September 2010
[09/09/10 02:40am] Something from FB since I haven't posed anything new
May 2010
[05/01/10 05:31pm] Promnomnom!!
April 2010
[04/27/10 01:44am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[04/19/10 02:26am] I hope you get fired and shot in a drive by <3[04/10/10 02:06am] Repo Men[04/05/10 06:06am] I went to mass, guys!!!![04/04/10 03:27am] My hot topic adventures C:[04/04/10 02:57am] So remember that girl?[04/03/10 03:58am] So I met this girl today XD[04/02/10 02:58pm] Money money money!
March 2010
[03/14/10 02:54am] So I went to some cooking thingy Saturday...[03/07/10 11:18pm] I knocked myself out before school[03/02/10 02:10am] I was stalked on my way home today by two arab people
February 2010
[02/28/10 07:38pm] One of the many events from last Friday C:[02/21/10 06:43pm] I have art for some of you~!!![02/20/10 09:23pm] My Favorite Canadian C:[02/18/10 12:44am] I still have his shirt[02/18/10 12:25am] I'm kinda bummed out 'cause of you, Leon.[02/16/10 01:36am] I SAW THE RAPIST[02/10/10 11:13pm] Super doctor update![02/09/10 11:58pm] Take That, Kiddies![02/09/10 12:51am] Sorry I haven't posted anything
January 2010
[01/09/10 03:06am] I've found a pattern!
December 2009
[12/27/09 04:56am] I really, really, REALLY don't like it when you ye...[12/26/09 11:51pm] I got some crazy asain candy[12/25/09 03:59am] So there's this spider[12/22/09 10:36pm] Hey guys![12/19/09 12:35am] I pretty much go out-creeped[12/15/09 10:26pm] HEH.[12/15/09 12:52am] A Sunday Mall Extravaganza :D[12/08/09 12:36am] WTF.[12/06/09 03:23am] Whoa, really?
November 2009
[11/26/09 01:01am] YES. Surgery news + Shopping=happiness[11/24/09 12:23am] My update I said I would make :3[11/21/09 11:02pm] Today I[11/15/09 06:35pm] Huck Finn[11/14/09 05:36am] I'm adorable :D[11/10/09 02:55am] SO A BIT OF A PREVIEW.[11/09/09 03:33am] All these Mood Swings
October 2009
[10/31/09 12:06pm] So the other day[10/27/09 02:27am] It's not that..[10/05/09 01:43am] ABORTION. (READ THE WHOLE DAMN THING BEFORE COMMEN...
September 2009
[09/30/09 11:19pm] So I went to the doctor today~[09/28/09 12:09am] Strange things I have said, or people have misshea...[09/22/09 02:29am] So I have to find[09/20/09 11:04pm] I'm a musical...[09/16/09 03:07am] G-g-grades![09/07/09 07:22am] I love having conversations with people in the ear...[09/07/09 05:53am] You unsohisticated silly little boys[09/06/09 04:53am] A random thingy off of facebook[09/06/09 03:37am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[09/05/09 02:12am] Gimme a piece of paper[09/04/09 02:30am] So I didn't want a class ring (Now with pics!)[09/03/09 04:13am] So I just can't win[09/03/09 03:11am] It's always depressing when..
August 2009
[08/29/09 01:01am] Yuki! You're turning violet![08/28/09 12:56am] So continuing rant on calculators..[08/27/09 11:29pm] Holy Shit People.[08/27/09 02:05am] Magical Playlist of sorts[08/22/09 11:22pm] I HAVE THE MOST AMAZING PAIR OF SHOES IN THE WORLD[08/20/09 10:49pm] I know you don't like me but...[08/19/09 02:27am] It's... It's getting closer!! OMG!
May 2009
[05/10/09 11:21pm] Bite me! I dare you D:<
March 2009
[03/30/09 04:12am] I Think I Love You, Baby.[03/15/09 03:38am] Yuki's going to make you a deal[03/15/09 03:15am] "Were the men in that shop gay..."[03/14/09 03:34pm] Anime Today~!
