Cert Time

I offer certing updates for any kat you have that needs it, whether it's mated to mine, made by me, or just waiting on an update in general.

Forms were borrowed from Noir Songbird's thread.

You may edit one post or make multiple posts.

Your choice in specialty is:
- You choose something specific (write whatever you like there)
- CC (I will choose at random). Please actually write CC or "you choose"
- Leave Blank. If you want me to actually leave the specialty blank please actually type "Leave Blank" so I know, don't just leave it empty.

If I delete your post, you can find your cert & uncert in the appropriate drop-off threads!

Note: I do have dyslexia/dyscalculia so I often make spelling mistakes, just let me know and I will fix it for you. heart

New Cert
Anything I haven’t certed before should go on this form.

[size=18][color=darkred]New Cert[/color][/size]
[img]Image Here. Please post the full size image and do not spoiler it.[/img]
[b]Date Acquired:[/b]
[b]Additional Info:[/b]

Cert Update
This should only be used for updates to certs I have previously dropped. If I did not drop the old cert, please use the "New Cert" form above!

[size=18][color=blue]Cert Update[/color][/size]
[img]Img Here[/img]
[b]Alignment:[/b] (if needed)
[b]Additional Info:[/b] (if needed)