Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:57 pm
>> Your home planet is called Turdodor ******** come on! Do try to be a little more mature about this.
>> Your home planet is called Alternia.
That's better!
You are a hideous beast known as a troll. Still an adolescent, you live with your lusus and do your best to survive the harsh conditions your planet and society have set for you. Some have it better than others. Some do not. Regardless of where you lay on the spectrum between 'living large' and 'totally ********', life is chalked to the brim with violent conflict and confusion along with the troubles that already come from growing up. This story is all about you and your peers as you each try to survive the solar sweeps as they pass you by and inevitably rip any and all happiness you will ever have away with a sadistic pleasure only parallelled by door to door salesmen.
Links Lead To (In Order):
>> Alternia // MsPaint Wiki >> Trolls // MsPaint Wiki >> Lusus // MsPaint Wiki >> Hemospectrum // MsPaint Wiki >> Alternian Calendar // MsPaint Wiki
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:16 pm
>> READER: Be the courteous role player. Read the ******** rules.
>> 1. This is a Homestuck RP based on pre-SGRUB Alternia. You are not to play any of the original pre/post Scratch trolls, a mutant-blooded troll, or even a Fuschia blooded troll. (There is only two fuschia bloods ever at a time, including the Condense of Alternia.) There will be no mention of SGRUB, either. Mutants and SGRUB may be subject to change later on in the RP if Zelly or I see fit, but for the moment it's an insta-NO.
>> 2. Zelly-fangirl and Animeprincess_9400 are the goddesses of this RP. Our word is law, our judgement final until we say otherwise. We are benevolent RP goddesses, but we don't take ANY bullshit. Causing trouble by instigating/carrying on with OOC fights, godmodding, auto-hitting, cybering, or any other unsavory behavior can easily resort in your being banned/killed off from the RP. You have been warned.
>> 3. Follow GaiaOnline's ToS. IF you have not read them yet, SHAME ON YOU.
>> 4. The character skeleton will not be in typical Homestuck fashion, if only for my convenience. To make up for this, you must fill out every necessary section in first person as your character AND you must use their typing quirk+blood color. The only exception for the latter is if they identify themselves with the anonymous gray instead. (You'll still have to list their blood color, though.)
>> 5. Be unique! Use a different shade from anyone else in-RP for the blood/post color you are using. It's a blood SPECTRUM after all! When you list it in your profile, though, simply state the color it is closest to as far as the MsPaint Wiki color list goes. (That means unless it's a Fuschia blood, there can be more than one. Which is why I'm not accepting any more fuschias.)
>> 6. Not every troll is going to be an "EVURY BLUD CULUR IZ SPESHUL" sort of troll hippy/social activist/whatever. At the same time, not every troll is going to be a complete bigot either. There should be a bit of diversity amongst our cast as far as how they accept or deny the social norms. You know, LIKE ANY OTHER SOCIETY IN EXISTENCE would have.
>> 7. PM all profiles to Animeprincess_9400. Entitle them whatever you please so long as it's fairly obvious that your profile is for this RP. Do not use a profile template that isn't made by ME specifically for THIS RP. Otherwise I will not accept it.
>> 8. For the appearance section of your profile, you MUST use a customized sprite or description. You may include your troll drawn in a different art style so long as you have one of the above. (After all, the sprite isn't going to show off everything you imagine as far as how they look.) Either you or a requested artist should have drawn the different art style pic for your troll if you use one, since it is obviously a FAN TROLL and stealing someone else's character is utterly despicable. (With normal RPs borrowing a photobucket pic is understandable since it's generally assumed that the pic is not yours and is just there to convey a very general idea of how you imagine your character to look. With Homestuck, considering how unique the troll species is in this series, that is no longer possible.) Also, NO tektek sprites are to be used for appearance since those things are an utter eyesore in RPC profiles.
>> 9. Treat your fellow role players with the respect they deserve.
>> 10. Have fun! More rules might be added later as Zelly or I see fit.