February 2009
[02/14/09 02:13am] A private journal entry >D[02/09/09 01:18am] My arm 3[02/06/09 02:09am] My whiteboard[02/05/09 11:31pm] Update on teacher and arm[02/04/09 01:25am] Geometry[02/02/09 11:52pm] My beloved arm
January 2009
[01/27/09 02:26am] I've decided that[01/25/09 03:05am] I'm sorry[01/25/09 03:02am] You're doing it wrong[01/23/09 09:45pm] I'm Saving[01/23/09 09:37pm] Colossal Beast Man[01/23/09 09:22pm] You don't think with your heart.[01/19/09 03:07pm] "I know you're listening"[01/05/09 12:49am] It's the bad touch, baby ;D[[updated and done <3 ]][01/03/09 05:15am] So I'm back[01/01/09 04:20am] New Year things
December 2008
[12/31/08 05:30am] I've been thinking[12/31/08 02:27am] Accident just waiting to happen[12/29/08 07:20pm] Blah[12/25/08 05:08am] Sadist of Mine[12/22/08 08:58pm] Virus[12/21/08 04:02am] Today at anime![12/20/08 03:21am] The Best dream ever[12/17/08 01:54am] Signs for me![12/17/08 01:05am] I saw a car accident :'D[12/13/08 12:48am] I got in a street fight with my cat[12/08/08 01:45am] I set my yard on fire! Pics coming xD[12/06/08 03:26pm] Gaia Cash[12/03/08 03:34am] Pic I drew[12/02/08 10:49pm] Candy, damnit D<
November 2008
[11/30/08 03:34am] My dad <3[11/28/08 02:37pm] The movies[11/27/08 07:54pm] Happy Thanksgiving![11/26/08 05:03pm] My little rant[11/25/08 11:19pm] School happenings
October 2008
[10/25/08 06:25am] Art I have drawn RESENTLY ;D[10/19/08 01:55am] So today I....[10/15/08 03:32am] As many of you know...[10/10/08 10:45pm] Kisa CANNOT, for the life of her, SEW[10/04/08 02:29am] Gah D:
September 2008
[09/26/08 03:16am] Apperently I'm getting married O___o[09/24/08 01:05am] My day at school today : D[09/18/08 02:12am] stuff : D Like.. dreams I guess?[09/14/08 07:19pm] My Kitty :3[09/09/08 10:14pm] My shopping adventures of 9/8/08[09/07/08 04:13am] Nail Polish[09/06/08 05:12am] Avi contest :3[09/05/08 08:02pm] My Shirt design lost D:[09/04/08 02:34am] Quizzes O:[09/03/08 10:10pm] Spitting Rainbows [[My Art Shoppe]][09/03/08 09:57pm] My day at school O: Not that you care XD![09/02/08 03:21am] Anime club :3[09/01/08 06:54pm] I'm not the smartest person we know XD
August 2008
[08/27/08 11:33am] We will always be together :3[08/14/08 10:11pm] First Day of School!![08/13/08 04:10pm] School starts tomorrow D:![08/12/08 06:21pm] Nitemare Scarf[08/11/08 01:28am] June's Grandpa[08/07/08 05:01pm] Fears : D[08/05/08 07:24pm] Self Portrait[08/02/08 08:34pm] Our Water Broke!![08/02/08 06:44am] Random thoughts..and stuff about my face 8D
July 2008
[07/31/08 02:09pm] Post-op Part TWO[07/31/08 12:26am] Post-op part ONE[07/29/08 03:12pm] Surgery!! D:[07/28/08 01:44am] Pre-stuff for KYO's part of the Art Shoppe[07/25/08 11:48pm] My coocoon :3[07/19/08 07:21pm] Results[07/05/08 03:42pm] murr
June 2008
[06/17/08 02:32am] School[06/06/08 12:42am] Pre-stuff for Art shoppe
May 2008
[05/30/08 04:58pm] The Finalists!![05/19/08 08:42pm] Wish me luck?[05/12/08 01:17am] Finals!!!!
April 2008
[04/30/08 11:42pm] Art that I have drawn o:[04/22/08 11:01am] Art updates o:[04/03/08 01:56am] About the contest on my profile
March 2008
[03/28/08 05:02am] Mur Crow @w@ Yeah... read on fellow readers![03/26/08 03:45am] My Rant about[03/25/08 08:55pm] My wonderful day with the phone :''D[03/19/08 09:30pm] Jesus![03/19/08 09:17pm] Dry Ice!!!![03/18/08 01:11am] K!!! More stuff I stole from other people's journals ^^[03/18/08 12:56am] Stuff I Stolded from other people's journals ~_^[03/17/08 02:24am] Anime Club
January 2008
[01/21/08 12:48am] In honor of MLK day^^[01/20/08 08:32pm] I'm not sure what it is .__.
