Statement on Possible
Government Shutdown

The Administration hopes that a government shutdown can be averted, so that servicemembers and DoD employees can be paid in full and on time. If the funding bill is enacted at the last minute, it is possible that payroll payments could be split into two electronic deposits or checks, but the total amount normally paid will not be affected.

If a funding bill is not passed, resulting in a government shutdown, the Department of Defense will have no legal authority to pay military members or civilian employees for the days during which the government is shut down. The current Continuing Resolution Act (CRA) expires at midnight on April 8. Active and Reserve military members will be paid on time for pay earned prior to the expiration of the CRA -- approximately half of their normal mid-month payment. Civilians will be paid for each day worked through Friday, April 8. Because the normal pay period ends Saturday, April 9, this will usually equate to a full paycheck. The shutdown will not affect payments to retirees or annuitants because they are not paid from CRA appropriations.

Once another CRA or an appropriations act is signed into law, normal disbursement of pay will resume for pay earned after employees return to work. Excepted employees who perform duty during the shutdown will be entitled to retroactive payments, as will servicemembers. For furloughed employees, Congress will have to provide authority for retroactive payments to be made.



Anyway, I want to prevent this discussion from completely devolving into a flame war as current US events tend to. So...some ground rules are required:

1. All statements must at least be valid and make sense.

2. No flaming. At all. Ever. Period. None.

3. This is NOT a left-right debate. ALL parts of Congress are responsible. Not just the Democrats, the Republicans, or some third party.

4. ABSOLUTLEY NO BASHING OF THE UNITED STATES!!! On that note, one does NOT have be a US citizen, nor live in the US to post your opinion. Any violation of these rules will result in a PM to a Guild VC or even the GM. So don't make me do it.


To quash a nasty rumor, the US Military has indeed been paid. However, we're only receiving pay from 1 April to 8 April 2011. Supposedly we'll be receiving pay on the 30th, as well as every cent we've earned past 8 April. Now if Congress don't get off their fourth point of contact and stop worrying about their party and their goddamned election, then maybe we'd get s**t done. And no, President Obama ain't got a thing to do with this. Congress makes these decisions, not him. So don't bring it up.

Now, here's my idea: Why don't each and every one of those grossly overpaid pieces of s**t sign over their entire paychecks to DFAS (Defense Financial Accounting Service) to pay the people that actually matter. I mena, they actually have the power to give themselves a raise for Chrissake. Because the military may be sedated now, but watch what happens if we receive a No Pay Due for 30 April, 1 May, and 15 May. A fear that I share with my First Sergeant is that Soldiers will lose their freaking minds and discipline. I'm assigned to 4ID. There are enough tanks and bradleys on Fort Carson to completly take over the state of Colorado. After all, it's the soldier that drives the tank and fires it. It's the soldier that guards the ammo point.

And I can tell you now, Duty and Professionalism are two things I hold near and dear to my heart. If something like that were to happen, regardless of who did it, I'd make sure I stayed out of it. And no matter what, I am still going to report to work. After all, I joined the Army to join the Army. I have pride in being a Soldier.

-US Army Combat Medic
"Steadfast and Loyal"


This is a direct quote from DFAS:

"All military will get paid on April 15.

If a CRA or appropriation is not passed before April 15, military members will be paid on April 15 for the period of April 1-8, approximately one half their normal mid month pay.

If a CRA or appropriation is passed by Tuesday, April 12, military members will receive their full pay for duty served from April 1-15 on April 15.

If a CRA or appropriation is not until after April 12, DFAS will pay military members for the period of April 9-15 within 3 days of an appropriation or CRA being passed."