy VII, and now the boy had ordered four new toys from ebay based on characters from the game. Rex, the plastic Tyrannosaur, was running around screaming about being replaced by a Chocobo plushie, while Mr. Potato Head was asking what the hell a Chocobo was. Yes, this kind of chaos always came up when Andy was getting a new toy. However, Sheriff Woody, the cowboy hat wearing voice of Reason among the toybox, accompanied by his best friend, space ranger Buzz Lightyear, called out to quiet the masses and keep them calm. Woody then announced, "Relax, everyone. No one is getting replaced! This kinda thing happens every time Andy gets a new toy. I went through the same thing you guys are panicking about when Buzz showed up, but look at us now!" Buzz nodded in agreement, saying, "Woody's right, guys! I say we give these new toys a proper welcome!" Then, a familiar yell from a certain Cowgirl filled the air, as Jessie ran over to Woody and Buzz and told them, "Andy's coming with the new toys!" Woody then yelled, "Places, everyone!" and all the toys scrambled to their respective areas of the room, while Woody, Buzz, and Jessie made their way onto the bed. Bo Peep, the delicate porcelain doll of the bunch, just stood on the nightstand as usual. Finally, Andy ran into the room with a medium sized cardboard box. The boy set it on the bed and tore it open, Revealing the contents to be four Play Arts action figures from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. The figures were of two male and two female characters: Cloud Strife, the blonde haired ex-SOLDIER with a REALLY huge sword, Sephiroth, the silver-haired One-Winged Angel with a God complex, Tifa Lockhart, Cloud's childhood friend, and bartender/martial artist, and Yuffie Kisaragi, the hyper, self-proclaimed "greatest ninja EVER". After Andy removed them from their packaging, he heard his mom calling, so he placed them and their weapons on the bed. As soon as he was gone, Woody and the others came out of hiding and began to approach the new toys. Woody walked over to them and tipped his hat politely, saying, "Welcome to your new home! I'm Woody, and this is Buzz, Jessie, and well...everyone else! and you are?" Cloud opened his eyes and simply said his name, "Cloud." Jessie, surprisingly, stared at the blond emo SOLDIER intently, and said, "well, HELLO, Cloud!" in a flirtatious manner. Tifa glared at her for a bit, while Buzz gave Cloud an evil glare to match. The beautiful brawler/bartender then looked at Buzz and smiled, saying, "And I'm Tifa Lockhart. Nice to meet you all." Buzz simply stared at her in awe. Jessie would have glared like Tifa did to her, but Cloud was all that was on her mind at the moment. Buzz, however, was instantly mesmerized by Tifa, as he only had one thought in his plastic head, "thank god for ebay!!!!!" Yuffie, the hyperactive ninja, simply ran around the entire room shouting her name into the heavens. Lastly, Sephiroth simply said his name, then walked off like the badass he was, even in toy form. Bo Peep gave him the same stare that Jessie gave Cloud, while Woody just had a "WTF!?!?" look in his eyes. In short, Woody lost his girl to Sephiroth (duh!), Jessie became a card carrying member of Cloud's ever-growing unholy army of fangirls (shudders), Buzz became the first in Andy's room to witness the sheer epicness that is Tifa Lockhart ( or maybe her rack, even if she's just plastic), and the entire room eventually began to fear the pure, untamed insanity that is Yuffie Kisaragi. Well, Except Rex, who had become her personal loyal steed named "Mr. Whiskers" (I know....WTF!?!?). So, in short, the crazy lives of the toys in Andy's room just got an extra dose of insanity in the form of the crew from Squaresoft's game franchise. I don't hear Jessie, Buzz, or Bo Peep complaining, now, do I?