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Reply "FLDBAO" ~For the Love of Desu~ Books, Anime, and Others!
地獄少女 (Jigoku Shoujo)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:33 am

Girl from Hell

闇に纏いし哀れな影よ。 人を傷つけ貶めて罪に溺れし業の魂 ・・・ 一遍、死んで見る? -閻魔あい
(O miserable shadow clad in darkness! Hurting and disdaining people, a karmic soul drowning in sin...Would you try dying for once? - Enma Ai)



"At midnight every night, you can access Jigoku Tsūshin online. If you type in the name of someone who you have a grudge against there, Jigoku Shōjo will appear and send that person to hell. Rumors of the site spread among children living in cities. However, no one speaks of one thing, that you must make a contract with the Jigoku Shōjo to carry out revenge against your grudge."

The series is mainly a collection of short stories. Each of them describes the suffering of a different individual caused by one or more antagonists, and the subsequent punishment inflicted on the antagonists with the help of Enma Ai, aka the "Jigoku Shōjo" (Hell Girl).

During each story, the protagonists' dramas are explained in detail from the start of their grudges, through the escalation of their torment until it becomes unbearable and they resort to the "Jigoku Tsūshin"(correspondence with Hell) - a mysterious black colored web site only accessible at midnight. The contents of the site are only a text: "あなたの怨み、晴らします。 (We will take revenge on your behalf.)", a text box where the grudge's object must be written, and a "送信 (Send)" button. Some time after the post, they are visited by Enma Ai, a young red eyed girl wearing a traditional sailor school uniform. She delivers them a black straw doll (In the second season, the doll may also be red or dark blue depending on who turns into it) with a red string tied to its neck, and she tells them that if they want their vengeance to be delivered, they must remove the string from the doll, and their enemies will be immediately taken to Hell. However, a crest shaped mark will appear on the protagonists' chests, always reminding them that after their lives come to an end, they must give compensation by having their own souls also sent to Hell.

Enma Ai doesn't work alone. She lives in a house in an unknown world that is in eternal sunset with her grandmother who orders her around and whose face never appears. Ai also counts on the help of her three assistants. When they are not under her services, they stay in the form of three straw dolls, otherwise they assume the form of Ichimoku Ren, a handsome young man in casual clothes, Hone-Onna, a beautiful woman wearing a kimono and Wanyūdō, an old man wearing a hat and a red scarf. They help her during the event when their victims are confronted with their own sins, prior to the moment when Ai (dressed in traditional kimono with floral patterns) ferries them to hell. Also, the trio helps her investigate the true nature of their cases when something seems suspicious.

In episode 8 of the series, two other recurring characters are introduced: A journalist named Shibata Hajime who is investigating the stories involving the Jigoku Shōjo, and his daughter Tsugumi. After an encounter with Enma Ai, Tsugumi starts to have visions of what Ai sees and thus the two become more and more involved in Ai's matters. The fact is Hajime doesn't agree with Ai's methods; he believes people should solve their problems by other means than resorting to vengeance, and tries to stop those who contracted to the Jigoku Shōjo from sending their grudges to Hell with Tsugumi's help,but when he manage to locate the person,he's mostly too late. As the story progresses, Tsugumi begins to question if Ai's ways are as wrong as her father believes, but little do they know about the true reason why their thoughts are connected.

Spoilers below
It turns out that Hajime and Tsugumi were the descendant of a man named Sentaro Shibata. Sentaro and Ai were very childhood friends and were cousins. Because of Ai's powers, she was hated and feared among the villagers in the village that they lived in. When it was time to sacrifice a seven year old child for the mountain god, Ai was chosen. Sentaro was enraged when he knew she was to be sacrificed to the mountain god, and argued that she was chosen on purpose because of her powers. Therefore, he and Ai's parents decided to hide her instead. This went perfectly well for about 6 years but during those years, there was a great famine and the villagers were terrified. They thought that the mountain god was angry at them.

Then the terrible day arrived. While Ai and Sentaro were having fun in the water, the village men that had bullied Ai in the past caught them and brought them to the village. They tied up Ai and her parents and knocked them out. After that, they threw them in a pit and forced Sentaro to bury them as repentance. Ai was conscious at this time and felt betrayed by him, as he has sworn to protect her. Sentaro ran away because from the confusion, before the villages buried Ai, Ai said she'll swear revenge on them one day.

