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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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Shy Survivor

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:27 am

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Real Life

Name: Nicholas Michael C. Hennessy

Age: 17

Birthday: October 2

Gender: Male

From: U.K.

Currently Living In: Philippines

Favorite Digimons: Chibomon Digivolution Set, Leafmon Digivolution Set, Botamon Digivolution Set, Punimon Digivolution Set, Sunmon Digivolution Set, Royal Knights

Link To Card Deck

# of Posts: 8,676 Posts
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:28 am
RPC Info

Username: ultimatemk

Name: Nicholas Michael M. Dolosera

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Job: Student

Abilities: Sings and Plays The Guitar. Can Speak Spanish and English and Mandarin Chinese

Equipment: D-3 Digivice {Before}, Backpack, Books, Sleeping Bag, Food, Water, Sunglasses, Laptop, MP3 player, D-Terminal, Aether's Black Multiverse (Omniverse) Digivice {Now}

User Image

Personality: Originally a kind person who talked a lot but at the same time very polite. He prefers to be alone. After an amnesia which was caused by getting hit in the head Nicholas has become a quiet person who tends to stay away from people. He still retains his kindness though and acts like a leader during times of great trouble. Recently ever since he had joined up with Aether he's become uncaring of how people think of him and tends to make mean jokes. He has a random personality where he continuously changes how he acts as if he had a lot of split personalities but its basically just how he is.

Home: London, England and Kyoto, Japan

Alignment: Neutral (Aether)

Extra Notes/Other: His Favourite Food is Yakisoba Bread while Chibomon enjoys eating anything spicy. At points of times he seems to be able to get in contact with his twin sister to tell her his stories in the digital world.

Bio: He was an ordinary high school student who preferred peace and quiet when he worked. His family were separated between his Japanese and British Nationalities. His Japanese side consisted of his two little sisters since his Japanese father was killed in an accident soon after his divorce from Nicholas' mother. His English side consisted of his mother and his elder brother and elder sister as well as his twin sister. He had many friends but barely ever talked to them. He always wanted to stay away from everyone that wasn't related to him until he met Chibomon. He originally had black hair but then dyed it red just to try and keep people away from him.

It all began one day when he was walking home from his high school. His elder siblings had caused a ruckus during lunch as usual over them fighting over the food in the cafeteria. Being a quick person Nicholas had avoided the whole rush hour for food and had bought some Yakisoba Bread and some sandwiches. He had shared them with his twin sister. He had to clean up for the day and so he was walking home alone. As he walked a strange device dropped on his head. It was a digivice though he had not known what it was at the time. Taking it with him he traveled to his house. When he reached his house he was greeted by his siblings and his mother who was cooking dinner. He went up to his room and began to pack stuff for their camping trip that they were planning to do during the summer. As he packed his desktop computer suddenly began to glow. He walked over to it holding his finished packed backpack and his laptop in his other hand since he was planning on using it later on and peered in. Suddenly a bright light shown and everything went white then black.

When he woke up he found himself in a strange forest. He sat up and looked around when a strange blue blob suddenly hoped onto him. He was shocked when he recognized it as a digimon. Looking at his hand he realized what he had found was a digivice. As the Chibomon named Blitz talked about the current world a tentomon suddenly jumped out of nowhere and attacked them. Being a fresh digimon Chibomon stood no chance. As he was about to be defeated Nicholas protected Blitz and was injured. After this act his digivice glowed and Blitz turned into a Veemon. Defeating the enemy with ease he helped Nicholas up and they continued through the forest.

