I would put this in GAH, but I want people to see it. Would you like to play a game with me?

How to Play:
    gaia_left The game starts with a score of 100. The playing area is between 0 to 200.
    gaia_right Take note of which side of the screen you end up on. I'm on Team Left as the original poster. First person to reply is on Team Right. Once you post, you can only post again once someone on the other team has taken a turn until a new page is made or a winner is determined.
    gaia_left Roll one 100-sided die. Post and edit your message to reflect the difference in the number posted above you.
    gaia_right Left team adds to the score, Right team subtracts from the score.
    gaia_left The round ends when Team Left reaches 200+ or Team Right reaches 0 or less. Then we start again at 100 + or - the die roll of the new round starter.
    gaia_right You can post your arithmetic and what number reply you are to help the next poster.
    gaia_left If you forget to roll the correct die, your post is a count of 1 in your team's direction.
    gaia_right If you post out of turn, your roll now counts toward the opponent's victory.
    gaia_left If you post out of turn AND forget to roll, your post counts 25 toward the opponent.

OP gaia_left [rolled 18] (100+18=) 118
#1 gaia_right [rolled 46] (118-46=) 72
#2 gaia_left [rolled 34] 106
#3 gaia_right [no roll] 105 emo
#4 gaia_right [no roll] 130 gonk
(posted on a left's turn after establishing they were on Team Right)

I will now edit this total to show how much my score affects the starting number

gaia_left #1, 100+25 = 125