Random Writings

Yes, you may post random writings of yours here! Hoo-ray!

I lay on my bed, pondering the many events that had happened so far.
I hadn't meant serious trouble. I thought. Or had I?

You're probably wondering what happened. I'm not surprised.

It happened over a long period of time.....

It started one day in the 6th grade when I wanted to fit in, not knowing where to turn to, because my best friend had been transfered schools, and my other best friend was going to some special school for brainaic kids.

I walked down the hallway, on my way to my locker I shared with a girl, Hannah, who was in my homeroom, to pick up my lunch. I did the combonation and grabbed my lunch sack, and made my way to the lunch room. I saw a group of students, ranging from my age to 14, all dressed in black (but not gothic) walking my way.

I speeded my pace and started powering walking as they came closer and closer, not going any faster, gaining on me, I still yards away from the cafeteria.

"Hey. You. Little kid." An 8th grader said.

"Y-yeah?" I replied, trembling a little bit with fear of what they might do to me. I had heard rumors.

"We've seen you're a loner, with nothin' to do. We thought we might help you."


"You join us, and you'll find out."

"M-maybe later. I-I'm going to go eat lunch right now. M-maybe after s-school." I barely managed to get out.

"Don't worry, pee-wee. We've got you're back. Trust us. We'll help you out."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Of course. Now, come with us, and we'll tell you how it works."

I followed them outside to an abandoned brick wall. I figured that must be the area they claimed.

They sat down in a circle-ish shape next to the wall. I sat with them.

I heard their offers and how it would work for me. They said they'd keep bullies away, be my friends, and eat lunch with me everyday.

I decided to go with them. Go with the flow--well, that's at least what I thought.

"Of course, you have to do stuff for us too."


"First, you've gotta take Sharpie and write "Mr. Glens likes Ms. Janson on all the girl's bathroom stalls."

"When?" I asked.

"ASAP, girl."

And before I knew it, I did it. And I felt good. They praised me. I had never been praised before. They made me feel accomplished, good.

But that was just the beginning of the many bad deeds I would do.

By the end of 7th grade, I was their leader, since I was most dedicated. I invited 6th graders, luring them into the same trap.

I TP'd teachers' homes, even graffitied (sp?)

((To be contiued (sp?).....my sister's bugging me to get off whee ))