They soon after entered a large barren land filled with many large gears. As they walked through there a GeoGreymon stood in their paths. Blitz as a Veemon fought the GeoGreymon but he stood no chance. When all hope looked lost Nicholas' passion gave Blitz something special. It was a longsword made out of chrome digizoid. Using the weapon Blitz had managed to totally obliterate the GeoGreymon turning it into data. The weapon vanished soon after to appear again at another time. This was not the end of it though. In the end they ended up facing a large group of Agumon {Classic} who were the followers of the defeated GeoGreymon. Blitz not being able to form the sword against the odds but was soon defeated. Desperate Nicholas yet again protected Blitz from the onslaught of the attacks getting more hurt by the second. As Nicholas was about to lose consciousness his digivice would low yet again and Blitz would digivolve into Ex-Veemon. Defeating all the Agumon with ease Blitz would then carry Nicholas to Network City to be healed.

After being healed Nicholas had walked around the city where he encountered a girl named Serafina. Chatting with her he soon ended up going off to the East Data Ocean with her. When they reached their destination they were attacked by Kiro and his Dianamon. Standing no match all hope was lost when a young tamer named Rei came to their aid. Nicholas and Serafina quickly escaped back to Network City. In Network City while he was waiting for Serafina after certain events he befriended a Minomon named George. After befriending him the two decided to go to Drive City. A long travel ensued. When they reached their destination they sparred with each other when suddenly a young man named Sho appeared with his digimon. They sparred with each other until they decided to fight human to human. In the end Nicholas lost and was hit in the head by a digi soul charged punch. This would eventually lead to him gaining amnesia in a later date. After being brought to an alleyway Nicholas met a Pandamon and Lillymon and chatted with them before they left.

Leaving he ended up in the File Mountains where he saw a battle between two tamers. These two were Marcus and Kazu who he would end up meeting in a later date. He ended up encountering a few digimon which led to Blitz and George Jogress Digivolving into Paildramon.

Travelling back to Drive City he ended up encountering a fight between a crazy man named Zwell and a WereGarurumon called Bob. Stopping the fight between the two the WereGarurumon soon decided to travel with them.

Going off to the East Data Ocean where he encountered the crazy man Zwell yet again. Alongside him was a Jijimon who turned out to actually be a WarGreymon named Napalm. Napalm would join them and soon they would all go on a search for a MetalPhantomon which had been causing trouble. Encountering an older woman called Sakura being protected by a Guilmon called Zero attacking the MetalPhantomon. Soon after the MetalPhantomon called Grim would leave and Zero would join their team. This was not the end as Zwell would end up angering a MadLeomon. After the events that happened Zwell would be caught up in a battle with another tamer called Lance. Leaving the two to fight they returned to Network City.

After that Nicholas ended up splitting off from the group and went on his own journey. Nicholas and his digimon would continue on their journey. Unfortunately the effects of the digi soul to the head took effect and most memories was lost by Nicholas. The few bits he remembered was Blitz and George being able to turn into Imperialdramon and Imperialdramon Fm as well as Napalm and Bob being able to turn into Omegamon and being able to fuse to form Imperialdramon PM. He also ended up meeting loads of digimon which included another Veemon called Magnum who could turn into a Magnamon, a Salamon called Gawain which could turn into Crusadermon, a MasterVeedramon called Lancelot who could turn into an UlforceVeedramon and a Dinohyumon called Gareth who could turn into a Duftmon.

What he remembered was creating a set of armor, a sword and shield and a chariot for Craniamon in hopes of taking him to the Royal Feast one day. He was successful in this and was taken up as an apprentice of Craniamon. There he met Galahad a powerful FlaWizarmon which could turn into Dynasmon. Given with the task of finding materials he ended up in the Dark Ocean where he encountered tamers fighting each other. He left them and went on where he gained the power and strength to transform into a EmperorGreymon as well as a Susanoomon given enough willpower and resolve. Unfortunately his amnesia would kick in once more and he would end up forgetting the rest of these events until he recalls them once more in a future date.