December 2007
[12/26/07 06:18pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[12/17/07 01:46am] Phonebook[12/14/07 11:41am] Quote of the day^^[12/14/07 01:01am] OK!!! SOMETHING NEW!!!![12/14/07 12:02am] Extra Extra!!!! More news for thee!![12/07/07 04:05am] News for thee!
November 2007
[11/24/07 06:30pm] O_O A private journal entry O_O Curious, no?[11/24/07 06:15pm] WHEEE!!!![11/18/07 04:48pm] WHEEE!!!! Skating![11/17/07 05:51pm] Avi art >W<[11/13/07 11:45am] And the movies!!! Again!!!![11/11/07 04:11am] OMG!!! I went to the movies again today![11/10/07 04:40am] Oh look! Questions I stole from Roger's Journal XD[11/10/07 04:12am] !!! TODAY!!!!! [11/07/07 11:54pm] Ummm.... UPDATE!!! What I've been to lazy to write XD
October 2007
[10/27/07 07:16am] Movie Question!!!! XD[10/27/07 07:02am] Woot!!! 10/27/07!!!![10/16/07 02:43am] XD XD XD More For you! XD[10/11/07 12:43am] OMG!!!!! two days: 10/9/07 AND 10/10/07! Enjoy! XD[10/09/07 01:11am] 10/8/07 !!!![10/05/07 09:25pm] today's happenings of 10/5/07[10/04/07 09:21pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[10/02/07 08:47pm] today's happenings.... 10/02/07[10/02/07 08:44pm] OMG!!!! More Questions For You!!!!! XD[10/02/07 08:32pm] Hmmm... More Questions!!!! Ya gets a grade with th...[10/02/07 01:11am] Hmmmm.... magical questions? YES!!!!! >W<[10/02/07 12:55am] 10/1/07
September 2007
[09/28/07 11:11pm] 9/28/07[09/27/07 10:03pm] OK!!!!! Sutpid happenings of today, 9/27/06[09/26/07 08:53pm] Ok.. ALL my other icons from my profile.....[09/26/07 07:07pm] events of 9/26/07[09/25/07 08:57pm] questins for you...... rerun!!!!!!!!!!!![09/25/07 08:53pm] My day of 9/25/07[09/24/07 09:40pm] Strange happenings at school 9/24/07[09/21/07 11:30pm] The weirdest thing that happened to me today at sc...[09/13/07 01:37am] Haha!!! ....the alphabet.....[09/03/07 11:31am] AVI ART!!!!!!!! >W<
August 2007
[08/26/07 11:00pm] BEHOLD!!!! the icons that were in my profile....[08/24/07 12:27am] OK!!!! new quizes!!!!! ^^U[08/08/07 05:18am] >> << >> << >> <<[08/03/07 04:26am] my house's results for when i entered it....[08/01/07 07:33pm] Read and learn.....^^U
July 2007
[07/30/07 07:32am] ^^plz don't kill me^^[07/28/07 06:14am] My newest quest!!!! UPDATED!!!!![07/23/07 09:45pm] Enjoy^.^ Seriously.... Enjoy^.^[07/22/07 01:29pm] Stupid test>.>[07/22/07 01:14pm] Haha!!! This is something i would do....[07/17/07 08:25am] Random questions for you[07/08/07 11:15pm] Dreams and Nightmares[07/06/07 06:34am] FINALLY!!!! The Quiz-A-Thon is OVER!!!![07/06/07 06:28am] 7/8[07/06/07 06:24am] part 6 of 8 for quiz-a-thon #2[07/06/07 12:21am] PART 5!!!![07/06/07 12:07am] Q2 p4[07/05/07 11:46pm] #2 part 3[07/05/07 11:25pm] V2 1.2[07/05/07 11:21pm] Quiz-A-Thon #2 part 1[07/05/07 11:01am] part 6( I think it's the last part to my series^.^...[07/05/07 10:59am] Part 5![07/05/07 10:57am] Part 4[07/05/07 10:56am] part 3?[07/05/07 10:54am] part 2[07/05/07 10:47am] A Few Questions, Anyone? Hehehehe...part 1[07/05/07 05:25am] Your Turn [07/05/07 04:24am] Look! Dry Water![07/03/07 07:09am] So you want your own cake and you want to eat it too?[07/02/07 08:47am] Everybody LOVES Pie, Right?[07/02/07 04:32am] Fortune Cookies[07/02/07 01:52am] Car Accidents & the News[07/01/07 09:23pm] A Quote, For Those That Would Like One[07/01/07 09:06pm] Behind the screen