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:39 pm
[align=center][size=9][b]Username:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Self Explanitory[/color] [b]Name:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Self Explanitory[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Male or Female[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]In Solar Sweeps.[/color] [b]Blood Color:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Self Explanitory[/color] [b]Lusus:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Your troll's "Custodian"/Parental Guardian. If you don't know what that is read the wiki article I linked in the intro. Give both its name and species.[/color] [b]Power:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Psychic Ability or Physical Strength[/color] [b]Interests:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Paragraph form. At least three.[/color] [b]Talent(s):[/b] [color=bloodcolor]At least one, max five.[/color] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Physical, Emotional, and Mental. Be specific and logical![/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Sprite or Description. +Alt. Art Style Pic Optional[/color] [b]Matesprit:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Optional//None at First[/color] [b]Moirail:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Optional//None at First[/color] [b]Auspice/Auspitizing For:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Optional//None at First[/color] [b]Kismesis:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Optional//None at First[/color] [b]Themesong:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Optional[/color] [b]Other:[/b] [color=bloodcolor]Optional[/color][/size][/align]
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:51 pm
>> Accepted Profiles Username: Zelly-fangirl Name: ~Delphi is Delphi Sernal!~ Gender: ~Delphi is a girl, silly!~ ^3^ Age: ~Delphi's only six an' a half sweeps old~ Blood Color: ~Delphi's a fuchsia blood, and don't you forget it, buster!~ >3< Lusus: ~she's a big ol' water jelly Delphi calls Bubbles~ Power: ~Delphi doesn't have any psychic powers, glub glub~ v3v ~but Delphi doesn't care, 'cuz only stinky lowbloods get psychic powers!~ >3< ~unless a high blood has 'em in which case its a-okay~ ~oh, but Delphi's really fast though!~ ~on land and in water!~ ^3^ Interests: ~oh, Delphi just loves her dolls!~ ~Delphi also likes playing pretend, and collecting bones!~ ^3^ ~Delphi likes arranging bones to make new beasts!~ ~Delphi also likes playing flarp sometimes just to torment the lowbloods~ Talent(s): ~Delphi's good at puzzles, and making clothes for her dolls~ Weaknesses: ~Delphi hates those stinky lowbloods!~ >3< ~they're all gross and dirty and stinky and blechy!~ ~especially the ones that don't show Delphi and other high bloods the proper respect~ ~lowbloods should know their place, glub!~ Appearance: Matesprit: ~Delphi doesn't have one, glub~ v3v Moirail: ~Delphi doesn't have one of those either~ Auspice/Auspitizing For: ~Delphi doesn't want to do that, and Delphi doesn't want one, glub!~ >3> Kismesis: ~stop reminding Delphi of all her empty quadrants, glub!~ >3< Themesong: ~Delphi likes this song!~ ^3^ Other: Username: Zelly-fangirl Name: My name is Lumari Rigeda~ Gender: I supp()se I'd qualify as female~ Age: I just recently turned 7 sweeps ()ld~ Blood Color: As a jade bl()()d, life's n()t s() bad f()r me~ Lusus: I've been blessed with a virgin m()ther grub t() be my lusus~ Her name is Devi~ Power: Alas, I have n() special skills like th()se ab()ve ()r bel()w me ()n the hem()spectrum, but I d()n't mind~ Interests: ()h, I p()sitively ad()re art~~! ^.^ Specifically paintings and the creati()n there()f~ I als() enj()y nature and music, th()ugh I prefer the s()fter, m()re classical s()rt~ It makes f()r w()nderful inspirati()n~ Talent(s): My friends tell me I'm quite the artist, th()ugh I w()ldn't say I'm that g()()d~ Painting's my specialty th()ugh, s() I can safely take pride in my w()rk in that field~ Weaknesses: Unf()rtunately, I'm terrible with c()mputers~ I can chat away with my friends ()nline, but that's ab()ut all I can d() ()n my ()wn~ While I d()n't believe in mistreating l()wbl()()ds because ()f their bl()()d c()l()r, I d() respect the hem()spectrum and have difficulty turning d()wn a request fr()m a highbl()()d~ The subject ()f r()mance, whether black ()r red, als() makes me fidget awkwardly, I must admit~~ Appearance: Matesprit: I can't say this quadrant's been filled yet~~ Moirail: Unf()rtunately, I have n() ()ne t() fill this quadrant yet either~ Auspice/Auspitizing For: I d()n't see myself requiring an auspice any time s()()n, really~ Kismesis: I~~d()n't actually have any()ne filling this quadrant either~~ Themesong: I l()ve this ()ne~~ Other: I've been experimenting with ()ther artistic mediums as ()f later, th()ugh my recent sculptures have hardly turned ()ut the way I'd imagined them~~ Username: Animeprincess_9400 Name: ashtar vastel. Gender: i'm female. Age: seven, i think? Blood Color: bronze, although i tend not to talk about it all that much. it's more fun to just keep people