After Ai was buried, Sentaro woke one night, and went in the fields for a walk. When he returned, he saw the whole village burning and in the fire was Ai, singing a song they used to sing (it was cute when they sang it but scary when she sings it in this scene) while setting the houses on fire. Out of insanity and guilt, Sentaro ran away. He grew up in regret of what he did and built a temple as a sign of his regret. He opened a candy store named Shibataya that sells a black candy that he and his descendants and other owners of the store send to the temple as an offering.

Having failed to directly kill Hajime and Tsugumi, Ai escaped her punishment to be sent to hell by the spider and decided to settle the score by having Tsugumi send her father to hell. After showing how her mother died and her father's denial of his responsibility, Tsugumi was left shaken and unsure. While Ai kept pressing her on to pull the string, Hajime was trapped in Ai's world but was able to escape thanks to Ai's grandmother who let him out for an exchange (whatever the exchange actually was was never shown). Hajime then arrived just in time for another trip to the past. This time, he admitted his faults and told Tsugumi to pull the string. This angered Tsugumi not because of what Hajime did but because that his acceptance to be sent to hell inferred that he did not value their moments together which is the thing that Tsugumi truly values. She threw her arms around her father and told him that she was happy being with him and that even if it was hard to be without a mother, she was able to make it though because him and after a few more tearful moments, she returned the straw doll back to Ai and said she didn't need it. Tsugumi then explained how Sentaro was very regretful of what he did and built the temple as a sign of regret but after hearing of this, she incinerated the temple either as a way of letting go of her grudge (in this case, the destruction of the temple would symbolize Sentaro's release from his regret) or as a sign that she would not forgive Sentaro despite all that he did to show his regret (the destruction of the temple in this case would symbolize the refusal of Sentaro's apology). The season ends with Hajime and Tsugumi going back to normality and Ai continuing what she's been doing for centuries - sending people to hell.

Spoilers end  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:34 am

Enma Ai (閻魔あい)
The main character of the series. With long, flowing hair and red eyes, she is a spiritual entity with a tragic past, she lives in a world of perpetual twilight with her grandmother, and is the one who receives and delivers vengeance on her clients' behalf. She normally wears a black seifuku, or sailor uniform, but always wears a flowery kimono when delivering the vengeance of a client. Enma Ai started her career as the Hell Girl by her own act of vengeance on the villagers who sentenced her to a sacrificial death. Her task of fulfilling other people's vengeance and ferrying people to Hell is her punishment, a task which she has performed for the better part of 400 years. Although this task is presented as atonement, it is unknown whether she will ever be freed of it. Since she has done this for so long, she initially seemed to have become emotionless, numbed, as it is shown by her expressionless face. Wanyuudou noted she still had feelings, though, although she did not express them strongly, and it was later revealed that Ai had been ordered to close her heart by the Spider. The experiences she has with the Shibatas first reawoke her discontent with her terrible fate and later apparently reawoke other emotions, or at least Ai's ability to express them. Before meeting the Shibatas, it was even possible that Ai had managed to suppress memories of her own grudge and past. When enraged, Ai demonstrates the power to hurl great blasts of energy, as well as the power to create elaborate illusions and teleport others and herself.

Ichimoku Ren (一目連)
An assistant of Enma Ai who appears to be a handsome young man with one eye covered by hair. He can manifest a single, very large eye that can be directed anywhere, allowing him to see inside of a building through walls. This manifests as an eye on a wall, etc. The large eye can also be used as a weapon, by projecting intense flashes of light. When so required, Ichimoku Ren becomes the blue straw doll by kissing a pendant he wears around his neck. He is sometimes referred to as "Moku." He, along with Hone-onna and Wanyuudo, was saved from going into Hell by Ai. There is a glimpse into his past in season two, though all that is seen is a woman and a katana.

Hone Onna (骨女)
Assistant of Enma Ai, and appears to be a beautiful woman in a kimono with its obi tied in front--the trademark of a prostitute. She becomes the red straw doll when necessary by tossing her red obi strap over her neck. Hone Onna, along with Ichimoku Ren, researches the people who make a contract and the ones they have a grudge against. Hone Onna usually infiltrates human society in casual clothing to investigate cases. On certain occasions, she uses throwing knives as weapons; Hone Onna is apparently extremely skilled with these weapons. These knives seem to carry some mystic charge, since they can be used to quickly dispatch supernatural enemies. Hone Onna also seems to have some skill as a contortionist, which allows her to squeeze into very small places. Getting out of those same places, however, is an area she is less talented in. Hone Onna seems to suffer from mild vanity; she can be quite offended when she is addressed as obaasan ('old lady' or 'auntie'; a Japanese form of address for any woman of middle age and above). She can expose the bones in her body, scaring the target of the grudge; the name Hone Onna actually means bone woman. In episode 8 of Futakomori she jokingly reveals that she is "200 years old".

