Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:28 pm
Well, There's this girl. i really want her back. We used to go out. It's been on/off for the last 2 months. THe school year is almost done. And I don't want to end it alone. I really want her. She's the only girl I ever cried over. I just want to talk to her. I wanna be with her. But our relationship isn't just like/love. It went past that. I wanna tell her all of this but I don't know how. Help?
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:51 pm
Just tell her you still care about her, and ask her to think about getting back together with you. Do NOT force anything on her! If she still cares about you, something will happen.
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:55 pm
like lil-bit-of-devil said, you should tell her you like her and if she really likes you she will want to get back together, and i'm sorry to tell you this but she might not like you as much as you like her, and if she doesnt then you have to try to move on, because you cant make people love you. Just tell her how you feel about her and hopefully she will like you and want to get back together. Good luck!
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:23 pm
how old are you man...i know alot of feelings can mess up a guy, but you gotta remember alot of things can still happen...let me give you an example.
I've been dating since the 6th grade, im going to be in the 12th next year, and alot of girls have cheated on me...this stuff can really hurt you know, and when a girl doesnt cheat on me, it hurts worse knowing i lost them cus i messed up...But i've never done anything, no sex or anything, so when i finally met this one girl, i just instantly liked her. No lust, just the fact she is an awsome person.that was half a year ago, and now i have the chance to be with her...and its just a feeling man, like nothing bad can actually happen...
Depending on your age, i wouldnt worry about it, like i said, im 16 (b-day is next month) and i have a while to go before anything may get serious. If she doesnt like you, it wasnt meant to be, but you do have to tell her how you feel, that way you dont eat yourself inside for not telling her...trust me, it makes you feel pretty shitty man. but hey, if its not meant to be, then its not meant to be, the summer is a perfect chance to check out people and get to know them. who knows, this girl may not have been the one, but not being with her can lead you to the right person after all.the summer is like 3 months, have fun man, and dont get beat up over a girl, its stupid. Not romantic in anyway, just plain stupid, cus if you dont end up being with her again, then its time wasted of you life...
just remember man, we can give you any help, but in the end you have to be prepared for the worse...
Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:56 pm
heart This may sound tripe, but wait the year out. Perhaps your feeling may change through the summer. If you find that at the beginning of the next year that you pine for her, ask her what she thinks of you. My school crushes always ended, but, because I was didn't push it, the friendships held.
Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:40 am
being the nicest loser in the world, I'll say this...it sort of revolves around the reason on why you two broke up in the first place, make amends from there...if she doesn't accept it, then there's not a lot you can do
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:33 am
Tell her how u feel and all, but dont keep annoying her about it. *no offense. Thats def. one thing girls cant stand* if shes feelin the same way about you, she'll respond in some way, but if she doesnt, then u just gotta move on...
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 4:13 pm
just tell her exactly what you posted...its totally sweet, she'll love it.
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:30 pm
looks like you already have a lot of advise to process but heres some more mrgreen
it really depends on the girl, i'm sorry but some girls are just shallow (just liks some boys) and if it's a high school crush it might not be anything serious to her; of what you know about her, what kind of woman does she come off as? sometimes romance works, sometimes straight forwardness works and yet sometimes just giving it some space works, it really does depend...but as romantic as walking up to her and spilling your heart out sounds you might get hurt worse if it's not done in the right time or place, your emotional and you need the clear sight of a close friend before you jump to conclusions so i suggest you ask some of your better buddies, because a lot of times friends see things we miss
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:17 pm
Ir you really like her than tell her you still care. If she doesn't we'll help you through it. It stinks during that time. Good luck