guessing. Lusus: my lusus is a venemous slitherserpent. (snake) Power: clairaudience. more specifically, i hear things that others wouldn't - like ghosts or bits and pieces of the thoughts of those around me if they have strong enough emotional significance to the thinker in question. Interests: i'm what you strange creatures call a...book-worm? i love to learn new things and to study alternia's history. i also strongly enjoy tales of mythology and romance. even more than that i like to study the hemospectrum and how much it has influenced our society. pretty much anything about the social structures we thrive on and how they come to be excite me. beyond studying, though? i suppose our world's plant life does - especially those that can be used to make medicine or poison. Talent(s): i'm getting better at mixing together herbs, spices, and grub extracts to make healing salves and minor poisons. i know it is unusual, but i want to keep developing these talents more and more. with how violent and deadly things are, my skills could certainly be of use! Weaknesses: i have little to no physical strength whatsoever, instead usually relying on others to lift the heavier things for me. i'm much more easilly influenced by the psychic attacks and abilities of my peers. beyond the obvious, despite how soft-spoken i am, i speak more than i should - often offending and confusing those i should not without intending to. Appearance:
{Ashtar w/o Glasses} Matesprit: i am looking forward to the day i meet my destined matesprit. sadly, that day has not come yet. Moirail: no moirail yet, sadly enough. Auspice/Auspitizing For: i don't talk to others as much as i'd like, so i have never had the chance to auspitize or be auspitized for before. Kismesis: again, still single. ...thinking about my empty quadrants is quite depressing. Themesong: I Am A Scientist - The Dandy Warhols Other: despite my love for socialization and studying troll sociality, i don't know that many people. i tend to get consumed with my studies and end up making a hermit out of myself without meaning to. i would love it, though, if you could help me with that every once in awhile! studying your every word and action will be most interesting... Username: Zelly-fangirl Name: Rayela Shirin* o/on't go forgetting it now!* Gender: 1oitch, o/o I LOOK like a guy to you?!* I'm a chick!* Age: seven sweeps and counting!* Blood Color: teal, ano/ prouo/ of it!* Lusus: I've got a wolf (lunabeast)* her name's Nyx* ^_^ Power: nao/o/a* well, unless the raw power of ROCK counts!* >: D Interests: well, there's music, music, and o/io/ I mention music?* ano/ none of that 1olechy classic stuff either* I mean ROCK music, 1oitches!!* that, ano/ just a1oout every other friggin sweet genre of music out there* I guess I kino/a o/ig action flicks too, ano/ some sports* if it counts, I also like playing with Nyx, of course* ^^ Talent(s): what part of ROCK o/io/ you not uno/erstano/?* I'm gonna 1oe the next Troll Joan Jett or Troll Pink!!* Weaknesses: ugh, that STUPIo/ hemospectrum!* those 1olue and purple 1olooo/s that holo/ it over our heao/s just piss me right the ******** off!* sigh***I guess I am pretty short tempereo/ too***ano/ I may have something of an ego*** Appearance:
Matesprit: empty* Moirail: also empty* Auspice/Auspitizing For: gogo/ammit empty* Kismesis: why are all my quao/rants empty??!* Themesong: When I Grow Up - Mayday Parade Other: o/ue to my lack of any musically inclineo/ frieno/s, I've got some nifty programs ano/ gao/gets to help me make my music without a full bano/!* o/io/ I mention I make my own music?* 1oecause I totally o/o* ^_~ Username: Mad Haru Name: Dolfar Mirrel Gender: Male Age: Seven. Blood Color: It's a bit in-between teal and cobalt, but leans more towards cobalt. Lusus: A HOWLBEAST. He always brings home food. Power: I don't have much when it comes to psionics or physical power, but I'm pretty strong. Interests: I like to read. I've taken to FLARPING recently, at the behest of some of my friends. I'm also a fan of baking, on occasion. Talent(s): I am surprisingly good at staying hidden when the need arises. I'm also very intelligent, and good with my hands. Weaknesses: I require a surprising amount of food to function. Appearance: Matesprit: Sadly, no. Moirail: Never needed one. I've always been so down-to-earth, or down-to-Alternia as it were. Auspice/Auspitizing For: Pff. As if I'd be able to auspiticize for anyone. Kismesis: Oh, if only. Themesong: Masque de Masque's theme Other: Username: Minnta Aloripma Name: iliXay Omaera Gender: pretty sure i'm a girl Age: seven sOlar sweeps, almOst eight Blood Color: purple Lusus: she's a hammerheaded water beast named riXa. she's rarely arOund, thOugh she leaves fOOd fOr me On the beach near my hive. Power: dOn't have any Of thOse psychic pOwers, but i'm physically pOwerful and fast OntOp Of that. maybe nOt as fast as thOse lOw-blOOds, have yOu seen thOse ******** run when they see sOmeOne mOre pOwerful cOming tOwards them? and... dOes the ability Of regrOwing my teeth when they get knOcked Out cOunt? Interests: always enjOy scaring thOse lOw-blOOded ********, especially when flarping. i