What he did remember was meeting GranD a Dracmon and Drago a Dracomon as well as Bolt a FanBeemon who all joined his team soon after. Once they joined they were trained by a powerful digimon who called himself Captain Greymon who was a VictoryGreymon. This gained him the strength to digivolve any of his digimon to Mega regardless of their feeling for one another. Captain Greymon would join them and soon after they would be forced to face off with two digimon they had met before as well as two new ones. These were Ganondorf the MadLeomon, Phantom aka Grim the MetalPhantomon, Megido the Megidramon and a MetalSeadramon whos name is not known. No matter what their strengths were for some strange reason these digimon were extremely powerful. They would have lost if it wasn't for the arrival of Arthur the DORUGreymon who turned into Alphamon and helped defeat the opponents before joining their team. Once that was over the four digimon that were defeated went off to see if their thoughts were correct. They had not been seen since.

Nicholas then ended up in a strange place. He fought against the army of a certain Demon Lord and at that moment Zero and Galahad gained new strength after receiving the power of the X Antibody. Returning the rest of his digimon Nicholas sent his five digimon with X Antibody to defeat this foe. They were Arthur as Alphamon, GranD as GranDracmon, Bolt as TigerVespamon, Galahad as Dynasmon X and Zero as Dukemon X and Nicholas gained the H and B Spirits of Light. After the defeat they were returned back with their new found strength.

He later on received a message telling him of a tournament that would be happening oh so very soon. Joining with Zero, Blitz and GranD he aimed to win but unfortunately it seemed to be a plot made by the Royal Knights to eliminate all tamers and their partners. Joining together with Kazu and Marcus who he felt were familiar but could not remember from his amnesia and a tamer called Dawn they stormed through enemies defeating them one at a time. Eventually Marcus would fall unconscious but this would not stop them. They reached the exit only to hear a roar but soon after his memory would falter and he would forget what happened.

After Events Of Rookie Tourney
Nicholas had been walking through the streets around the area when suddenly the Demon Lord Of Sloth appeared in front of him and marked him with the Sign Of Sloth. He was then teleported to the lair of Belphemon and was spoken to. Not being able to do anything about his predicament he reluctantly kept quiet.

Leaving the lair he met a woman called Halwill and her digimon Rook the Renamon. Encountering an army of the Demon Lords Nicholas began to lead them away from the area. They were then attacked by a NeoDevimon who Nicholas soundly defeated with much ease.

They went to the Gear Savannah where they encountered a Drimegomon (NiseDrimegomon?). The digimon attacked Halwill and Rook who tried to defeat it only to encounter Ganondorf. Retreating Nicholas would talk a bit with Ganondorf before he left. They then found out that the two had encountered Megido who then retreated shortly after they arrived. After this they separated.

Encounter With Reapermon
HolyAngemon would meet with him soon after and talk to him about joining T.A.M.E.R to go against Reapermon's R.I.P. He agreed and alongside him the tamer Monty joined. They worked together for some time before Monty vanished in a mission. Nicholas then convinced HolyAngemon to invite more tamers.

Nicholas would leave before the tamers would arrive at the base to be debriefed and began to prepare for the assault bringing only GranD with him. When the tamers arrived he helped them quite a bit opening the front gate and slowly leading them to Reapermon. He would meet Monty who was now wearing a darker and bluer shade of his usual attire and would follow him to Reapermon's abode where he faced the controlled Monty and was defeated.

The tamers would arrive being only three left out of the beginning thirteen or fourteen and he would be defeated and absorbed. Soon after he would be rescued by the remaining three tamers and Monty after the defeat of Reapermon.

Shakamon's Appearance And Invite To Aether
After the battle his digivice would shine and it would change from its D-3 form into the new Black Omniverse Digivice. He would then be invited into Aether along with Monty and the three tamers who defeated Reapermon, John, Marco and Ethan and unknown to him and them he would gain three digieggs as well.