Wanyuudou (輪入道)
Assistant of Enma Ai, who becomes the black straw doll with a red string around its neck which is very obvious why he wears a red scarf in human form. He also frequently takes the form of a burning wheel on Ai's coach when she goes to the human world to claim a soul. The coach incidentally bears the same black flame-crest that appears on the chest of those people who contract with the Hell Girl. At all other times, Wanyuudou appears as an older man whose eyes remain mostly shut, wearing a fisherman's hat and fairly old-fashioned Japanese clothing. Despite appearing quite mild-mannered at most times, Wanyuudou possesses considerable skills in martial arts. Wanyuudou's name means "A wheel entering the road" a reference to the flaming wheel form he most commonly assumes. In episode 12 of Futakomori it is revealed that he is from the Samurai era.

Ai's Grandmother (あいの祖母)
Never actually seen in the series, she is always spinning thread in her room, and occasionally talks to Ai and gives her advice. She is mostly telling Ai that she has another client or telling Ai her client has pull the string. She never talks to anybody but Ai, with the exception of talking to Hajime once as a deal for her to get him out of captivity for a favor.

The Spider (あいの祖母)
An oddly-coloured spider with three eyes upon its back, which appears in the sunset world where Ai and her assistants reside between assignments. The spider is probably the same creature as the giant jellyfish-like entity which watches whenever Ai ferries a soul to Hell. It speaks with the voice of a man and is apparently Ai's superior, having been the one to pronounce sentence on her after she killed the people of her village. It claims to be holding the souls of Ai's loved ones - namely her parents - hostage against her good behaviour; if Ai did not do the job she was given, they would wander for eternity. The spider at one time demonstrates an ability to pilot the ferryboat to Hell and tries to restrain Ai, but she appears to be too strong for it to hold her without her consent. The spider is not liked or trusted by Ai's assistants, with whom it in turn does not speak.

Season one Characters Characters that only appear in Season one

Hajime Shibata (柴田)
A former journalist who now earns money by blackmailing celebrities with evidence of their scandals. He began to investigate Jigoku Tsuushin merely out of interest, but becomes more heavily involved once he realizes that it's more than just a rumor and people are actually being dragged into Hell. Furthermore, his daughter Tsugumi seems to have a mysterious connection with Enma Ai that allows her to see anything significant that Ai sees.

Tsugumi Shibata (柴田つぐみ)
Hajime's daughter. Even though he's her father, she always refers to him as "Hajime-chan." She saw Ai one day and has had a mysterious connection ever since. At first, she reports everything she sees through Ai to Hajime, but as the series progresses, she becomes more reluctant to do so as she begins to disagree with her father on whether they should try to stop Ai or not. She appears strong and sassy on the outside but is actually very vulnerable and confused on the inside.

Ayumi Shibata (柴田あゆみ)
Hajime's dead wife. Hajime devoted more time to his work than to his family and in her loneliness, she had an affair with a politician that Hajime happened to be spying on. Because of that incident, he cast her out of the house and forbade her from ever seeing Tsugumi. However, just a few moments later, she got into a car accident and died. Tsugumi keeps her mother's earrings as a memento. Hajime loves her very much, and regrets not forgiving her because he believes she would be alive if he did.

Season two Characters

Kikuri (きくり)
An enigmatic little girl introduced in season two. Little is known about her except the fact she is not an ordinary human as she can wander freely between the mortal plane and Ai's house, sometimes interfering with her and her associates' job. In stark contrast to Ai, Kikuri has completely blue eyes (including the schlera) and her personality is far more childish that Ai's.



PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:37 am

The Jigoku Shōjo anime series was produced by Aniplex and Studio Deen. Directed by Takahiro Omori, the first season spanned 26 episodes and premiered across Japan on Animax between October 4, 2005, and April 4, 2006. The series' second season, Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori (地獄少女 二籠, Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori?), premiered from October 7, 2006 across Japan on Animax. The first season of the series also received its international premieres across Animax's various worldwide networks from October 2006.