alsO have an interest in learning different ways Of fighting and killing. and i like music, thOugh i dOn't really like peOple knOwing that. Talent(s): i'm very gOOd at fighting and scaring the s**t Out Of lOw-blOOded ******** with my mere presence. Weaknesses: sOme ******** may cOnsider my temper a weakness and the fact that i lOse it at randOm times. Other than that, i can't swim and i'm... well, i wOuldn't say i'm afraid of clOwns BUT IF YOU BRING ONE OF THOSE ******** NEAR ME I WILL RIP YOUR ARMS OFF AND BEAT YOU WITH THEM! Appearance: Matesprit: dOn't have One Moirail: empty Auspice/Auspitizing For: nOpe Kismesis: THEY'RE ALL EMPTY, ********! STOP ASKING! Themesong: fire flOwer - SOundhOlic Other: Username: Dai-Gilgamesh Name: Pharos Kovlet Gender: Male, you're not blind are you? Age: Eight. :/ Blood Color: I'm pretty sure it's called Blue Danube... or some crap like that. I don't remember...It's lighter than cobalt, but has a different hue than teal. LOOK CLOSELY PLEASE AND THANK YOU. <_< Lusus: Half jackal and half focks... that is, it has a head of a jackal and the body of a focks. Simple enough, right? Power: I can move objex, like telekinesis, ecksept I can't move them until I actually physically touch the object beforehand... It's a hassle. :/ Interests: Well for starters, I like to be lasy. I'm not the kind of guy to actually start doing things until things are bad, like the brink of destruction bad, or edge of your seat bad. But when it comes to keeping things orderly, then I'm f***ing serious. I can play piano, but don't tell that to anybody or... I'll do something bad (I'll think about it...) I don't f-bomb as much as other trolls, but there's sort of a thing for me wanting to be secluded, so yeah. I hate the fact that people are all like "HARHAR MY BLOOD IS PURER THAN YOURS!", doesn't that sound annoying? I will probably end up smiting them with my yo-yo, and speaking of which...I love yo-yos, I mean who doesn't? They way you can throw them around and it will still come back to you(like a matesprit relationship) is just... sublime. Talent(s): I have obsessive-compulsive disorder (it's a talent so give me a break.) I find time to point out details and such because every little crooked thing out of place drives me NUTS. It's easier for me to spell words with "x" sounds differently, it shows I have some pisass... And I don't use"-insert unknown letter here-"; I think it's a waste of time to use it so why bother?....-ahem- Well, I'm a musician and I can rip a mean yo-yo! Walk the dog? Done! Around the world? Also done! Weaknesses: I'm shy... I tend to get pretty anti-social, and I have my own reasons too, so don't bother asking or I will I'll just end up ignoring you for the rest of your life. I don't eat things that are red, and by the way, don't ask about that either. Appearance: Matesprit: U-uhm... Can we move onto another topic? Moirail: Nope. Auspice/Auspitizing For: I wish.... Kismesis: Is this a joke? They're all no. -_- Themesong: Linkin Park- Lost in the Echo Other: I use a YO-YOKIND strife specibus and my SYLLADEX is programmed with a Fetch Modus WHEEL (Numbers one through sicks. Arrow points to a number, the item goes in that number, but if I pick a number already used, then it gets bumped out. Kinda' crappy and kinda' not crappy; I'll survive.). I have birthmark of a sicks-pointed star on my chest that is strangely the same color as my blood, and a synthetic eye where you can see the scar(it does nothing special, it's just like any other eyeball, so don't think that it can shoot a laser or some other mind f*** like that)... Don't stare at it. o_O
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:29 am
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:58 am
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:03 am
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:48 pm
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:13 pm
((Working on a sprite now. Having a little trouble, though.))
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:16 pm
{What are you having trouble with? I could help if you'd like.}
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:28 pm
((The fact that I can't draw for s**t. And also I fail at MS Paint, of all things. Here's the troll. http://imgur.com/sr37jThe symbol I want is here. If you can help me out, I'll get started on my profile.))
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:34 pm
{I'll be on the computer in an hour or less. When I get on, I can definately get that done for you no problem. Just tell me your troll's blood color so I know what to use to draw it. Feel free to just send in the profile whenever wothout the pic and I'll edit the symbol in and put it in your profile after you've seen and okay'd it.}
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:46 pm
((Oh right, blood color. Let's say This. It's known as the Bleu de France.))
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:47 pm
((For hemospectrum's sake, I'd say it's on the cobalt end.))
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:34 pm
{PM'd you my first go. If you need me to do anything else just let me know.}