Shy Survivor


Shy Survivor

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:29 am
Digimon Partners
# Of Digimon = 36 Digimon

First Digimon - Registration Link
Blitz: Chibomon - DemiVeemon - Veemon - ExVeemon - Paildramon (DNAed With My Stingmon) - Imperialdramon - Imperialdramon FM - Imperialdramon PM (DNAed With Gamblator's Omegamon) - Imperialdramon - Paildramon - BlackImperialdramon - BlackImperialdramon FM

First Extra (TP) Partner - TP Shop Order
George: Minomon - Wormmon - Stingmon - Paildramon (DNAed With My ExVeemon) - Imperialdramon - Imperialdramon FM - Imperialdramon PM (DNAed With Gamblator's Omnimon) - Imperialdramon - Paildramon - BlackImperialdramon - BlackImperialdramon FM

First Contest Digimon - Summer Flowers by Darkfire Karan
Bob: Blossomon - WereGarurumon - MetalGarurumon - Omegamon (DNAed With asmuller1996's WarGreymon)

Second Contest Digimon Green Lantern Movie Contest by Dstdnt
Magnum: Biyomon - Veemon - Magnamon

Third Contest Digimon - Harry Potter Digimon Contest by Dstdnt
Napalm: Jijimon - WarGreymon - ChaosWarGreymon (DNAed With Shadow of Miracles' Wargreymon)

Fourth Contest Digimon - The Digivice of Time by Darkfire Karan
Ganondorf: MadLeomon

Fifth Contest Digimon - Brain Trainers! by Grandwing
Zero: Nise Agumon Hakase - Guilmon - Growlmon - WarGrowlmon - Dukemon - Dukemon X - WarGrowlmon X

Sixth Contest Digimon - Twisted Fiction by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Phantom: MetalPhantomon - EmperorGreymon (DNAed With Sinnoh Champion John's BurningGreymon) - Susanoomon (DNAed With UnHolyFudge's MagnaGarurumon)

First Auction Digimon - Halloween Auction by Grandwing
GranD: Dracmon - Sangloupmon - Matadormon - GranDracmon

Seventh Contest Digimon - Flora the Explorer by wild wulfie of the forest
Drago: Floramon - Dracomon - Coredramon{Green} - Groundramon - Breakdramon - Groundramon - Examon (DNAed With levelknight20's Wingdramon)

Tamer Of The Month November 2011 Digimon - November's Tamer Of The Month 2011
Arthur: Deramon - Kiwimon - Garurumon - DORUGreymon (DNAed With Kento the Nogitsune's Greymon) - Alphamon (DNAed With Unitas Persona's MagnaAngemon) - Alphamon Ouryuken (DNAed With UnHolyFudge's Owryumon)

Second Extra (TP) Partner - TP Shop Order
Gawain: Pururumon - Nyaromon - Salamon - Gatomon - Nefertimon - Knightmon (DNAed With mortalkombat95's Opossumon) - Crusadermon

First Tournament Digimon Christmas Rookie Tournament by Grandwing
Lancelot: X-mas Floramon - Yokomon - Biyomon - Birdramon - MasterVeedramon - AeroVeedramon - UlforceVeedramon - UlforceVeedramon X - AlforceVeedramon - UlforceVeedramon FM

Eight Contest Digimon - Digimon: Tamer Island Canada Day Contest by Dstdnt; Prize decided by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Insert Nickname Here: Tyutyumon

Ninth Contest Digimon - Dinner With The Arkadis + Sweet Dessert by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Galahad: SnowAgumon - Koromon - Agumon - Tentomon - FlaWizarmon - Mistymon - Dynasmon - Dynasmon X

Tenth Contest Digimon - The Wuvie Dovie... by GrandMaster Draco_Lord
Gareth: Lilymon - Togemon - Dinohyumon - Kyukimon - GuardiAngemon - Duftmon (DNAed With -InsertEgoHere- Liger's GrapLeomon) - Duftmon Leopard Mode - Duftmon

Eleventh Contest Digimon - Digi-Easter by Dstdnt
Eggmon: Digitamamon - Nanimon - Digitamamon - MegaSeadramon - MetalSeadramon - MegaSeadramon - ChaosSeadramon

Twelfth Contest Digimon - The Avengers Digimon Movie Contest by Dstdnt
Captain Greymon: VictoryGreymon - MetalGreymon - Greymon