Episodes Of season one

# Title in English Title in Japanese Client (Seiyuu) Target (Seiyu) Air Date (Y/M/D)
1 From the Other Side of Twilight 夕闇の彼方より Mayumi Hashimoto (Kana Ueda) Aya Kuroda (Tomoko Kawakami) 2005-10-04
2 Entranced Girl 魅入られた少女 Ryouko Takamura (Ai Shimizu) Kouichiro Kisaragi (Kazuya Ichijo) 2005-10-11
3 Blemished Mound 汚れたマウンド Daisuke Iwashita (Wataru Hatano) Mamoru Hanakasa (Noriaki Sugiyama) 2005-10-18
4 Inaudible Scream 聞こえぬ叫び声 Junko Kanno (Satomi Arai) Yoshiyuki Honjou (Takehito Koyasu) 2005-10-25
5 Woman of the Tall Tower 高い塔の女 Misari Urano (Ayako Kawasumi) Riho Kaifu (Michiko Neya) 2005-11-01
6 Early Afternoon Window 昼下がりの窓 Haruka Yasuda (Chiwa Saito) Namiko Todaka (Emi Shinohara) 2005-11-08
7 Cracked Mask ひびわれた仮面 Kaoruko Kurushima (Marina Inoue) Ayaka Kurenai (Satsuki Yukino) 2005-11-15
8 Quiet Acquaintance 静寂の交わり Chiaki Tanuma (Yuki Matsuoka) Gorou Ishizu (Show Hayami) 2005-11-22
9 Sweet Trap 甘い罠 Yuka Kasuga (Rina Sato) Shinya Morizaki (Kouji Ishii) 2005-11-29
10 Friends トモダチ Minami Shibuya (Sawa Ishige) Shiori Akasaka (Megumi Toyoguchi) 2005-12-06
11 Torn Thread 千切れた糸 Masaya Kataoka (Daisuke Ono) Takashi Inagaki (Wataru Takagi) 2005-12-13
12 Spilling Fragments 零れたカケラ達 Akane Sawai (Rie Tanaka) Yoshiki Fukasawa (Susumu Chiba) 2005-12-20
13 Purgatory Girl 煉獄少女 Fukumoto (Shiro Saito) Ohkawachi ( ─ ) 2005-12-27
14 Across the Blind Alley 袋小路の向こう Saki Kirino (Yuu Kobayashi Ryozo Kusunoki (Masashi Hirose) 2006-01-03
15 Woman of the Island 島の女 Mina Minato (Masumi Asano) Fujie Minato (Akemi Okamura) 2006-01-17
16 Night of the Travelling Entertainer 旅芸人の夜 Yumi (Asuka Tanii) Yuki (Akiko Yajima) 2006-01-24
17 Glass Scenery 硝子ノ風景 Nina (Omi Minami) 2006-01-31
18 Bound Girl 縛られた少女 Miki kamikawa (Noriko Shitaya) Meiko Shimono (Kujira) 2006-02-07
19 Bride Doll 花嫁人形 Inori Ujiie (Fumiko Orikasa) Kyougetsu Ujiie (Miyuki Ichijo) 2006-02-14
20 Hell Girl vs. Hell Boy 地獄少女 対 地獄少年 Esper Watanabe (Shinichiro Miki) Gill du Ronfell (Jun Fukuyama) 2006-02-21
21 Kind Neighbor 優しい隣人 Yuko Murai (Saeko Chiba) Ryosuke Sekine (Ryunosuke Obayashi) 2006-02-28
22 Rain of Regret 悔恨の雨 Goro Suetsugu (Atsushi Imaruoka) Noriko Hayashi (Shizuka Ito) 2006-03-07
23 Hospital Ward's Light 病棟の光 Unknown ( ─ ) Kanako Sakuragi (Miyuki Sawashiro) 2006-03-14
24 Twilight Home 夕暮れの里 2006-03-21
25 Hell Girl 地獄少女 2006-03-28
26 Basting かりぬい Tsugumi Shibata (Nana Mizuki) Hajime Shibata (Yuji Ueda) 2006-04-04

