Full Moon And the Silent Sky It Lay.

Tears Falling from Broken Clouds,
To see the Moon within these Shrouds.
I find the Life to see so Clearly in Dim Light,
What Dark Beuty is Real in Drifting Sight.
To Hide Once More by Moon, by Rain's Blur,
And Find Myself at a Homeless State Once More.
A Theif, a Criminal they would Say to Us with No Place,
So we as One were once and for All Alone in this Silent Pace.
All Humans will Always and Forever be the Same,
Except the Moon, the Rain, and the silent sky from which they came.

The wings of love.

To love without a heart as pure as diamond shards,
Is to see only the surface of that true loves wings.
If you want me, you must give me 1 kiss.
If you want my love, you must give me loves wings.
If you want my heart a whole, you must give me the moon.
If you want my soul's eyes, you must give me a galaxy.
And if you want my wings of love to soar for you alone,
You must give me Eternity's tears.
But If you can not give me this and you still want them,
You must steal the wings of love from me as if love is one of my fears.

both are in my journal...