Thirteenth Contest Digimon - Digimon: Tamer Island 2nd Annual Canada Day Contest by Dstdnt; Prizes made by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Insert Nickname Here: Moosemon - Hawkmon - Aquilamon - Silphymon - Valkyrimon - Silphymon - Varodurumon (DNAed With Shadow of Miracles' Sinduramon) - Chronomon HM (DNAed With Shadow of Miracles' Susanoomon) - Chronomon DM

Fourteenth Contest Digimon - The Avengers Digimon Movie Contest by Dstdnt
Bolt: Waspmon - FanBeemon - Waspmon - CannonBeemon - TigerVespamon

First Event Digimon - Royal Knights Event + The King's Mighty Forge ~ Sir Craniamon by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Mordred: Craniamon (Official Royal Knight)

Fifteenth Contest Digimon - Digital Thanksgiving by Dstdnt; Prize given by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Insert Nickname Here: Lobomon - KendoGarururumon - BeoWolfmon (DNAed With Christian13000's Lobomon) - MagnaGarurumon

Sixteenth Contest Digimon - Digimon: Tamer Island 2nd Annual Canada Day Contest by Dstdnt; Prizes made by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Megido: Woodmon - Mushroomon - Wormmon - Shadramon - Megidramon (DNAed With Sinnoh Champion John's BlackWarGrowlmon) - BlackWarGrowlmon - ChaosGallantmon - ChaosGallantmon Core

Seventeenth Contest Digimon - MIB Digimon Movie Contest by Dstdnt
Ahri: PawnChessmon {White} - Puttimon - Purururumon - Nyaromon - Salamon - Gatomon - Lynxmon - Knightmon (DNAed with levelknight20's Rabbitmon) - Gladimon - Knightmon - Minervamon (DNAed with Cutter Knight's WereGarurumon) - Mervamon

Second Event Digimon - Rise Of The Great Demon Lords - LEVEL-666 SYSTEM: CODE SLOTH by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Insert Nickname Here: Belphemon RM (Official Demon Lord) - Astamon - Belphemon SM

Eighteenth Contest Digimon - Black Market Delivery Service by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Solaris: Coronamon - Sunmon - Firamon - Flaremon - Apollomon

Nineteenth Contest Digimon - Black Market Delivery Service by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Tristan: Kudamon - Kyaromon - Kudamon - Leppamon - Chirinmon - Sleipmon

First Caroling (?) Digimon - Digi-Christmas Carol Contest by Dstdnt
Insert Nickname Here: Pandamon

First Special Distribution Digimon - Merry Digi-Christmas! Digi-Elves! by Dstdnt
Elfy: Digi-Elf

Second Special Distribution Digimon - Twitter ChibiKiwimon! by Dstdnt
Kiwi: ChibiKiwimon

Second Tournament Digimon - Courageous Ending by -InsertEgoHere- Liger
Insert Nickname Here: Agumon

Twentieth Contest Digimon - Fresh Nursery School Contest by X Kaos X
Insert Nickname Here: Puwamon - Pinamon - Falcomon (Original) - Kougamon (DNAed With shadowabyss1301's Kotemon)

Third Event Digimon - The Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms + Dorbickmon - Dragon Land by Dstdnt
Insert Nickname Here: Dorbickmon

Fourth Event Digimon - Bagra Army Extra Event by Dstdnt
Insert Nickname Here: Blastmon

Twenty First Contest Digimon - Digimon Racing Contest by X Kaos X
Insert Nickname Here: SnowBotamon

Twenty Second Contest Digimon - DTI 3rd Annual Canada & 1st Independence/Bastille/Labour Day by Dstdnt
Insert Nickname Here: Sealsdramon - Commandramon

Twenty Third Contest Digimon
Insert Nickname Here:

Mega Level Digimon Avi
User Image

http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc461/nmch1995/Gaia Avatars/tekd0fe242.png
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:31 am
RP Posting Format