EpisodesOf season twoWhich is still in the works

# Title in English Title in Japanese Client(Seiyu) Target(Seiyu) Air Date
1 The Girl Within the Darkness 闇の中の少女 Maki Onda (Ryo Hirohashi) Eiko Kamishiro (Mayumi Asano) 2006-10-07
2 Froth うたかた Yayoi Kurahashi (Houko Kuwashima) Criminal (Yuichi Nakamura) 2006-10-14
3 Beloved Kei-chan 愛しのけいちゃん Tae Sakairi (Sayaka Aoki) Yumie Hanamura (Rika Morinaga) 2006-10-21
4 Secret 秘密 Shuichi Yagusawa (Kouichi Toochika) Shoki (Hirofumi Nojima) 2006-10-27
5 Rampage to Hell 地獄への暴走 Leon Yamada (Isshin Chiba) Rikiua Hashizume (Masaya Onosaka) 2006-11-04
6 The Place Where the Sun Shines 陽のあたる場所 Kiwako Nitta (Sanae Kobayashi) Hirohisa Sugita (Junichi Suwabe) 2006-11-11
7 Bonds 絆 Megumi Mogi (Kei Shindō) Kazuko Mogi (Rei Igarashi) 2006-11-18
8 Fake Hell Communication 偽地獄通信 Shouko Baba (Michie Tomizawa) Mami Kuriyama (Ayumi Tsunematsu) 2006-11-25
9 Elder Brother, Younger Sister あにいもうと Maho Suzaki (Akemi Kanda) Mikio Suzaki (Showtaro Morikubo) 2006-12-02
10 Anna Sone's Wet Holiday 曽根アンナの濡れた休日 Hachiroku Toyota (Kentaro Tone) Teturo Negoro (Shigeru Chiba) 2006-12-09
11 The Distant Adjacent Room 遠い隣室 Shizuko Amagi (Junko Minagawa) Kyouko Tachibana (Kimiko Saito) 2006-12-16
12 Black Furrow 黒の轍 Michiro Ito (Tetsu Inada) Hitori Kameda (Tomomichi Nishimura) 2006-12-23
13 Tragedy of V Vの惨劇 2007-01-06
14 The Calm Lake Shore 静かな湖畔 2007-01-13
15 For This Country この国のために 2007-01-20
16 A Wicked Woman's Desire 悪女志願 2007-01-27
17 Silent Glance 沈黙のまなざし 2007-02-03
18 That Person's Memories あのひとの記憶 2007-02-10
19 Steam Hell, Inn on a Journey 湯けむり地獄、旅の宿 2007-02-17
20 A Maiden's Album 乙女のアルバム 2007-02-24
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:09 am
ye!!! Jigoku Shoujo rullzUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.i luv season 2 and the moviesUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.  

Hiyuu Akira


PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:24 pm

I loved watching the first seven episodes, trying to figure out why someone would risk their afterlife for the vengence....and watching how their vengence was taken.

Hell Girl is indeed pretty good. <3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:24 am
I am currently watching the 2nd season... I didn't watch the first but I am still looking for it... Any idea where to look? I already looked in youtube, crunchyroll, veoh....

Great series BTW~! I really love Enma Ai~! Heheh~!  



PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:08 pm
I am currently watching the 2nd season... I didn't watch the first but I am still looking for it... Any idea where to look? I already looked in youtube, crunchyroll, veoh....

Great series BTW~! I really love Enma Ai~! Heheh~!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:59 am
I am currently watching the 2nd season... I didn't watch the first but I am still looking for it... Any idea where to look? I already looked in youtube, crunchyroll, veoh....

Great series BTW~! I really love Enma Ai~! Heheh~!

i also tried but nothin's showing up when i try to watch it there... guess it's connect to other video link and already removed... well, my friend gonna lend me one so yahoo~  


ll --SakuraKatana -- ll

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:30 am
[Anime-Sensei has both the first and second seasons available for download, plus several other animes. Subbed though.]

But yes. I love that show. And the openings for both seasons. <3

Even though it gets repetative after awhile, if you don't mind that kind of thing, it's definately something worthwhile to see. :3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 8:53 pm
[Anime-Sensei has both the first and second seasons available for download, plus several other animes. Subbed though.]

But yes. I love that show. And the openings for both seasons. <3

Even though it gets repetative after awhile, if you don't mind that kind of thing, it's definately something worthwhile to see. :3


Your Only Loophole

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:07 pm
OMG I LOOOOOVVE IT!!! (which reminds me that I have to finish the second season)  
"FLDBAO" ~For the Love of Desu~ Books, Anime, and Others!

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