I just made the biggest mistake of my life. Not only did I just give one guy a headache, making him feel guilty and horrible, and make this other guy scream at me, But I also just made my best friend in the entire world cry. 3birds with one stone. I hate myself. I've made the worst out of my life. Somehow, I got the guy who my friend loves to like me, despite that I moved away, And he admitted it. So now she is prolly debating whether or not there's a reason to live, and it's all my f***ing fault. I desrve to be beaten and left to die. because that's what I feel like. I'm such a horrible person. And please god don't sympathize with me. GO ahead, scream at me for hurting my friend. I deserve whatever comes. so, for another day, I can lay in bed knowing I have made someones life worse..
Bewitchedh · Fri Apr 08, 2005 @ 02:36pm · 1 Comments |