[imgright]http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc461/nmch1995/Anime Guys/KazuyaMinegishiResize_zpsa73426e5.png[/imgright]


[size=10][color=red]Nicholas [/color][/size]

[img]http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc461/nmch1995/Dividers/red-1.jpg[/img] [/align]

[b]Who I'm With:[/b]
[b]Outfit:[/b] Same as pic
[align=center][img]http://i1213.photobucket.com/albums/cc461/nmch1995/Digimon Gaia/Awards DTI/ultimatemk_zpsffbf7d7f.png[/img][/align]


Shy Survivor


Shy Survivor

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:32 am
RP Digivolution Line
Nicholas' Side
Nicholas = Lobomon => KendoGarurumon => BeoWolfmon
Nicholas = EmperorGreymon => Susanoomon

Blitz = Chibomon => DemiVeemon => Veemon => ExVeemon => (DNA With George) Paildramon => Imperialdramon => (Mode Change) Imperialdramon FM => (DNA With Omegamon) Imperialdramon PM
Blitz = Chibomon => DemiVeemon => Veemon => ExVeemon => (DNA With George) Paildramon => BlackImperialdramon => (Mode Change) BlackImperialdramon FM

George = Minomon => Wormmon => Stingmon => (DNA With Blitz) Paildramon => Imperialdramon => (Mode Change) Imperialdramon FM => (DNA With Omegamon) Imperialdramon PM
George = Minomon => Wormmon => Stingmon => (DNA With Blitz) Paildramon => BlackImperialdramon => (Mode Change) BlackImperialdramon FM

Bob = Garurumon => WereGarurumon => MetalGarurumon => (DNA With Napalm) Omegamon => (DNA With Imperialdramon FM) Imperialdramon PM

Napalm = Jijimon => (Slide Digivolve) => WarGreymon => (DNA With Bob) Omegamon => (DNA With Imperialdramon FM) Imperialdramon PM

Zero = Guilmon => Growlmon => WarGrowlmon => Dukemon => (X Evolution) Dukemon X <= WarGrowlmon X

Magnum = Veemon => (Digiegg Of Miracles) Magnamon

Gawain = Nyaromon => Salamon => Gatomon => (With Digiegg of Light) Nefertimon => Knightmon => Crusadermon

Lancelot = MasterVeedramon => AeroVeedramon => UlforceVeedramon => UlforceVeedramon FM => (X Evolution) UlforceVeedramon X

Gareth = Dinohyumon => Kyukimon => GuardiAngemon => Duftmon => (Mode Change) Duftmon Leopard Mode

Galahad = FlaWizarmon => Mistymon => Dynasmon => (X Evolution) Dynasmon X

GranD = Dracmon => Sangloupmon => Matadormon => GranDracmon

Drago = Dracomon => Coredramon {Green} => Groundramon => Breakdramon

Bolt = FanBeemon => Waspmon => CannonBeemon => TigerVespamon

Captain Greymon = Greymon => MetalGreymon => VictoryGreymon

Arthur = DORUGreymon => Alphamon => (With Owryumon Data) Alphamon Ouryuken

Solaris = Sunmon => Coronamon => Firamon => Flaremon => Apollomon

Tristan = Kyaromon => Kudamon => Leppamon => Chirinmon => Sleipmon

Birdy = Hawkmon => (DigiEgg Of Hope) Moosemon
Birdy = Hawkmon => Aquilamon => Silphymon => Valkyrimon => Varudoramon => Chronomon HM => (Mode Change) Chronomon DM

Ahri = Lynxmon => Gladimon => Minervamon => Mervamon

Unknown = Puwamon

Unknown = Agumon

Unknown = SnowBotamon

Kiwi = ChibiKiwimon

Elfy = Digi-Elf

Digimon With Neutral Views To Him
Ganondorf = MadLeomon

Unknown = Dorbickmon

Unknown = Pandamon

Mordred = Craniamon (Official RK)

Unknown = Astamon => Belphemon RM (Official DL)

Digimon Against Him
Megido = Shadramon => BlackWarGrowlmon => Megidramon => (Slide Evolution) ChaosDukemon => (Core Evolution) ChaosDukemon Core

Unknown = MegaSeadramon => MetalSeadramon

Phantom (AKA: Grim) = MetalPhantomon

Unknown = Blastmon

Digimon I'm Questing For
Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
Gallantmon / (X) / MedievalDukemon
Dynasmon / (X)
Magnamon / (X)
Omnimon / (X)
UlforceVeedramon / (X)
Leopardmon / Duftmon Leopard Mode / (X)
Sunmon Line
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:36 am
Digivolution Items

Fatal Bone = "Halloween Trick-Or-Treating" Traded To Shadow of Miracles For Sylph Feather
User Image
Armor Crush = Digi-Easter Used To Get Mistymon
User Image
X-Antibody - Superhero Week Costume Contest - Gambit Used To Get Dukemon X
User Image
X-Antibody - Dynasmon and Crusadermon Battle Tourney - Team Cavelerie = Victors Used To Get Dynasmon X
User Image
De Digivolution Ticket - Black Market Delivery Service Traded To shadowabyss1301 For Armor Crush
User Image
Black Wings - Arena Of The Demon Lords
User Image
Sylph Feather - Received From Shadow of Miracles via Trade - Used to get Silphymon
User Image
X-Antibody - Carnival of Love Event - Used to get UlforceVeedramon X
User Image
Armor Crush - Create-A-Deck Mini Contest - Traded to Shadow of Miracles for X-Antibody
User Image
Mono Stone - Create-A-Deck Mini Contest
User Image
Armor Crush - Received From shadowabyss1301 via Trade
User Image
X-Antibody - Received From Shadow of Miracles via Trade
User Image


Shy Survivor

The Gamblator

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:28 am
welcome to DTI, even though I've already seen you around.

The wierd tamer?  
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:35 am

Ah cool you made a profile, good job and I'd like to officially welcome you to DTI!


nuGen Staff Lead

22,925 Points
  • Guildmember 100
  • Gaian 50


Tricky Genius

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:02 am
Yay! another person who is from the UK!

Welcome to DTI! I've been here for a while so I know a bit about this place. Feel free to ask me stuff. xp
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:07 am
a warm welcome from myself and my digi-team to DTI (even though we've battled before)  

Unitas Persona

Dangerous Lover

8,850 Points
  • Happy Birthday! 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Bunny Spotter 50


Shy Survivor

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:57 am
Thanks For The Welcome
I Would Have Made A Profile Sooner But I Thought It Was Only For People Who Won Awards.
I Am The Weird Tamer Because All My Friends Call Me Weird  
PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:44 am
But... what makes you weird? Because honestly, a lot of people here can be called weird. Though I am not one of them. I am more likely called insane.  

GrandMaster Draco_Lord

Interesting Prophet

4,600 Points
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  • Dressed Up 200
  • Risky Lifestyle 100


Shy Survivor

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:49 am
GrandMaster Draco_Lord
But... what makes you weird? Because honestly, a lot of people here can be called weird. Though I am not one of them. I am more likely called insane.

You know you have a point there. I'm going to ask my friends about that but any other way I'm keeping it like that unless I find something more suitable.  
PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:53 am
GrandMaster Draco_Lord
But... what makes you weird? Because honestly, a lot of people here can be called weird. Though I am not one of them. I am more likely called insane.

You know you have a point there. I'm going to ask my friends about that but any other way I'm keeping it like that unless I find something more suitable.

That is an acceptable answer. Though it is sort of weird how you are going about this logically. (Ha ha, I had to call you weird after that.)  

GrandMaster Draco_Lord

Interesting Prophet

4,600 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Risky Lifestyle 100


Shy Survivor

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:01 am
Check Third Post  
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